New directions in the history and sociolinguistics of French
Book Chapter
Carruthers, J., McLaughlin, M., & Walsh, O. (2024). New directions in the history and sociolinguistics of French. In J. Carruthers, M. McLaughlin, & O. Walsh (Eds.), Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French (1-24). Oxford University Press.
Outputs (14)
Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns (2024)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2024). Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns. In J. Carruthers, M. McLaughlin, & O. Walsh (Eds.), Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French (254-275). Oxford University Press (OUP). de langage, or language columns, are articles discussing questions related to language which are produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press (Remysen 2005: 270–1). While the content of the columns can vary,... Read More about Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns.
Metaphor as a manifestation of prescriptivism: the case of France and Quebec (2023)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O., & Humphries, E. (2023). Metaphor as a manifestation of prescriptivism: the case of France and Quebec. In The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Prescriptivism (427-446). RoutledgeThis chapter considers prescriptivism in the French language from a comparative perspective, focusing on a particular type of metalinguistic text, namely texts providing “language advice”. It provides a discussion of prescriptivism in general, outlin... Read More about Metaphor as a manifestation of prescriptivism: the case of France and Quebec.
Discourse Analysis of Print Media (2022)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2022). Discourse Analysis of Print Media. In Research Methods in Language Attitudes (19-34). Cambridge University Press. chapter examines how discourse analysis as applied to print media can be used to examine language attitudes. It outlines the main strengths and limitations of this method. One of the most important strengths lies in the fact that the printed pre... Read More about Discourse Analysis of Print Media.
Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages (2021)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2021). Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 42(9), 773-782. special issue provides new perspectives on how standard language ideology (SLI) informs and influences attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ language varieties. Standard languages are commonly viewed as uniform, minimally varying (homogeneous) forms... Read More about Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages.
Women in the history of linguistics: edited by Ayres-Bennett, Wendy and Helena Sanson, Oxford,Oxford University Press, 2020, 672 pp., US$ 145.00/GBP 110.00 (hardback), ISBN 9780198754954 (2021)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2022). Women in the history of linguistics: edited by Ayres-Bennett, Wendy and Helena Sanson, Oxford,Oxford University Press, 2020, 672 pp., US$ 145.00/GBP 110.00 (hardback), ISBN 9780198754954. Language and History, 65(1), 82-84.
The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2021). The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France. In C. Marimon-Llorca, & S. Schwarze (Eds.), Authoritative Discourse in Language Columns: Linguistic, Ideological and Social Issues (67-94). Peter Lang. study examines a sample of language columns produced by six different authors in France during three key periods of the 20th century to determine how these authors construct the authority necessary to pronounce on language usage and impose parti... Read More about The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France.
Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux (2021)
Pano Alaman, A., Ruggiano, F., & Walsh, O. (Eds.). (2021). Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. opinions que les locuteurs ordinaires, et pas seulement les linguistes de profession, portent sur les langues (c’est-à-dire les idéologies linguistiques) influencent les langues elles-mêmes, les transforment au fil du temps, et contribuent à la c... Read More about Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux.
Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O., & Cotelli Kureth, S. (2021). Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse. In Les idéologies linguistiques: débats, purismes et stratégies discursives (469-492). Peter Lang International Academic PublishersCet article est le premier à proposer une étude contrastive de deux traditions de chroniques de langage en francophonie. Nous analysons les types métaphoriques et les différents usages des métaphores dans les chroniques françaises et suisses romandes... Read More about Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse.
The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec (2020)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2021). The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 42(9), 869-881. has a tradition of language columns, articles discussing questions related to the French language produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press. This study examines the content and discourse of a sample of these l... Read More about The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec.