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Outputs (33)

Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa Case Study Cocreation Workshop Report (2025)
Ochang, P., Eke, D., Stahl, B., Cameron, H., Buckley, M., Poder, I., & Rodrigues, R. (2025). Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa Case Study Cocreation Workshop Report. ESPRC and RAI UK

The University of Nottingham hosted a co-creational workshop from 29th to 31st January at the Jubilee Hotel & Conference facilities, bringing together participants from the RAISE project’s case studies across the UK and Africa. The workshop focused o... Read More about Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa Case Study Cocreation Workshop Report.

Specific Heuristics for Smartwatch Usability Evaluation: Development, Validation, and Comparison (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, Y., Richart, M., & Hermawati, S. (2025, April). Specific Heuristics for Smartwatch Usability Evaluation: Development, Validation, and Comparison. Presented at Ergonomics & Human Factors 2025, Burton Upon Trent, UK

This study examined the effectiveness of specialised heuristics for smartwatches, focusing on unique usability challenges of wearable interfaces. The study used a combination of literature review, focus groups, and expert evaluation to develop ten he... Read More about Specific Heuristics for Smartwatch Usability Evaluation: Development, Validation, and Comparison.

Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly? (2024)
Ochang, P., Eke, D., Stahl, B., Buckley, . M., Poder, I., & Hughes, J. (2024). Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?. ESPRC and RAI UK

Generative AI is changing the way our economies and businesses operate, and SMEs could be receiving more benefits from this transition. Over the past 12 months in the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) project we have been wo... Read More about Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?.

Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report (2024)
Ochang, P., Stahl, B., Eke, D., & Cameron, H. Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report. ESPRC and RAI UK

On the 1st of July 2024, the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa (RAISE) project hosted its inaugural workshop, bringing together small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the United Kingdom and Africa. The workshop focused o... Read More about Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report.

Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India (2024)
Journal Article
Devilat, B. M., Lanuza, F., Mane, M., & Pithawalla, Z. (2024). Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India. Disaster Prevention and Management, 33(5), 480-501.

Purpose: Despite the recurrence of earthquakes, responses are usually triggered afterwards, lacking mitigation strategies to diminish risks. Damaged dwellings cannot be immediately reinforced to continue inhabitation, generating disruption. Repairs a... Read More about Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India.

Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination in a Co-located Shared Augmented Reality Game: Perspectives From Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Luna, S. M., Xu, J., Papangelis, K., Tigwell, G. W., Lalone, N., Saker, M., Chamberlain, A., Laato, S., Dunham, J., & Wang, Y. (2024, May). Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination in a Co-located Shared Augmented Reality Game: Perspectives From Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Presented at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), Honolulu, HI, USA

Co-located collaborative shared augmented reality (CS-AR) environments have gained considerable research attention, mainly focusing on design, implementation, accuracy, and usability. Yet, a gap persists in our understanding regarding the accessibili... Read More about Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination in a Co-located Shared Augmented Reality Game: Perspectives From Deaf and Hard of Hearing People.

Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa: RAISE guidelines (2024)
Ochang, P., Stahl, B., Eke, D., Buckley, M., Poder, I., Hughes, J., Rodrigues, R., & Barnard-Wills, D. (2024). Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa: RAISE guidelines. Responsible AI UK

Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), including technology start-ups, are driving the development of Generative Artificial Intelligence products and services, whilst some non-technology SMEs are enthusiastically adopting these tools. However, SMEs do n... Read More about Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa: RAISE guidelines.

Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Greaves, S., Abbott-Fleming, V., & Somerset, S. (2024, March). Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit. Presented at 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain

Concept mapping is increasingly being used as an approach to enhance the development of evidence-based public health interventions. In a prior collaborative-participatory study, Agile methodology was used to co-create the web-based Pain-at-Work (PAW)... Read More about Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit.

Delivering web-based workforce training interventions: the WWHIDE framework and key considerations for health research (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Chaplin, W., Hassard, J., & Thomson, L. (2024, March). Delivering web-based workforce training interventions: the WWHIDE framework and key considerations for health research. Presented at 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain

The workplace is an important setting for raising awareness of public health issues and delivering interventions to promote health and wellbeing of working-age adults. The role of employers in supporting the physical and mental health of their employ... Read More about Delivering web-based workforce training interventions: the WWHIDE framework and key considerations for health research.

Mathematical modelling and deep learning algorithms to automate assessment of single and digitally multiplexed immunohistochemical stains in tumoural stroma (2023)
Journal Article
Burrows, L., Sculthorpe, D., Zhang, H., Rehman, O., Mukherjee, A., & Chen, K. (2024). Mathematical modelling and deep learning algorithms to automate assessment of single and digitally multiplexed immunohistochemical stains in tumoural stroma. Journal of Pathology Informatics, 15, Article 100351.

Whilst automated analysis of immunostains in pathology research has focused predominantly on the epithelial compartment, automated analysis of stains in the stromal compartment is challenging and therefore requires time-consuming pathological input a... Read More about Mathematical modelling and deep learning algorithms to automate assessment of single and digitally multiplexed immunohistochemical stains in tumoural stroma.

FUTURE MACHINE: Making Myths & Designing Technology for a Responsible Future: Making Myths and Entanglement: Community engagement at the edge of participatory design and user experience (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jacobs, R., Spence, J., Abbott, F., Chamberlain, A., Heim, W., Yemaoua Dayo, A., Kemp, D., Benford, S., Price, D., Shackford, R., Robson, J., Locke, C., & King, J. (2023, October). FUTURE MACHINE: Making Myths & Designing Technology for a Responsible Future: Making Myths and Entanglement: Community engagement at the edge of participatory design and user experience. Presented at Mindtrek '23: 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, Tampere, Finland

This paper explores the unique methods and strategies employed by a team of artists, in collaboration with engineers, programmers, a climate scientist, researchers and members of the public, who have come together to create the Future Machine, with t... Read More about FUTURE MACHINE: Making Myths & Designing Technology for a Responsible Future: Making Myths and Entanglement: Community engagement at the edge of participatory design and user experience.

Designing Apps to Track Mental Workload (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M., Shaban, J., Ma, X., Shalliker, M., Midha, S., & Sharples, S. (2023, September). Designing Apps to Track Mental Workload. Paper presented at The Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics, Athens, Greece and online

Brain-related wearables are now freely available on the market, and with even wrist-worn devices making estimates about cognitive activity, understanding Cognitive Personal Informatics (CogPI) has become a pressing issue. In this paper, we present a... Read More about Designing Apps to Track Mental Workload.

Responsible AI and the Arts: The Ethical and Legal Implications of AI in the Arts and Creative Industries (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Piskopani, A. M., Chamberlain, A., & Ten Holter, C. (2023, July). Responsible AI and the Arts: The Ethical and Legal Implications of AI in the Arts and Creative Industries. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS 23), Edinburgh, UK

This position piece starts to examine the ways in which AI-based autonomous technologies have begun to influence a range of human activities in the arts and creative industries.The rise of AI-generated art could potentially transform the act of creat... Read More about Responsible AI and the Arts: The Ethical and Legal Implications of AI in the Arts and Creative Industries.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Prompts and Practice Cards: a Tool to Support Responsible Practice (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Portillo, V., Greenhalgh, C., Craigon, P. J., & Ten Holter, C. (2023, July). Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Prompts and Practice Cards: a Tool to Support Responsible Practice. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK

Researchers often find it hard to know where, when and how to start when applying Responsible Innovation approaches to their own research projects and proposals. Based on experience supporting a range of researchers and projects, we have developed a... Read More about Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Prompts and Practice Cards: a Tool to Support Responsible Practice.

Five Provocations for a More Creative TAS (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Hazzard, A., Vear, C., Webb, H., Chamberlain, A., Greenhalgh, C., Ramchurn, R., & Marshall, J. (2023, July). Five Provocations for a More Creative TAS. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS 23), Edinburgh, UK

Conventional wisdom has it that trustworthy autonomous systems (AS) should be explainable, dependable, controllable and safe tools for humans to use. Reflecting on a portfolio of artistic applications of TAS leads us adopt an alternative stance and t... Read More about Five Provocations for a More Creative TAS.

Explainable AI for the Arts: XAIxArts (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bryan-Kinns, N., Ford, C., Chamberlain, A., Benford, S. D., Kennedy, H., Li, Z., Qiong, W., Xia, G. G., & Rezwana, J. (2023, June). Explainable AI for the Arts: XAIxArts. Presented at 15th Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C 23), New York, NY

This first workshop on explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts) brings together a community of researchers and creative practitioners in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Interaction Design, AI, explainable AI (XAI), and Digital Arts to explore the rol... Read More about Explainable AI for the Arts: XAIxArts.

Reconstruction of housing after the 2010 earthquake in Chile. Challenges and Lessons from the Heritage Reconstruction Programme (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DEVILAT, B. (2023, June). Reconstruction of housing after the 2010 earthquake in Chile. Challenges and Lessons from the Heritage Reconstruction Programme. Presented at i-Rec Conference 2023: Tensions Between Tradition and Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Action, and Reconstruction: Reflecting on Tohoku’s Recovery Twelve Years Later, Sendai, Japan

Advanced documentation technologies for a people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Devilat, B., Lanuza, F., Mane, M., & Pithawalla, Z. (2023, June). Advanced documentation technologies for a people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India. Presented at i-Rec conference 2023, Sendai, Japan

Despite the recurrence of earthquakes, responses are usually triggered afterwards, lacking mitigation strategies to diminish risks. Damaged dwellings cannot be immediately reinforced to continue inhabitation, generating disruption. Repairs are usuall... Read More about Advanced documentation technologies for a people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India.

Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale (2023)
Journal Article
Borsci, S., Prati, E., Malizia, A., Schmettow, M., Chamberlain, A., & Federici, S. (2023). Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 27(6), 2161-2170.

Chatbot-based tools are becoming pervasive in multiple domains from commercial websites to rehabilitation applications. Only recently, an eleven-item satisfaction inventory was developed (the ChatBot Usability Scale, BUS-11) to help designers in the... Read More about Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale.