Functionalised SiO2 modified icephobic nanocomposite electrospun membranes for outdoor electromagnetic shielding applications
Journal Article
Tas, M., Musa, U. G., Ahmed, I., Xu, F., Smartt, C., & Hou, X. (2022). Functionalised SiO2 modified icephobic nanocomposite electrospun membranes for outdoor electromagnetic shielding applications. Polymer, 240, Article 124499.
Outdoor electronic equipment such as signal stations, radar units, and cellular base stations would benefit from electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding systems, but ice accretion on the surface of these facilities often causes critical challeng... Read More about Functionalised SiO2 modified icephobic nanocomposite electrospun membranes for outdoor electromagnetic shielding applications.