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Mr GABRIEL LEE's Outputs (24)

Validation of secondary pupil attitudes survey: Technical Report 2025/1 (2025)
Lee, G. C.-Y. (2025). Validation of secondary pupil attitudes survey: Technical Report 2025/1. Observatory for Mathematical Education

This technical report describes the validation of a survey of secondary school pupils’ attitudes towards mathematics. The survey will be used in a 7-year longitudinal study of pupils in England which is being conducted by the Observatory for Mathemat... Read More about Validation of secondary pupil attitudes survey: Technical Report 2025/1.

What does a sociologist do? Norwegian, English, and Hungarian university students’ possible future selves (2024)
Journal Article
Hordósy, R., Yasdiman, M. B., & Lee, G. C.-Y. (2025). What does a sociologist do? Norwegian, English, and Hungarian university students’ possible future selves. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 46(1), 132-150.

This paper explores how sociology undergraduate and postgraduate students understand and discuss their possible (sociological) futures in three national contexts of Norway, England, and Hungary. Using an international comparative design based on a to... Read More about What does a sociologist do? Norwegian, English, and Hungarian university students’ possible future selves.

Possible future sociological selves – A Comparative Study of Sociology Students’ Perceptions in Norway, England and Hungary (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HORDOSY, R., Yasdiman, M. B., & Lee, G. (2024, September). Possible future sociological selves – A Comparative Study of Sociology Students’ Perceptions in Norway, England and Hungary. Presented at British Educational Research Association Conference, Manchester

In light of Burawoy's assertion that sociology carries a moral purpose (Burawoy et al., 2005), this paper explores how undergraduate and postgraduate students of the discipline understand and discuss their possible sociological futures in the three n... Read More about Possible future sociological selves – A Comparative Study of Sociology Students’ Perceptions in Norway, England and Hungary.

How do mathematics education researchers treat ordinal variables in structural equation models? (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lee, G. C.-Y. (2024, July). How do mathematics education researchers treat ordinal variables in structural equation models?. Presented at 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, Australia

Mathematics education researchers often work with observations, such as survey responses and tests, related to unobserved abilities or characteristics, such as attitudes and beliefs. Those observations are often measured as ordinal variables. A criti... Read More about How do mathematics education researchers treat ordinal variables in structural equation models?.

Mathematical reasoning in PISA 2022 (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chun-Yeung Lee, G., & Ingram, J. (2024, July). Mathematical reasoning in PISA 2022. Presented at 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Mathematical reasoning has increasingly been playing a central role in curricula around the world but has been a focus of research in mathematics education for many years. In 2018, the OECD revised the PISA mathematics assessment framework to explici... Read More about Mathematical reasoning in PISA 2022.

The linguistic challenges of moving between examples and generalisations: Always, sometimes or never true? (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ingram, J., Lee, G. C.-Y., & Erath, K. (2024, July). The linguistic challenges of moving between examples and generalisations: Always, sometimes or never true?. Presented at 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, Australia

Language plays an important role in promoting learning in mathematics. Given language diversity within mathematics classrooms and the linguistic challenges that students and teachers may experience in mathematical discourses, enhancing language can p... Read More about The linguistic challenges of moving between examples and generalisations: Always, sometimes or never true?.

Mathematical reasoning and problem-solving in PISA 2022 - How do performance profiles vary across countries? (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ingram, J., Lee, G., & Stiff, J. (2024, July). Mathematical reasoning and problem-solving in PISA 2022 - How do performance profiles vary across countries?. Presented at 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Auckland, New Zealand

In PISA 2022, a new process subdomain was introduced focused on mathematical reasoning. This process was seen as the core of the problem-solving process that typifies PISA mathematics assessments. The results of PISA 2022 suggest that students in som... Read More about Mathematical reasoning and problem-solving in PISA 2022 - How do performance profiles vary across countries?.

Gatekeepers and producers of global sociological knowledge: exploring the stated aims, editorial boards and author networks of disciplinary journals (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hordosy, R., Brown, E., Vega Castillo, M. A., & Lee, G. (2023, December). Gatekeepers and producers of global sociological knowledge: exploring the stated aims, editorial boards and author networks of disciplinary journals. Paper presented at SRHE International Conference 2023, Birmingham, UK

This paper aims to analyse leading international sociology journals regarding the interplay of the centre-periphery relations as observed within their aims, editorial boards and author networks. As such, it explores the geographies of knowledge in th... Read More about Gatekeepers and producers of global sociological knowledge: exploring the stated aims, editorial boards and author networks of disciplinary journals.

PISA 2022: National Report for Northern Ireland (2023)
Ingram, J., Stiff, J., Cadwallader, S., Chun-Yeung Lee, G., & Kayton, H. (2023). PISA 2022: National Report for Northern Ireland. Department of Education, Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland findings from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022, an international study that produces research reports relating to education.

PISA 2022: National Report for Wales (2023)
Ingram, J., Stiff, J., Cadwallader, S., Lee, G., & Kayton, H. (2023). PISA 2022: National Report for Wales. Welsh Government

PISA 2022 involved 81 education systems, including Wales. In Wales, 2,568 15-year-old learners from 89 schools completed a 2-hour computer-based assessment and learner questionnaire.

The sample for Wales, and for many other countries, did not meet... Read More about PISA 2022: National Report for Wales.

PISA 2022: National Report for England (2023)
Ingram, J., Stiff, J., Cadwallader, S., Chun-Yeung Lee, G., & Kayton, H. (2023). PISA 2022: National Report for England. Department for Education

Always, sometimes, or never true: The linguistic challenges of transitioning between examples and generalisations (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ingram, J., & Lee, G. (2023, November). Always, sometimes, or never true: The linguistic challenges of transitioning between examples and generalisations. Presented at BSRLM Autumn Day Conference 2023, Bristol, UK

Both teachers and students encounter linguistic challenges in mathematics classrooms. Many of these challenges are also mathematical in nature and are often topic-specific. In this paper, we examine these challenges as they arise when teachers and st... Read More about Always, sometimes, or never true: The linguistic challenges of transitioning between examples and generalisations.

How ‘global’ are sociology journals in the Web of Science database? Exploring journal aims, editorial board networks and authorship (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brown, E., Vega Castillo, M. A., Lee, G., & Hordosy, R. (2023, June). How ‘global’ are sociology journals in the Web of Science database? Exploring journal aims, editorial board networks and authorship. Presented at Department of Sociology Seminar, Durham, UK

A knowledge hierarchy has long been present within the academic community dominated by producers, publishers and journals from western countries (Heilbron, 2014), whilst inequalities in who gets to edit and author have prompted calls for more inclusi... Read More about How ‘global’ are sociology journals in the Web of Science database? Exploring journal aims, editorial board networks and authorship.

Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report (2023)
Wake, G., Adkins, M., Dalby, D., Hall, J., Joubert, M., Lee, G. C.-Y., & Noyes, A. (2023). Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report. Department for Education

The intervention was designed to improve post-16 students’ learning of level 2 mathematics. In general, the approach used was one of teaching for mastery in FE, aligned to principles developed by teachers and educators working with the Centres for Ex... Read More about Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report.

Research and Development in University Mathematics Education: Overview produced by the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics: edited by Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Reinhard Hochmuth, Elena Nardi, & Carl Winsløw, Routledge, 2021, £32.99, ISBN: 978-0-367-36537-0 (2022)
Journal Article
Chun-Yeung Lee, . G. (2022). Research and Development in University Mathematics Education: Overview produced by the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics: edited by Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Reinhard Hochmuth, Elena Nardi, & Carl Winsløw, Routledge, 2021, £32.99, ISBN: 978-0-367-36537-0. LMS Newsletter, 37-38

"Why doesn't 'Johnny' like mathematics?" The voices of senior secondary students in Hong Kong (2022)
Journal Article
Lee, C.-Y., & Fok, P.-K. (2022). "Why doesn't 'Johnny' like mathematics?" The voices of senior secondary students in Hong Kong. Education Journal, 50(1), 1-30

While Hong Kong students excel at international tests in mathematics, they do not display corresponding attitudes toward mathematics learning. This study examined 10 Hong Kong Secondary 6 students’ perceptions of learning mathematics (experiential cu... Read More about "Why doesn't 'Johnny' like mathematics?" The voices of senior secondary students in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong preservice teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards teaching proof in school mathematics: A design-based research (2022)
Lee, G. Hong Kong preservice teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards teaching proof in school mathematics: A design-based research. (Dissertation). University of Oxford.

Researchers have suggested that proof is essential for the learning of mathematics and should be placed at the centre of school mathematics. Yet, many studies suggest that teachers have counterproductive beliefs and attitudes towards teaching proof i... Read More about Hong Kong preservice teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards teaching proof in school mathematics: A design-based research.

"I would (not) teach proof, because it is (not) relevant to exams": changing beliefs about teaching proof (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lee, G. C.-Y. (2022, February). "I would (not) teach proof, because it is (not) relevant to exams": changing beliefs about teaching proof. Presented at welfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Online

Experts in mathematics education agree that reasoning and proof are essential and should be made central to learning mathematics. However, some school teachers tend to focus on procedural skills because of different beliefs unfavourable for the teach... Read More about "I would (not) teach proof, because it is (not) relevant to exams": changing beliefs about teaching proof.