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Dr NAOKO ARAKAWA's Outputs (22)

Preparing pharmacists for disaster management and practice: protocol for a scoping review with a participatory approach (2025)
Journal Article
Lydon, E., Scahill, S. L., Arakawa, N., Cox, A., Schneider, C. R., & Hanning, S. M. (2025). Preparing pharmacists for disaster management and practice: protocol for a scoping review with a participatory approach. BMJ Open, 15(3), Article e093033.

Introduction Emergency humanitarian situations can be caused by extreme weather events, natural disasters, civil conflicts, international wars, terrorism and pandemics, which threaten our health and compromise health systems worldwide. Pharmacists ar... Read More about Preparing pharmacists for disaster management and practice: protocol for a scoping review with a participatory approach.

Leadership competencies and behaviours in pharmacy: A qualitative content analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Aman, M., Arakawa, N., & Anderson, C. (2025). Leadership competencies and behaviours in pharmacy: A qualitative content analysis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 21(5), 340-350.

Across complex healthcare systems, effective leadership rises as a cornerstone for improving patient care, promoting innovation, and maintaining a thriving professional landscape. As with most healthcare professions, pharmacists are confr... Read More about Leadership competencies and behaviours in pharmacy: A qualitative content analysis.

Do you think medicines can be prescribed in a more eco-directed, greener way? A qualitative study based on public and prescriber focus groups on the impact of pharmaceuticals in Scotland's water environment (2025)
Journal Article
Niemi, L., Anderson, C., Arakawa, N., Taggart, M., Gibb, S., & Pfleger, S. (2025). Do you think medicines can be prescribed in a more eco-directed, greener way? A qualitative study based on public and prescriber focus groups on the impact of pharmaceuticals in Scotland's water environment. BMJ Open, 15(1), Article e088066.

Objectives This qualitative study explored public and prescriber awareness of pharmaceutical pollution in the water environment and eco-directed sustainable prescribing (EDSP) as a mitigation strategy to reduce the environmental impact of prescribing... Read More about Do you think medicines can be prescribed in a more eco-directed, greener way? A qualitative study based on public and prescriber focus groups on the impact of pharmaceuticals in Scotland's water environment.

Challenges and opportunities of Italian-qualified pharmacists relocated to work in Great Britain: A cross-sectional survey (2024)
Journal Article
Pasculli, G., Giua, C., Keber, E., Cancellu, O., Arakawa, N., & Manfrin, A. (2024). Challenges and opportunities of Italian-qualified pharmacists relocated to work in Great Britain: A cross-sectional survey. Pharmacia, 71, 1-19.

Background: The Italian university system is actively revising the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) curriculum to reflect post-COVID healthcare needs and a greater clinical focus. Understanding the challenges and opportunities faced by Italian pharmacists... Read More about Challenges and opportunities of Italian-qualified pharmacists relocated to work in Great Britain: A cross-sectional survey.

Co-developing frameworks towards environmentally directed pharmaceutical prescribing in Scotland – A mixed methods study (2024)
Journal Article
Niemi, L., Arakawa, N., Glendell, M., Gagkas, Z., Gibb, S., Anderson, C., & Pfleger, S. (2024). Co-developing frameworks towards environmentally directed pharmaceutical prescribing in Scotland – A mixed methods study. Science of the Total Environment, 955, Article 176929.

The presence of human pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment is recognised internationally as an important public health and environmental issue. In Scotland, healthcare sustainability targets call for improvements to medicine prescribing and use... Read More about Co-developing frameworks towards environmentally directed pharmaceutical prescribing in Scotland – A mixed methods study.

Cross-cultural Comparison of Recovery College Implementation Between Japan and England: Corpus-based Discourse Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Kotera, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Vilar-Lluch, S., Aizawa, I., Reilly, O., Miwa, A., Murakami, M., Stergiopoulos, V., Kroon, H., Giles, K., Garner, K., Ronaldson, A., McPhilbin, M., Jebara, T., Takhi, S., Repper, J., Meddings, S., Jepps, J., Simpson, A. J., Kellermann, V., …Eguchi, S. (2024). Cross-cultural Comparison of Recovery College Implementation Between Japan and England: Corpus-based Discourse Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,

Recovery Colleges (RCs) are mental health learning communities, operated in 28 countries across cultures. However, the RC operational model is informed by Western countries sharing similar cultural characteristics such as individualism and short-term... Read More about Cross-cultural Comparison of Recovery College Implementation Between Japan and England: Corpus-based Discourse Analysis.

Cross-Cultural Insights from Two Global Mental Health Studies: Self-Enhancement and Ingroup Biases (2024)
Journal Article
Kotera, Y., Ronaldson, A., Hayes, D., Hunter-Brown, H., McPhilbin, M., Dunnett, D., Jebara, T., Takhi, S., Masuda, T., Camacho, E., Bakolis, I., Repper, J., Meddings, S., Stergiopoulos, V., Brophy, L., De Ruysscher, C., Okoliyski, M., Kubinová, P., Eplov, L., Toernes, C., …Slade, M. (2024). Cross-Cultural Insights from Two Global Mental Health Studies: Self-Enhancement and Ingroup Biases. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,

This commentary highlights two cross-cultural issues identified from our global mental health (GMH) research, RECOLLECT (Recovery Colleges Characterisation and Testing) 2: self-enhancement and ingroup biases. Self-enhancement is a tendency to maintai... Read More about Cross-Cultural Insights from Two Global Mental Health Studies: Self-Enhancement and Ingroup Biases.

A systematic review of contemporary competency-based education and training for pharmacy practitioners and students (2022)
Journal Article
McMullen, J., Arakawa, N., Anderson, C., Pattison, L., & McGrath, S. (2023). A systematic review of contemporary competency-based education and training for pharmacy practitioners and students. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 19(2), 192-217.

Background: The use of competency-based education (CBE) worldwide is increasing and has been advocated for by key reports in health professional education. Recent developments, including the first global competency framework for pharmacists published... Read More about A systematic review of contemporary competency-based education and training for pharmacy practitioners and students.

Past, present, and future of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: Interviews with past presidents (2022)
Journal Article
Arakawa, N., Meštrović, A., & Tofade, T. (2022). Past, present, and future of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: Interviews with past presidents. Pharmacy Education, 22(4), 123-130.

Introduction: The Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS) of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) celebrates 50 years of its establishment in 2022. In the last decade, the Section had significant growth in membership and strategic planning deve... Read More about Past, present, and future of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: Interviews with past presidents.

Developing a FIP handbook for implementing competency-based education in pharmacy education (2022)
Journal Article
Arakawa, N., Akel, M., Anderson, C., Bajis, D., Darwish, R., Koster, A., McMullen, J., & Morris, M. (2022). Developing a FIP handbook for implementing competency-based education in pharmacy education. Pharmacy Education, 22(4), 150-154.

Competency-based education (CBE) is a viable educational approach to close a training gap between ever-changing health challenges and pharmacy and pharmaceutical education curricula. However, the implementation of CBE into initial professional educat... Read More about Developing a FIP handbook for implementing competency-based education in pharmacy education.

Steps forward for the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: President’s message (2022)
Journal Article
Tofade, T., & Arakawa, N. (2022). Steps forward for the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: President’s message. Pharmacy Education, 22(4), 34-41.

Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS) of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has a strong strategic implementation plan already in place. The Executive Committee (ExCo) determined ways forward by reviewing some key documents and conducting a... Read More about Steps forward for the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: President’s message.

Developing pharmacists' competencies in Saudi Arabia: A proposed national competency framework to support initial education and professional development (2022)
Journal Article
Alfaifi, S., Bridges, S., & Arakawa, N. (2022). Developing pharmacists' competencies in Saudi Arabia: A proposed national competency framework to support initial education and professional development. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning,

Introduction: With the currently accelerating changes in pharmacists' roles in Saudi Arabia, evidence-based developmental tools are required to guide initial pharmacy education and define competencies for early career (foundation level) pharmacists'... Read More about Developing pharmacists' competencies in Saudi Arabia: A proposed national competency framework to support initial education and professional development.

The relevance of the International Pharmaceutical Federation Global Competency Framework in developing a country-level competency framework for pharmacists: A cross-sectional study (2021)
Journal Article
Alfaifi, S., Arakawa, N., & Bridges, S. (2022). The relevance of the International Pharmaceutical Federation Global Competency Framework in developing a country-level competency framework for pharmacists: A cross-sectional study. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 5, Article 100095.

Background: In the ever-changing roles of pharmacists, the evidence shows that the use of competency frameworks could aid in achieving professional performance development and ensuring a consistent quality pharmacy education. However, there is no nat... Read More about The relevance of the International Pharmaceutical Federation Global Competency Framework in developing a country-level competency framework for pharmacists: A cross-sectional study.

Consensus development methods: Considerations for national and global frameworks and policy development (2021)
Journal Article
Arakawa, N., & Bader, L. R. (2022). Consensus development methods: Considerations for national and global frameworks and policy development. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(1), 2222-2229.

Background: key decisions have to be made in healthcare systems and policies often under uncertain conditions or without complete objective evidence. Decisions made on the health system and policy levels affect national and global population, which r... Read More about Consensus development methods: Considerations for national and global frameworks and policy development.

Enhancing employability opportunities for Pharmacy students; a case study of processes to implement competency‐based education in Pharmacy in Kenya (2021)
Journal Article
Ruparelia, J., McMullen, J., Anderson, C., Munene, D., & Arakawa, N. (2021). Enhancing employability opportunities for Pharmacy students; a case study of processes to implement competency‐based education in Pharmacy in Kenya. Higher Education Quarterly, 75(4), 608-617.

This paper challenges the western concept of graduate employability as a measure of student success through a case study of a collaboration between pharmacy colleagues in universities in Nairobi, Kenya and Nottingham, UK. As Pharmacy programmes globa... Read More about Enhancing employability opportunities for Pharmacy students; a case study of processes to implement competency‐based education in Pharmacy in Kenya.

A Comparative Exploration of Quality Assurance Results by the Third-Party Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation in Japan (2020)
Journal Article
Takeda, K., & Arakawa, N. (2021). A Comparative Exploration of Quality Assurance Results by the Third-Party Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation in Japan. Pharmacy, 9(1), 9.

Background: The Standards for the Establishment of Universities in Japan were revised; subsequently, the number of schools or universities of pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences increased from 46 in 2002 to 74 in 2016.The pharmacy education programme wa... Read More about A Comparative Exploration of Quality Assurance Results by the Third-Party Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation in Japan.

Challenges and opportunities in conducting health services research through international collaborations: A review of personal experiences (2020)
Journal Article
Arakawa, N., & Anderson, C. (2020). Challenges and opportunities in conducting health services research through international collaborations: A review of personal experiences. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 16(11), 1609-1613.

There is increasing attention to international collaborations in health services research with a number of benefits. For developing and nurturing international collaboration, an increasing number of funding opportunities are available globally. Havin... Read More about Challenges and opportunities in conducting health services research through international collaborations: A review of personal experiences.

A UK-Japan Comparative Qualitative Study on Pharmacists’ Experiences about Health and Wellbeing Hub Functions in Community Pharmacy - Preliminary analysis (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ARAKAWA, N., YAMAMURA, S., & BATES, I. A UK-Japan Comparative Qualitative Study on Pharmacists’ Experiences about Health and Wellbeing Hub Functions in Community Pharmacy - Preliminary analysis. Presented at Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference, 16–17 April 2020, Cardiff, UK