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Professor GORDON AIREY's Outputs (121)

Discrete element modelling of creep of asphalt mixtures (2015)
Journal Article
Cai, W., McDowell, G. R., Airey, G., & de Bono, J. P. (in press). Discrete element modelling of creep of asphalt mixtures. Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 11(1),

Creep tests on asphalt mixtures have been undertaken under four stress levels in the laboratory while the Discrete Element Model (DEM) has been used to simulate the laboratory tests. A modified Burger’s model has been used to represent the time-depen... Read More about Discrete element modelling of creep of asphalt mixtures.

Moisture damage assessment using surface energy, bitumen stripping and the SATS moisture conditioning procedure (2015)
Journal Article
Grenfell, J., Apeagyei, A. K., & Airey, G. (in press). Moisture damage assessment using surface energy, bitumen stripping and the SATS moisture conditioning procedure. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 16(5),

Durability is one of the most important properties of an asphalt mixture. A key factor affecting the durability of asphalt pavements is moisture damage. Moisture damage generally results in the loss of strength of the mixture due to two main mechanis... Read More about Moisture damage assessment using surface energy, bitumen stripping and the SATS moisture conditioning procedure.

Stiffness of cold asphalt mixtures with recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste (2015)
Journal Article
Gómez-Meijide, B., Pérez, I., Airey, G., & Thom, N. (2015). Stiffness of cold asphalt mixtures with recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste. Construction and Building Materials, 77, 168-178.

The stiffness of cold asphalt mixtures (CAM) with 100% recycled construction and demolition waste aggregates (CDWA) was studied from three different points of view: the indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM), the dynamic modulus at different tempe... Read More about Stiffness of cold asphalt mixtures with recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste.

Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders (2014)
Journal Article
Lamperti, R., Grenfell, J., Sangiorgi, C., Lantieri, C., & Airey, G. D. (2015). Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders. Construction and Building Materials, 76,

The benefits at the base of WMA technologies are well established in the literature. They include the reduction in the energy consumption during the production of mixtures, the reduction in the emissions to the atmosphere in the production plant and... Read More about Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders.

A study into the use of crumb rubber in railway ballast (2014)
Journal Article
Sol-Sánchez, M., Thom, N., Moreno-Navarro, F., Rubio-Gámeza, M., & Airey, G. (2015). A study into the use of crumb rubber in railway ballast. Construction and Building Materials, 75, 19-24.

Ballasted track is the most common form of construction used in railway transportation due to a number of benefits in comparison with other solutions such as slab track. However, the degradation of the ballast particles and the layer settlement lead... Read More about A study into the use of crumb rubber in railway ballast.

Accelerated swell testing of artificial sulfate bearing lime stabilised cohesive soils (2014)
Journal Article
Buttress, A. J., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (2015). Accelerated swell testing of artificial sulfate bearing lime stabilised cohesive soils. Materials and Structures, 48(11), 3635-3655.

This paper reports on the physico-chemical response of two lime stabilised sulfate bearing artificial soils subject to the European Accelerated Volumetric Swell Test (EN13286-49). At various intervals during the test, a specimen was removed and subje... Read More about Accelerated swell testing of artificial sulfate bearing lime stabilised cohesive soils.

Moisture-induced strength degradation of aggregate-asphalt mastic bonds (2014)
Journal Article
Apeagyei, A. K., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (in press). Moisture-induced strength degradation of aggregate-asphalt mastic bonds. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15(S1),

A common manifestation of moisture-induced damage in asphalt mixtures is the loss of adhesion at the aggregate–asphalt mastic interface and/or cohesion within the bulk mastic. This paper investigates the effects of moisture on the aggregate–mastic in... Read More about Moisture-induced strength degradation of aggregate-asphalt mastic bonds.

Mechanical and structural assessment of laboratory- and field-compacted asphalt mixtures (2014)
Journal Article
Airey, G., & Collop, A. (in press). Mechanical and structural assessment of laboratory- and field-compacted asphalt mixtures. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 17(1),

Compaction forms an integral part in the formation of the aggregate orientation and structure of an asphalt mixture and therefore has a profound influence on its final volumetric and mechanical performance. This article describes the influence of var... Read More about Mechanical and structural assessment of laboratory- and field-compacted asphalt mixtures.

Alternative methodologies to evaluate storage stability of rubberised bitumens (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lo Presti, D., Memon, N., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (2014, June). Alternative methodologies to evaluate storage stability of rubberised bitumens. Presented at 12th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, ISAP 2014, Raleigh, NC

Tyre Rubber Modified Binders (TR-MBs), produced through the McDonald wet process and used worldwide (e.g. asphalt rubber), have demonstrated various benefits to pavements and, moreover, they represent a good opportunity for recycling tyre rubber. How... Read More about Alternative methodologies to evaluate storage stability of rubberised bitumens.

Toward more realistic viscosity measurements of tyre rubber–bitumen blends (2014)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, D., Fecarotti, C., Clare, A. T., & Airey, G. (2014). Toward more realistic viscosity measurements of tyre rubber–bitumen blends. Construction and Building Materials, 67, 270-278.

The measurement of rheological properties of the tyre rubber bitumen blends is often challenging due to presence of suspended tyre rubber’s crumbs. Furthermore, the phase separation during the course of measurements makes the viscosity of these non-h... Read More about Toward more realistic viscosity measurements of tyre rubber–bitumen blends.

Application of Fickian and non-Fickian diffusion models to study moisture diffusion in asphalt mastics (2014)
Journal Article
Apeagyei, A. K., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (2015). Application of Fickian and non-Fickian diffusion models to study moisture diffusion in asphalt mastics. Materials and Structures, 48(5),

The objective of this study was to investigate certain aspects of asphalt mastic moisture diffusion characteristics in order to better understand the moisture damage phenomenon in asphalt mixtures. Moisture sorption experiments were conducted on four... Read More about Application of Fickian and non-Fickian diffusion models to study moisture diffusion in asphalt mastics.

Laboratory mix design of asphalt mixture containing reclaimed material (2014)
Journal Article
Collop, A., Abdul Hassan, N., Khan, R., Lo Presti, D., Khan, R., Hassan, N. A., Airey, G., & Collop, A. (2014). Laboratory mix design of asphalt mixture containing reclaimed material. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014(507082),

This paper presents a study on the production of asphalt test specimens in the laboratory containing reclaimed asphalt. The mixtures considered were stone mastic asphalt concrete mixtures containing up to 30% of reclaimed asphalt. Specimens were comp... Read More about Laboratory mix design of asphalt mixture containing reclaimed material.

Reclaimed asphalt test specimen preparation assisted by image analysis (2014)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, D., Hassan, N. A., Khan, R., & Airey, G. (2015). Reclaimed asphalt test specimen preparation assisted by image analysis. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27(8), Article C4014005.

This paper presents a laboratory investigation aimed at establishing a protocol for the production of homogeneous asphalt mixtures test specimens, incorporating reclaimed asphalt by using a gyratory compactor with coring and trimming works. Stone mas... Read More about Reclaimed asphalt test specimen preparation assisted by image analysis.

Assessing asphalt mixture moisture susceptibility through intrinsic adhesion, bitumen stripping and mechanical damage (2013)
Journal Article
Grenfell, J., Ahmad, N., Liu, Y., Apeagyei, A. K., Large, D., & Airey, G. (2014). Assessing asphalt mixture moisture susceptibility through intrinsic adhesion, bitumen stripping and mechanical damage. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15(1), 131-152.

Durability is one of the most important properties of an asphalt mixture. A key factor affecting the durability of asphalt pavements is moisture damage. Moisture damage is generally considered to be the result of two main mechanisms; the loss of adhe... Read More about Assessing asphalt mixture moisture susceptibility through intrinsic adhesion, bitumen stripping and mechanical damage.

Examination of moisture sensitivity of aggregate-bitumen bonding strength using loose asphalt mixture and physico-chemical surface energy property tests (2013)
Journal Article
Liu, Y., Apeagyei, A. K., Ahmad, N., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (2014). Examination of moisture sensitivity of aggregate-bitumen bonding strength using loose asphalt mixture and physico-chemical surface energy property tests. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 15(7), 657-670.

In this study, the moisture sensitivity of different kinds of aggregates and bituminous binders is examined by comparing the performance between five empirical test methods for loose mixtures - static immersion test, rolling bottle test (RBT), boilin... Read More about Examination of moisture sensitivity of aggregate-bitumen bonding strength using loose asphalt mixture and physico-chemical surface energy property tests.

Tyre rubber-modified bitumens development: the effect of varying processing conditions (2013)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, D., & Airey, G. (2013). Tyre rubber-modified bitumens development: the effect of varying processing conditions. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(4), 888-900.

Tyre rubber-modified binders (TR-MBs), produced through McDonald's wet process and used worldwide (e.g. asphalt rubber), have been demonstrated to provide various benefits to pavements and, moreover, they represent a good opportunity for recycling ty... Read More about Tyre rubber-modified bitumens development: the effect of varying processing conditions.

The role of ettringite in the deterioration of artificial lime stabilised soils: a microstructural study (2013)
Journal Article
Buttress, A., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (2013). The role of ettringite in the deterioration of artificial lime stabilised soils: a microstructural study. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(3),

The formation of ettringite has been defined as a major failure mechanism of lime stabilised cohesive soils. It can result in both disruptive volumetric changes and loss of mechanical strength. The mechanisms of its formation and the role it plays in... Read More about The role of ettringite in the deterioration of artificial lime stabilised soils: a microstructural study.

Evaluation of moisture sorption and diffusion characteristics of asphalt mastics using manual and automated gravimetric sorption techniques (2013)
Journal Article
Apeagyei, A. K., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (2014). Evaluation of moisture sorption and diffusion characteristics of asphalt mastics using manual and automated gravimetric sorption techniques. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26(8), Article 04014045.

One of the most important factors influencing the durability of asphalt mixtures is moisture-induced damage resulting from the presence and the transport of moisture in pavements. Moisture-induced damage is an extremely complicated phenomenon that is... Read More about Evaluation of moisture sorption and diffusion characteristics of asphalt mastics using manual and automated gravimetric sorption techniques.

Fundamental characterisation of reclaimed asphalts: the importance of testing homogeneous specimens (2013)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, D., Hassan, N., Airey, G., & Collop, A. (2013). Fundamental characterisation of reclaimed asphalts: the importance of testing homogeneous specimens. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(SUPPL.1), 120-131.

This study highlights the importance of defining appropriate specimen manufacturing procedures when assessing the fundamental properties of reclaimed asphalt (RA) mixes for further modelling purposes. Two gyratory compactor procedures were used: the... Read More about Fundamental characterisation of reclaimed asphalts: the importance of testing homogeneous specimens.