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Moisture-induced strength degradation of aggregate-asphalt mastic bonds

Apeagyei, Alex K.; Grenfell, James; Airey, Gordon

Moisture-induced strength degradation of aggregate-asphalt mastic bonds Thumbnail


Alex K. Apeagyei

James Grenfell


A common manifestation of moisture-induced damage in asphalt mixtures is the loss of adhesion at the aggregate–asphalt mastic interface and/or cohesion within the bulk mastic. This paper investigates the effects of moisture on the aggregate–mastic interfacial adhesive strength as well as the bulk mastic cohesive strength. Physical adsorption concepts were used to characterise the thermodynamic work of adhesion and debonding of the aggregate–mastic bonds using dynamic vapour sorption and contact angle measurements. Moisture diffusion in the aggregate substrates and in the bulk mastics was determined using gravimetric techniques. Mineral composition of the aggregates was characterised by a technique based on the combination of a scanning electron microscope and multiple energy dispersive X-ray detectors. Aggregate–mastic bond strength was determined using moisture-conditioned butt-jointed tensile test specimens, while mastic cohesive strength was determined using dog bone-shaped tensile specimens. Aggregate–mastic bonds comprising granite mastics performed worse in terms of moisture resistance than limestone mastic bonds. The effect of moisture on the aggregate–mastic interfacial bond appears to be more detrimental than the effect of moisture on the bulk mastic.


Apeagyei, A. K., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (in press). Moisture-induced strength degradation of aggregate-asphalt mastic bonds. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15(S1),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 2, 2013
Online Publication Date Jun 19, 2014
Deposit Date Apr 4, 2018
Publicly Available Date Apr 4, 2018
Journal Road Materials and Pavement Design
Print ISSN 1468-0629
Electronic ISSN 2164-7402
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue S1
Keywords asphalt mastic, adhesive strength, bitumen, diffusion, moisture-induced damage
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Road Materials and Pavement Design on 19 June 2014, available online:
Contract Date Apr 4, 2018


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