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Accelerated swell testing of artificial sulfate bearing lime stabilised cohesive soils

Buttress, A. J.; Grenfell, J.R.A.; Airey, Gordon

Accelerated swell testing of artificial sulfate bearing lime stabilised cohesive soils Thumbnail


J.R.A. Grenfell


This paper reports on the physico-chemical response of two lime stabilised sulfate bearing artificial soils subject to the European Accelerated Volumetric Swell Test (EN13286-49). At various intervals during the test, a specimen was removed and subject to compositional and microstructural analysis. Ettringite was formed by both soils types, but with significant differences in crystal morphology. Ettringite crystals formed from kaolin based soils were very small, colloidal in size and tended to form on the surface of other particles. Conversely, those formed from montmorillonite were relatively large and typically formed away from the surface in the pore solution. It was concluded that the mechanism by which ettringite forms is determined by the hydroxide ion concentration in the pore solution and the fundamental structure of the bulk clay. In the kaolin soil, ettringite forms by a topochemical mechanism and expands by crystal swelling. In the montmorillonite soil, it forms by a through-solution mechanism and crystal growth.


Buttress, A. J., Grenfell, J., & Airey, G. (2015). Accelerated swell testing of artificial sulfate bearing lime stabilised cohesive soils. Materials and Structures, 48(11), 3635-3655.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 23, 2014
Online Publication Date Sep 28, 2014
Publication Date 2015-11
Deposit Date Dec 18, 2014
Publicly Available Date Dec 18, 2014
Journal Materials and Structures
Print ISSN 1359-5997
Electronic ISSN 1871-6873
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 48
Issue 11
Pages 3635-3655
Keywords Soil stabilisation, Ettringite, Deleterious, Swell testing, Volumetric
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information The final publication is available at Springer via


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