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Review and consensus recommendations on clinical APT-weighted imaging approaches at 3T: Application to brain tumors

Zhou, Jinyuan; Zaiss, Moritz; Knutsson, Linda; Sun, Phillip Zhe; Ahn, Sung Soo; Aime, Silvio; Bachert, Peter; Blakeley, Jaishri O.; Cai, Kejia; Chappell, Michael A.; Chen, Min; Gochberg, Daniel F.; Goerke, Steffen; Heo, Hye Young; Jiang, Shanshan; Jin, Tao; Kim, Seong‐Gi; Laterra, John; Paech, Daniel; Pagel, Mark D.; Park, Ji Eun; Reddy, Ravinder; Sakata, Akihiko; Sartoretti‐Schefer, Sabine; Sherry, A. Dean; Smith, Seth A.; Stanisz, Greg J.; Sundgren, Pia C.; Togao, Osamu; Vandsburger, Moriel; Wen, Zhibo; Wu, Yin; Zhang, Yi; Zhu, Wenzhen; Zu, Zhongliang; Zijl, Peter C. M.

Review and consensus recommendations on clinical APT-weighted imaging approaches at 3T: Application to brain tumors Thumbnail


Jinyuan Zhou

Moritz Zaiss

Linda Knutsson

Phillip Zhe Sun

Sung Soo Ahn

Silvio Aime

Peter Bachert

Jaishri O. Blakeley

Kejia Cai

Min Chen

Daniel F. Gochberg

Steffen Goerke

Hye Young Heo

Shanshan Jiang

Tao Jin

Seong‐Gi Kim

John Laterra

Daniel Paech

Mark D. Pagel

Ji Eun Park

Ravinder Reddy

Akihiko Sakata

Sabine Sartoretti‐Schefer

A. Dean Sherry

Seth A. Smith

Greg J. Stanisz

Pia C. Sundgren

Osamu Togao

Moriel Vandsburger

Zhibo Wen

Yin Wu

Yi Zhang

Wenzhen Zhu

Zhongliang Zu

Peter C. M. Zijl


Amide proton transfer-weighted (APTw) MR imaging shows promise as a biomarker of brain tumor status. Currently used APTw MRI pulse sequences and protocols vary substantially among different institutes, and there are no agreed-on standards in the imaging community. Therefore, the results acquired from different research centers are difficult to compare, which hampers uniform clinical application and interpretation. This paper reviews current clinical APTw imaging approaches and provides a rationale for optimized APTw brain tumor imaging at 3T, including specific recommendations for pulse sequences, acquisition protocols, and data processing methods. We expect that these consensus recommendations will become the first broadly accepted guidelines for APTw imaging of brain tumors on 3 T MRI systems from different vendors. This will allow more medical centers to use the same or comparable APTw MRI techniques for the detection, characterization, and monitoring of brain tumors, enabling multi-center trials in larger patient cohorts and, ultimately, routine clinical use.


Zhou, J., Zaiss, M., Knutsson, L., Sun, P. Z., Ahn, S. S., Aime, S., …Zijl, P. C. M. (2022). Review and consensus recommendations on clinical APT-weighted imaging approaches at 3T: Application to brain tumors. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 88(2), 546-574.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 2, 2022
Online Publication Date Apr 22, 2022
Publication Date 2022-08
Deposit Date Apr 22, 2022
Publicly Available Date Apr 26, 2022
Journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Print ISSN 0740-3194
Electronic ISSN 1522-2594
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 88
Issue 2
Pages 546-574
Keywords Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging
Public URL
Publisher URL


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