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Analysis of Energy Storage System Requirements for Aircraft Electric Taxiing Operations

Lukic, Milos; Giangrande, Paolo; Klumpner, Christian; Galea, Michael

Analysis of Energy Storage System Requirements for Aircraft Electric Taxiing Operations Thumbnail


Milos Lukic

Paolo Giangrande

Michael Galea


This paper focuses on evaluating the energy and power requirements of a specific aircraft on-board electric taxiing (ET) system. The developed model of the investigated system is used to determine the requisites for a typical taxiing profile mission of a Boeing 737-400. Besides the derivation of the specifications, the comparison of batteries and electrochemical capacitors is outlined in the light of viable candidates for a local energy storage system (LESS). It is estimated that LESS should be sized for capacity of 19kWh and peak power of 81kW. The paper is concluded with a comparison and discussion on LESS topologies.


Lukic, M., Giangrande, P., Klumpner, C., & Galea, M. (2019). Analysis of Energy Storage System Requirements for Aircraft Electric Taxiing Operations. .

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Start Date Oct 14, 2019
End Date Oct 17, 2019
Acceptance Date Jul 12, 2019
Online Publication Date Dec 9, 2019
Publication Date 2019-10
Deposit Date Feb 6, 2020
Publicly Available Date Feb 7, 2020
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 2616-2621
ISBN 9781728148786
Keywords Electric taxiing, Modelling, Energy storage, Batteries, Supercapacitors
Public URL
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