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Outputs (649)

Effects of fatty acids on skeletal muscle cell differentiation in vitro (2006)
Journal Article
Hurley, M. S., Flux, C., Salter, A. M., & Brameld, J. M. (2006). Effects of fatty acids on skeletal muscle cell differentiation in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 95(3), 623-630.

Previous studies have shown stimulatory effects of linoleic acid (LA, C18:2) on differentiation of rat muscle cells in culture (Allen et al. 1985), but there appears to be little investigation of the effects of other fatty acids. The present study th... Read More about Effects of fatty acids on skeletal muscle cell differentiation in vitro.

Relaxin Signaling from Natural Receptors (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ivell, R., Anand-Ivell, R., & Bartsch, O. (2004, September). Relaxin Signaling from Natural Receptors. Presented at Relaxin 2004, Fourth International Conference on Relaxin and Related Peptides, Wyoming, USA

The heterodimeric peptide hormone relaxin in most cells appears to signal through a G-protein-coupled receptor, LGR7. Whereas in artificial cell systems, made by transfection of receptor-expressing gene constructs into cells normally not presenting t... Read More about Relaxin Signaling from Natural Receptors.

Protective effects of Asian green vegetables against oxidant induced cytotoxicity (2005)
Journal Article
Rose, P., Ong, C. N., & Whiteman, M. (2005). Protective effects of Asian green vegetables against oxidant induced cytotoxicity. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 11(48), 7607-7614.

Aim: To evaluate the antioxidant and phase II detoxification enzyme inducing ability of green leaf vegetables consumed in Asia.

Methods: Th e antioxidant properties of six commonly consumed Asian vegetables were determined using the ABTS, DPPH, d... Read More about Protective effects of Asian green vegetables against oxidant induced cytotoxicity.

Characterisation of oat (Avena sativa L.) oil bodies and intrinsically associated E-vitamers (2005)
Journal Article
White, D. A., Fisk, I. D., & Gray, D. A. (2006). Characterisation of oat (Avena sativa L.) oil bodies and intrinsically associated E-vitamers. Journal of Cereal Science, 43(2), 244-249.

Transmission electron microscopy of sections of oat (Avena sativa L.) grain suggested that the highest concentrations oil bodies were in the aleurone and germ rather than the starchy endosperm. Oil bodies recovered from homogenized tissues by centrif... Read More about Characterisation of oat (Avena sativa L.) oil bodies and intrinsically associated E-vitamers.

The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb. Journal of Animal Science, 83(11), 2564-2571.

There is a need to improve the lean tissue content of ruminant animals destined for meat production. Muscle fiber number is set during fetal development. The effect of undernutrition of pregnant ewes on subsequent muscle fiber characteristics of thei... Read More about The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb.

The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb. Journal of Animal Science, 83(11), 2564-2571.

There is a need to improve the lean tissue content of ruminant animals destined for meat production. Muscle fiber number is set during fetal development. The effect of undernutrition of pregnant ewes on subsequent muscle fiber characteristics of thei... Read More about The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb.

Bacteriophage therapy to reduce Campylobacter jejuni colonization of broiler chickens (2005)
Journal Article
Loc Carrillo, C., Atterbury, R. J., El-Shibiny, A., Connerton, P. L., Dillon, E., Scott, A., & Connerton, I. F. (2005). Bacteriophage therapy to reduce Campylobacter jejuni colonization of broiler chickens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(11),

Colonization of broiler chickens by the enteric pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is widespread and difficult to prevent. Bacteriophage therapy is one possible means by which this colonization could be controlled, thus limiting the entry of campylobacter... Read More about Bacteriophage therapy to reduce Campylobacter jejuni colonization of broiler chickens.

Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus. Journal of Animal Science, 83(10), 2330-2338

The number of muscle fibers within a muscle has been found to be of high importance for the growth potential of an animal, and this number is set during fetal development. The objective of this study was to identify the ontogeny of muscle cell differ... Read More about Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus.

Correlation of Campylobacter bacteriophage with reduced presence of hosts in broiler chicken ceca (2005)
Journal Article
Atterbury, R. J., Dillon, E., Swift, C., Connerton, P. L., Frost, J., Dodd, C. E., Rees, C. E., & Connerton, I. F. (2005). Correlation of Campylobacter bacteriophage with reduced presence of hosts in broiler chicken ceca. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(8),

Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter-specific bacteriophage were enumerated from broiler chicken ceca selected from 90 United Kingdom flocks (n = 205). C. jejuni counts in the presence of bacteriophage (mean log10 5.1 CFU/g) were associated with a... Read More about Correlation of Campylobacter bacteriophage with reduced presence of hosts in broiler chicken ceca.

Hypothalamic cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and agouti-related protein (AgRP) neurons coexpress the NOP1 receptor and nociceptin alters CART and AgRP release (2005)
Journal Article
Bewick, G. A., Dhillo, W. S., Darch, S. J., Murphy, K. G., Gardiner, J. V., Jethwa, P. H., Wing, M. K., Ghatei, M. A., & Bloom, S. R. (2005). Hypothalamic cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and agouti-related protein (AgRP) neurons coexpress the NOP1 receptor and nociceptin alters CART and AgRP release. Endocrinology, 146(8), 3526-3534.

Nociceptin or orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) and its receptor NOP1 are expressed in hypothalamic nuclei involved in energy homeostasis. N/OFQ administered by intracerebroventricular or arcuate nucleus (ARC) injection increases food intake in satiated rats. The... Read More about Hypothalamic cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and agouti-related protein (AgRP) neurons coexpress the NOP1 receptor and nociceptin alters CART and AgRP release.