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Prenatal diet determines susceptibility to cardiac ischaemia-reperfusion injury following treatment with diethylmaleic acid and N-acetylcysteine (2007)
Journal Article
Elmes, M. J., McMullen, S., Gardner, D. S., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2008). Prenatal diet determines susceptibility to cardiac ischaemia-reperfusion injury following treatment with diethylmaleic acid and N-acetylcysteine. Life Sciences, 82(3-4), 149-155.

Fetal undernutrition programmes increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease in adult life. We hypothesized that prenatal protein restriction would impair recovery in post-ischaemic cardiac function in adult offspring through antioxidant-media... Read More about Prenatal diet determines susceptibility to cardiac ischaemia-reperfusion injury following treatment with diethylmaleic acid and N-acetylcysteine.

Extraction and characterization of oil bodies from soy beans: A natural source of pre-emulsified soybean oil (2007)
Journal Article
Iwanaga, D., Gray, D. A., Fisk, I. D., Decker, E. A., Weiss, J., & McClements, D. J. (2007). Extraction and characterization of oil bodies from soy beans: A natural source of pre-emulsified soybean oil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(21), 8711-8716.

Soybeans contain oil bodies that are coated by a layer of oleosin proteins. In nature, this protein coating protects the oil bodies from environmental stresses and may be utilized by food manufacturers for the same purpose. In this study, oil bodies... Read More about Extraction and characterization of oil bodies from soy beans: A natural source of pre-emulsified soybean oil.

Effect of maternal undernutrition on ruminant carcass and meat quality (2007)
Journal Article
Zoe, D., Brameld, J., Scollan, N., & Buttery, P. (2007). Effect of maternal undernutrition on ruminant carcass and meat quality. Archives Animal Breeding, 50(SPEC. ISS.), 22-23

We have previously shown that, in sheep, the majority of muscle differentiation and fibre formation takes place around d85 of gestation, with myoblast proliferation occurring before this time (FAHEY et al., 2005a). In a second study (FAHEY et al., 20... Read More about Effect of maternal undernutrition on ruminant carcass and meat quality.

VGF-derived peptide, TLQP-21, regulates food intake and body weight in Siberian hamsters (2007)
Journal Article
Jethwa, P. H., Warner, A., Nilaweera, K. N., Brameld, J. M., Keyte, J. W., Carter, W. G., Bolton, N., Bruggraber, M., Morgan, P. J., Barrett, P., & Ebling, F. J. (2007). VGF-derived peptide, TLQP-21, regulates food intake and body weight in Siberian hamsters. Endocrinology, 148(8), 4044-4055.

The Siberian hamster survives winter by decreasing food intake and catabolizing abdominal fat reserves, resulting in a sustained, profound loss of body weight. VGF gene expression is photoperiodically regulated in the hypothalamus with significantly... Read More about VGF-derived peptide, TLQP-21, regulates food intake and body weight in Siberian hamsters.

Fetal exposure to a maternal low-protein diet during mid-gestation results in muscle-specific effects on fibre type composition in young rats (2007)
Journal Article
Mallinson, J. E., Sculley, D. V., Craigon, J., Plant, R., Langley-Evans, S. C., & Brameld, J. M. (2007). Fetal exposure to a maternal low-protein diet during mid-gestation results in muscle-specific effects on fibre type composition in young rats. British Journal of Nutrition, 98(2), 292-299.

This study assessed the impact of reduced dietary protein during specific periods of fetal life upon muscle fibre development in young rats. Pregnant rats were fed a control or low-protein (LP) diet at early (days 0-7 gestation, LPEarly), mid (days 8... Read More about Fetal exposure to a maternal low-protein diet during mid-gestation results in muscle-specific effects on fibre type composition in young rats.

Hypothalamic thyroid hormone catabolism acts as a gatekeeper for the seasonal control of body weight and reproduction (2007)
Journal Article
Barrett, P., Ebling, F. J., Schuhler, S., Wilson, D., Ross, A. W., Warner, A., Jethwa, P., Boelen, A., Visser, T. J., Ozanne, D. M., Archer, Z. A., Mercer, J. G., & Morgan, P. J. (2007). Hypothalamic thyroid hormone catabolism acts as a gatekeeper for the seasonal control of body weight and reproduction. Endocrinology, 148(8), 3608-3617.

Seasonal adaptations in physiology exhibited by many animals involve an interface between biological timing and specific neuroendocrine systems, but the molecular basis of this interface is unknown. In this study of Siberian hamsters, we show that th... Read More about Hypothalamic thyroid hormone catabolism acts as a gatekeeper for the seasonal control of body weight and reproduction.

Sunflower-seed oil body emulsions: Rheology and stability assessment of a natural emulsion (2007)
Journal Article
White, D. A., Fisk, I. D., Mitchell, J. R., Wolf, B., Hill, S. E., & Gray, D. A. (2008). Sunflower-seed oil body emulsions: Rheology and stability assessment of a natural emulsion. Food Hydrocolloids, 22(7), 1224-1232.

The viscoelastic characteristics of a purified oil body cream (67.6±0.7% lipid, 5.4±0.7% protein and 25.2±0.1% moisture) recovered from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) have been determined. Moreover, the effects of pH (2-7) and CaCl2 concentra... Read More about Sunflower-seed oil body emulsions: Rheology and stability assessment of a natural emulsion.

Fetal exposure to a maternal low-protein diet is associated with altered left ventricular pressure response to ischaemia-reperfusion injury (2007)
Journal Article
Elmes, M. J., Gardner, D. S., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2007). Fetal exposure to a maternal low-protein diet is associated with altered left ventricular pressure response to ischaemia-reperfusion injury. British Journal of Nutrition, 98(1), 93-100.

Rats exposed to protein restriction as fetuses develop hypertension as adults. Hypertension increases the risk of myocardial ischaemia and infarction. We investigated whether rats exposed to low-protein diets in utero are more susceptible to myocardi... Read More about Fetal exposure to a maternal low-protein diet is associated with altered left ventricular pressure response to ischaemia-reperfusion injury.

Lipid oxidation in glassy and rubbery-state starch extrudates (2007)
Journal Article
Gray, D. A., Bowen, S. E., Farhat, I., & Hill, S. E. (2008). Lipid oxidation in glassy and rubbery-state starch extrudates. Food Chemistry, 106(1), 227-234.

This work describes the principle of protecting polyunsaturated fatty acids by holding them in the low moisture/solid/glassy-state starch matrix. One strategy already employed commercially is to encapsulate oil droplets within a solid wall that is hi... Read More about Lipid oxidation in glassy and rubbery-state starch extrudates.

Effect of maternal dietary restriction during pregnancy on lamb carcass characteristics and muscle fiber composition (2007)
Journal Article
Daniel, Z. C., Brameld, J. M., Craigon, J., Scollan, N. D., & Buttery, P. J. (2007). Effect of maternal dietary restriction during pregnancy on lamb carcass characteristics and muscle fiber composition. Journal of Animal Science, 85(6), 1565-1576.

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether the decreased proportion of fast muscle fibers seen previously in 2-wk-old lambs from ewes that were dietary restricted from d 30 to 70 of gestation are still evident in older lambs and what the con... Read More about Effect of maternal dietary restriction during pregnancy on lamb carcass characteristics and muscle fiber composition.