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Outputs (47)

Extraction, isolation and characterisation of oil bodies from pumpkin seeds for therapeutic use (2012)
Journal Article
Adams, G. G., Imran, S., Wang, S., Mohammad, A., Samil Kok, M., Gray, D. A., Channell, G. A., & Harding, S. E. (2012). Extraction, isolation and characterisation of oil bodies from pumpkin seeds for therapeutic use. Food Chemistry, 134(4), 1919-1925.

Pumpkin, a member of the Cucurbitaceae family has been used frequently as functional medicines for therapeutic use. Several phytochemicals such as polysaccharides, phenolic glycosides, 13-hydroxy-9Z, 11E-octadecatrienoic acid from the leaves of pumpk... Read More about Extraction, isolation and characterisation of oil bodies from pumpkin seeds for therapeutic use.

Phytochemical Composition of Oryza sativa (Rice) Bran Oil Bodies in Crude and Purified Isolates (2012)
Journal Article
Nantiyakul, N., Furse, S., Fisk, I., Foster, T. J., Tucker, G., & Gray, D. A. (2012). Phytochemical Composition of Oryza sativa (Rice) Bran Oil Bodies in Crude and Purified Isolates. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 89(10), 1867-1872.

We describe a procedure for isolating and purifying oil bodies (OBs) from Oryza sativa bran, and present evidence that strongly suggests a physical association between the OB organelles and several antioxidant phytochemicals (c-oryzanol and several t... Read More about Phytochemical Composition of Oryza sativa (Rice) Bran Oil Bodies in Crude and Purified Isolates.

Physical and oxidative stability of pre-emulsified oil bodies extracted from soybeans (2011)
Journal Article
Chen, B., McClements, D. J., Gray, D. A., & Decker, E. A. (2012). Physical and oxidative stability of pre-emulsified oil bodies extracted from soybeans. Food Chemistry, 132(3), 1514-1520.

Soybeans contain oil bodies that are coated by a layer of oleosin proteins. In nature, this protein coating protects the oil bodies from environmental stresses and might be utilised by food manufacturers for the same purpose. In this study, an aqueou... Read More about Physical and oxidative stability of pre-emulsified oil bodies extracted from soybeans.

Soybean (Glycine max) Oil Bodies and Their Associated Phytochemicals (2011)
Journal Article
Fisk, I. D., & Gray, D. A. (2011). Soybean (Glycine max) Oil Bodies and Their Associated Phytochemicals. Journal of Food Science, 76(9), C1349-C1354.

Abstract:  Soybean oil bodies were isolated from 3 cultivars (Ustie, K98, and Elena) and the occurrence of 2 classes of phytochemicals (tocopherol isoforms and isoflavones) and strength of their association with isolated oil bodies was evaluated. Toc... Read More about Soybean (Glycine max) Oil Bodies and Their Associated Phytochemicals.

The hypoglycaemic effect of pumpkins as anti-diabetic and functional medicines (2011)
Journal Article
Adams, G. G., Imran, S., Wang, S., Mohammad, A., Kok, S., Gray, D. A., Channell, G. A., Morris, G. A., & Harding, S. E. (2011). The hypoglycaemic effect of pumpkins as anti-diabetic and functional medicines. Food Research International, 44(4), 862-867.

Diabetes mellitus is considered as a common, growing, serious, costly, and potentially preventable public health problem. In 2030, the number of people with diabetes is estimated to increase from 117 million in 2000 to 366 million. The prevalence of... Read More about The hypoglycaemic effect of pumpkins as anti-diabetic and functional medicines.

Aroma encapsulation and aroma delivery by oil body suspensions derived from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annus) (2011)
Journal Article
Fisk, I. D., Linforth, R. S., Taylor, A. J., & Gray, D. A. (2011). Aroma encapsulation and aroma delivery by oil body suspensions derived from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annus). European Food Research and Technology, 232(5),

Oil bodies are small discrete cell organelles
that can be found within oilseeds. Oil bodies have been
investigated previously as a potential technology platform
for use within the food industry, offering stable, antioxidant-enriched lipid-delivery... Read More about Aroma encapsulation and aroma delivery by oil body suspensions derived from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annus).

Stabilization of soybean oil bodies by enzyme (Laccase) cross-linking of adsorbed beet pectin coatings (2010)
Journal Article
Chen, B., McClements, D. J., Gray, D. A., & Decker, E. A. (2010). Stabilization of soybean oil bodies by enzyme (Laccase) cross-linking of adsorbed beet pectin coatings. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(16), 9259-9265.

Soybean oil bodies are naturally coated by a layer of phospholipids and oleosin proteins, which protect them from in vivo environmental stresses. When oil bodies are incorporated into food products, they encounter new environmental stresses such as c... Read More about Stabilization of soybean oil bodies by enzyme (Laccase) cross-linking of adsorbed beet pectin coatings.

Oxidative stability of Echium plantagineum seed oil bodies (2010)
Journal Article
Gray, D. A., Payne, G., McClements, D. J., Decker, E. A., & Lad, M. (2010). Oxidative stability of Echium plantagineum seed oil bodies. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 112(7), 741-749.

Echium plantagineum seed contains a highly polyunsaturated oil (approximately 14% linoleic acid, 10% γ-linolenic acid, 33% α-linolenic acid and 14% stearidonic acid); almost half of the fatty acids are omega-3 fatty acids, so there is an interest in... Read More about Oxidative stability of Echium plantagineum seed oil bodies.

In vitro assessment of the bioaccessibility of tocopherol and fatty acids from sunflower seed oil bodies (2009)
Journal Article
White, D. A., Fisk, I. D., Makkhun, S., & Gray, D. A. (2009). In vitro assessment of the bioaccessibility of tocopherol and fatty acids from sunflower seed oil bodies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(13), 5720-5726.

The in vitro digestibility (proteolytic and lipolytic) and bioaccessibility of nutritionally important compounds (α-tocopherol and fatty acids) have been studied for natural sunflower (Helianthus annuus) oil body suspensions in comparison to artifici... Read More about In vitro assessment of the bioaccessibility of tocopherol and fatty acids from sunflower seed oil bodies.

Gamma-irradiation as a method of microbiological control, and its impact on the oxidative labile lipid component of Cannabis sativa and Helianthus annus (2008)
Journal Article
Fisk, I. D., Gkatzionis, K., Lad, M., Dodd, C. E., & Gray, D. A. (2009). Gamma-irradiation as a method of microbiological control, and its impact on the oxidative labile lipid component of Cannabis sativa and Helianthus annus. European Food Research and Technology, 228(4), 613-621.

The effect of irradiation (0-20 kGy) on hemp and sunflower seeds was assessed, with specific reference to the oxidatively labile lipid component (unsaturated fatty acids and tocochromanols). Total protein, lipid, and solids content of the seeds did n... Read More about Gamma-irradiation as a method of microbiological control, and its impact on the oxidative labile lipid component of Cannabis sativa and Helianthus annus.