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Outputs (99)

Delivering on sustainable development goals in wastewater reuse for agriculture: Initial prioritization of emerging pollutants in the Tula Valley, Mexico (2023)
Journal Article
Garduño-Jiménez, A.-L., Durán-Álvarez, J.-C., Ortori, C. A., Abdelrazig, S., Barrett, D. A., & Gomes, R. L. (2023). Delivering on sustainable development goals in wastewater reuse for agriculture: Initial prioritization of emerging pollutants in the Tula Valley, Mexico. Water Research, 238, Article 119903.

Wastewater reuse for agricultural irrigation is a widespread beneficial practice, in line with the sustainable development goals. However, contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) present in wastewater, such as pharmaceuticals, pose... Read More about Delivering on sustainable development goals in wastewater reuse for agriculture: Initial prioritization of emerging pollutants in the Tula Valley, Mexico.

Rational design of hydrogels for immunomodulation (2022)
Journal Article
Bu, W., Wu, Y., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Sun, H., & Mata, A. (2022). Rational design of hydrogels for immunomodulation. Regenerative Biomaterials, 9, Article rbac009.

The immune system protects organisms against endogenous and exogenous harm and plays a key role in tissue development, repair and regeneration. Traditional immunomodulatory biologics exhibit limitations including degradation by enzymes, short half-li... Read More about Rational design of hydrogels for immunomodulation.

Light-controlled micron-scale molecular motion (2021)
Journal Article
Samperi, M., Bdiri, B., Sleet, C. D., Markus, R., Mallia, A. R., Pérez-García, L., & Amabilino, D. B. (2021). Light-controlled micron-scale molecular motion. Nature Chemistry, 13(12), 1200-1206.

The micron-scale movement of biomolecules along supramolecular pathways, mastered by nature, is a remarkable system requiring strong yet reversible interactions between components under the action of a suitable stimulus. Responsive microscopic system... Read More about Light-controlled micron-scale molecular motion.

Osteogenic Response of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Analysed Using Combined Intracellular and Extracellular Metabolomic Monitoring (2021)
Journal Article
Surrati, A., Evseev, S., Jourdan, F., Kim, D.-H., & Sottile, V. (2021). Osteogenic Response of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Analysed Using Combined Intracellular and Extracellular Metabolomic Monitoring. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 55(3), 311-326.

Background/Aims: The skeleton is a metabolically active organ undergoing continuous remodelling initiated by mesenchymal progenitors present in bone and bone marrow. Under certain pathological conditions this remodelling balance shifts towards increa... Read More about Osteogenic Response of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Analysed Using Combined Intracellular and Extracellular Metabolomic Monitoring.

Modelling the influence of UV curing strategies for optimisation of inkjet based 3D printing (2021)
Journal Article
Zhao, P., He, Y., Trindade, G. F., Baumers, M., Irvine, D., Hague, R., Ashcroft, I., & Wildman Conceptualisation, R. (2021). Modelling the influence of UV curing strategies for optimisation of inkjet based 3D printing. Materials and Design, 208, Article 109889.

A predictive model is developed to assist in the design and manufacture of structures by inkjet based 3D printing (IJ3DP)/additive manufacturing. IJ3DP often exploits photopolymerisation to rapidly convert a photoreactive liquid ink into a solid prod... Read More about Modelling the influence of UV curing strategies for optimisation of inkjet based 3D printing.

Exploiting Generative Design for 3D Printing of Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composite Devices (2021)
Journal Article
He, Y., Abdi, M., Trindade, G. F., Begines, B., Dubern, J. F., Prina, E., Hook, A. L., Choong, G. Y., Ledesma, J., Tuck, C. J., Rose, F. R., Hague, R. J., Roberts, C. J., De Focatiis, D. S., Ashcroft, I. A., Williams, P., Irvine, D. J., Alexander, M. R., & Wildman, R. D. (2021). Exploiting Generative Design for 3D Printing of Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composite Devices. Advanced Science, 8(15), Article 2100249.

As the understanding of disease grows, so does the opportunity for personalization of therapies targeted to the needs of the individual. To bring about a step change in the personalization of medical devices it is shown that multi-material inkjet-bas... Read More about Exploiting Generative Design for 3D Printing of Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composite Devices.

Quantitative Bioreactor Monitoring of Intracellular Bacterial Metabolites in Clostridium autoethanogenum Using Liquid Chromatography–Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (2021)
Journal Article
Safo, L., Abdelrazig, S., Grosse-Honebrink, A., Millat, T., Henstra, A. M., Norman, R., Thomas, N. R., Winzer, K., Minton, N. P., Kim, D.-H., & Barrett, D. A. (2021). Quantitative Bioreactor Monitoring of Intracellular Bacterial Metabolites in Clostridium autoethanogenum Using Liquid Chromatography–Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry. ACS Omega, 6, 13518-13526.

We report a liquid chromatography–isotope dilution mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous quantification of 131 intracellular bacterial metabolites of Clostridium autoethanogenum. A comprehensive mixture of uniformly 13C-labeled internal stand... Read More about Quantitative Bioreactor Monitoring of Intracellular Bacterial Metabolites in Clostridium autoethanogenum Using Liquid Chromatography–Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry.

Subtype selective fluorescent ligands based on ICI 118,551 to study the human β2‐adrenoceptor in CRISPR/Cas9 genome‐edited HEK293T cells at low expression levels (2021)
Journal Article
Kellam, B., White, C. W., Goulding, J., Mistry, S. J., Soave, M., Woolard, J., Briddon, S. J., & Hill, S. J. (2021). Subtype selective fluorescent ligands based on ICI 118,551 to study the human β2‐adrenoceptor in CRISPR/Cas9 genome‐edited HEK293T cells at low expression levels. Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 9(3), Article e00779.

Fluorescent ligand technologies have proved to be powerful tools to improve our understanding of ligand-receptor interactions. Here we have characterized a small focused library of nine fluorescent ligands based on the highly selective β2-adrenocepto... Read More about Subtype selective fluorescent ligands based on ICI 118,551 to study the human β2‐adrenoceptor in CRISPR/Cas9 genome‐edited HEK293T cells at low expression levels.

Staff-Student Partnership: Reforming a UK School of Pharmacy to Promote Racial Inclusion (2021)
Journal Article
Anthony-Okeke, A., Baddoo, N., Boardman, H., Fynn-Famodun, R. A., Paul, G., George, R., Osarumen Irorere, A., Osoba, R., Vanderpuye, V., & Oweh, K. (2021). Staff-Student Partnership: Reforming a UK School of Pharmacy to Promote Racial Inclusion. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 7(1),

Britain has become more ethnically and culturally diverse (Office for National Statistics, 2018), but it is evident that this change in the demographic has not been fully reflected in education, including our School of Pharmacy. The need for inclusiv... Read More about Staff-Student Partnership: Reforming a UK School of Pharmacy to Promote Racial Inclusion.

An imidazolium-based supramolecular gelator enhancing interlayer adhesion in 3D printed dual network hydrogels (2021)
Journal Article
Zhou, Z., Samperi, M., Santu, L., Dizon, G., Aboarkaba, S., Limón, D., Tuck, C., Pérez-García, L., Irvine, D. J., Amabilino, D. B., & Wildman, R. (2021). An imidazolium-based supramolecular gelator enhancing interlayer adhesion in 3D printed dual network hydrogels. Materials and Design, 206, Article 109792.

The variety of UV-curable monomers for 3D printing is limited by a requirement for rapid curing after each sweep depositing a layer. This study proposes to trigger supramolecular self-assembly during the process by a gemini imidazolium-based low-mole... Read More about An imidazolium-based supramolecular gelator enhancing interlayer adhesion in 3D printed dual network hydrogels.