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Light-controlled micron-scale molecular motion

Samperi, Mario; Bdiri, Bilel; Sleet, Charlotte D.; Markus, Robert; Mallia, Ajith R.; Pérez-García, Lluïsa; Amabilino, David B.

Light-controlled micron-scale molecular motion Thumbnail


Mario Samperi

Bilel Bdiri

Charlotte D. Sleet

Robert Markus

Ajith R. Mallia

Lluïsa Pérez-García

David B. Amabilino


The micron-scale movement of biomolecules along supramolecular pathways, mastered by nature, is a remarkable system requiring strong yet reversible interactions between components under the action of a suitable stimulus. Responsive microscopic systems using a variety of stimuli have demonstrated impressive relative molecular motion. However, locating the position of a movable object that travels along self-assembled fibres under an irresistible force has yet to be achieved. Here, we describe a purely supramolecular system where a molecular ‘traveller’ moves along a ‘path’ over several microns when irradiated with visible light. Real-time imaging of the motion in the solvated state using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy shows that anionic porphyrin molecules move along the fibres of a bis-imidazolium gel upon irradiation. Slight solvent changes mean movement and restructuring of the fibres giving microtoroids, indicating control of motion by fibre mechanics with solvent composition. The insight provided here may lead to the development of artificial travellers that can perform catalytic and other functions. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].


Samperi, M., Bdiri, B., Sleet, C. D., Markus, R., Mallia, A. R., Pérez-García, L., & Amabilino, D. B. (2021). Light-controlled micron-scale molecular motion. Nature Chemistry, 13(12), 1200-1206.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 19, 2021
Online Publication Date Oct 11, 2021
Publication Date Dec 1, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 18, 2021
Publicly Available Date Apr 12, 2022
Journal Nature Chemistry
Print ISSN 1755-4330
Electronic ISSN 1755-4349
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 12
Pages 1200-1206
Keywords General Chemical Engineering; General Chemistry
Public URL
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