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Climate: observations, projections and impacts

Met Office, (UKMO); Gosling, Simon N.; Dunn, Robert; Carrol, Fiona; Christidis, Nikos; Fullwood, John; Gusmao, Diogo de; Golding, Nicola; Good, Lizzie; Hall, Trish; Kendon, Lizzie; Kennedy, John; Lewis, Kirsty; McCarthy, Rachel; McSweeney, Carol; Morice, Colin; Parker, David; Perry, Matthew; Stott, Peter; Willett, Kate; Allen, Miles; Arnell, Nigel; Bernie, Dan; Betts, Richard; Bowerman, Niel; Brak, Bastiaan; Caesar, John; Challinor, Andy; Dankers, Rutger; Hewer, Fiona; Huntingford, Chris; Jenkins, Alan; Klingaman, Nick; Lowe, Jason; Lloyd-Hughes, Ben; Miller, James; Nicholls, Robert; Noguer, Maria; Otto, Friedreike; van der Linden, Paul; Warren, Rachel

Climate: observations, projections and impacts Thumbnail


(UKMO) Met Office

Simon N. Gosling

Robert Dunn

Fiona Carrol

Nikos Christidis

John Fullwood

Diogo de Gusmao

Nicola Golding

Lizzie Good

Trish Hall

Lizzie Kendon

John Kennedy

Kirsty Lewis

Rachel McCarthy

Carol McSweeney

Colin Morice

David Parker

Matthew Perry

Peter Stott

Kate Willett

Miles Allen

Nigel Arnell

Dan Bernie

Richard Betts

Niel Bowerman

Bastiaan Brak

John Caesar

Andy Challinor

Rutger Dankers

Fiona Hewer

Chris Huntingford

Alan Jenkins

Nick Klingaman

Jason Lowe

Ben Lloyd-Hughes

James Miller

Robert Nicholls

Maria Noguer

Friedreike Otto

Paul van der Linden

Rachel Warren


Met Office, (., Gosling, S. N., Dunn, R., Carrol, F., Christidis, N., Fullwood, J., …Warren, R. (2011). Climate: observations, projections and impacts. Met Office

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Jan 1, 2011
Deposit Date Jul 26, 2013
Publicly Available Date Dec 13, 2013
Journal Climate: Observations, projections and impacts
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
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