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Using Sustainable Development Goals for making CSR a part of the firm’s DNA (2023)
Book Chapter
Gugenishvili, I., Francu, R. E., & Koporcic, N. (2023). Using Sustainable Development Goals for making CSR a part of the firm’s DNA. In S. Markovic, A. Lindgreen, N. Koporcic, & M. Micevski (Eds.), Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility: Knowledge, Values, and Actions (67-81). Routledge

Businesses wishing to make a positive impact face challenges related to the creation and dissemination of knowledge on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. The challenges are twofold: First, they need to make responsibility part of th... Read More about Using Sustainable Development Goals for making CSR a part of the firm’s DNA.

I give a dime if you do, too! The influence of descriptive norms on perceived impact, personal involvement, and monetary donation intentions (2021)
Journal Article
Gugenenishvili, I., Francu, R., & Koporcic, N. (2022). I give a dime if you do, too! The influence of descriptive norms on perceived impact, personal involvement, and monetary donation intentions. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(2), 167-179.

Individual donations are the main source of income for charitable organizations. This study aims to understand whether, when, and how descriptive norms can be used to motivate individual monetary donations. Our findings challenge previous literature... Read More about I give a dime if you do, too! The influence of descriptive norms on perceived impact, personal involvement, and monetary donation intentions.