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Investigation into the mechanisms by which microwave heating enhances separation of water-in-oil emulsions (2014)
Journal Article
Binner, E., Robinson, J. P., Silvester, S., Kingman, S., & Lester, E. (2014). Investigation into the mechanisms by which microwave heating enhances separation of water-in-oil emulsions. Fuel, 116,

The separation of water-in-oil emulsions made with Azeri crude was investigated using natural gravity settling and microwave heating techniques. Separation times could be reduced by an order of magnitude compared with untreated emulsions. Increasing... Read More about Investigation into the mechanisms by which microwave heating enhances separation of water-in-oil emulsions.

Generalized Dicke nonequilibrium dynamics in trapped ions (2014)
Journal Article
Genway, S., Li, W., Ates, C., Lanyon, B. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2014). Generalized Dicke nonequilibrium dynamics in trapped ions. Physical Review Letters, 112(2),

We explore trapped ions as a setting to investigate nonequilibrium phases in a generalized Dicke model of dissipative spins coupled to phonon modes. We find a rich dynamical phase diagram including superradiantlike regimes, dynamical phase coexistenc... Read More about Generalized Dicke nonequilibrium dynamics in trapped ions.

Market distortions and government transparency (2014)
Journal Article
Albornoz, F., Esteban, J., & Vanin, P. (2014). Market distortions and government transparency. Journal of European Economic Association, 12(1),

In this paper, we investigate how government transparency depends on economic distortions. We first consider an abstract class of economies in which a benevolent policy maker is privately informed about the exogenous state of the economy and contempl... Read More about Market distortions and government transparency.

Laboratory mix design of asphalt mixture containing reclaimed material (2014)
Journal Article
Collop, A., Abdul Hassan, N., Khan, R., Lo Presti, D., Khan, R., Hassan, N. A., …Collop, A. (2014). Laboratory mix design of asphalt mixture containing reclaimed material. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014(507082),

This paper presents a study on the production of asphalt test specimens in the laboratory containing reclaimed asphalt. The mixtures considered were stone mastic asphalt concrete mixtures containing up to 30% of reclaimed asphalt. Specimens were comp... Read More about Laboratory mix design of asphalt mixture containing reclaimed material.

Modulated model predictive control for a 7-level cascaded h-bridge back-to-back converter (2014)
Journal Article
Tarisciotti, L., Zanchetta, P., Watson, A. J., Bifaretti, S., & Clare, J. C. (2014). Modulated model predictive control for a 7-level cascaded h-bridge back-to-back converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61(10),

Multilevel Converters are known to have many advantages for electricity network applications. In particular Cascaded H-Bridge Converters are attractive because of their inherent modularity and scalability. Predictive control for power converters is a... Read More about Modulated model predictive control for a 7-level cascaded h-bridge back-to-back converter.

Investigation of epimer formation in amide coupling reactions: an experiment for advanced undergraduate students (2014)
Journal Article
Fray, M. J. (2014). Investigation of epimer formation in amide coupling reactions: an experiment for advanced undergraduate students. Journal of Chemical Education, 91(1),

An experiment is described to investigate how the choice of coupling agent and reaction conditions affects the ratio of epimers formed in the sensitive amide-coupling reaction between N-Boc or N-benzoyl (R)-phenylglycine and (S)-valine methyl ester.... Read More about Investigation of epimer formation in amide coupling reactions: an experiment for advanced undergraduate students.

Energy Saving in Feed Drive Systems Using Sliding-Mode-Based Contouring Control With a Nonlinear Sliding Surface (2014)
Journal Article
Mohammad, A., Uchiyama, N., & Sano, S. (2015). Energy Saving in Feed Drive Systems Using Sliding-Mode-Based Contouring Control With a Nonlinear Sliding Surface. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(2), 572-579.

Reduction of contour error, which is defined as the shortest distance between the actual position of the cutting tool and the reference trajectory, is an essential requirement in machining by multiaxis feed drive systems. In addition, because these m... Read More about Energy Saving in Feed Drive Systems Using Sliding-Mode-Based Contouring Control With a Nonlinear Sliding Surface.

Helicobacter pylori membrane vesicles stimulate innate pro- and anti-inflammatory responses and induce apoptosis in Jurkat T cells (2014)
Journal Article
Winter, J., Letley, D., Rhead, J., Atherton, J., & Robinson, K. (2014). Helicobacter pylori membrane vesicles stimulate innate pro- and anti-inflammatory responses and induce apoptosis in Jurkat T cells. Infection and Immunity, 82(4), 1372-1381.

Persistent Helicobacter pylori infection induces chronic inflammation in the human gastric mucosa, which is associated with development of peptic ulceration, gastric atrophy, and gastric adenocarcinoma. It has been postulated that secretion of immuno... Read More about Helicobacter pylori membrane vesicles stimulate innate pro- and anti-inflammatory responses and induce apoptosis in Jurkat T cells.

Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier Protein SUMO Enables Plants to Control Growth Independently of the Phytohormone Gibberellin (2014)
Journal Article
Conti, L., Nelis, S., Zhang, C., Woodcock, A., Swarup, R., Galbiati, M., …Sadanandom, A. (2014). Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier Protein SUMO Enables Plants to Control Growth Independently of the Phytohormone Gibberellin. Developmental Cell, 28(1), 102-110.

Plants survive adverse conditions by modulating their growth in response to a changing environment. Gibberellins (GAs) play a key role in these adaptive responses by stimulating the degradation of growth-repressing DELLA proteins. GA binding to its r... Read More about Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier Protein SUMO Enables Plants to Control Growth Independently of the Phytohormone Gibberellin.

Role of H2O2 in the fluctuating patterns of COD (chemical oxygen demand) during the treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using pilot scale triple frequency ultrasound cavitation reactor (2014)
Journal Article

Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is a highly contaminating wastewater due to its high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Conventional treatment methods require longer residence time (10–15 days) and higher operating cost.... Read More about Role of H2O2 in the fluctuating patterns of COD (chemical oxygen demand) during the treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using pilot scale triple frequency ultrasound cavitation reactor.

Novel vasocontractile role of the P2Y14receptor: characterization of its signalling in porcine isolated pancreatic arteries (2014)
Journal Article
Alsaqati, M., Latif, M., Chan, S., & Ralevic, V. (2014). Novel vasocontractile role of the P2Y14receptor: characterization of its signalling in porcine isolated pancreatic arteries. British Journal of Pharmacology, 171(3),

Background and Purpose: The P2Y14 receptor is the newest member of the P2Y receptor family; it is Gi/o protein-coupled and is activated by UDP and selectively by UDP-glucose and MRS2690 (2-thiouridine-5′-diphosphoglucose) (7–10-fold more potent than... Read More about Novel vasocontractile role of the P2Y14receptor: characterization of its signalling in porcine isolated pancreatic arteries.

SUBTLEX-UK: a new and improved word frequency database for British English (2014)
Journal Article
van Heuven, W. J., Mandera, P., Keuleers, E., & Brysbaert, M. (2014). SUBTLEX-UK: a new and improved word frequency database for British English. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,

We present word frequencies based on subtitles of British television programmes. We show that the
SUBTLEX-UK word frequencies explain more of the variance in the lexical decision times of
the British Lexicon Project than the word frequencies based... Read More about SUBTLEX-UK: a new and improved word frequency database for British English.

What Causes Over-investment in R&D in Endogenous Growth Models? (2014)
Journal Article
Denicolò, V., & Zanchettin, P. (2014). What Causes Over-investment in R&D in Endogenous Growth Models?. Economic Journal, 124(581), 1192-1212.

Endogenous growth models may exhibit either under-or over-investment in R&D. The possibility of over-investment is generally attributed to a business-stealing e¤ect that arises as the latest innovator destroys and/or appropriates previous incumbent's... Read More about What Causes Over-investment in R&D in Endogenous Growth Models?.

STAT1-cooperative DNA binding distinguishes type 1 from type 2 interferon signaling (2014)
Journal Article
Begitt, A., Droescher, M., Meyer, T., Schmid, C. D., Baker, M., Antunes, F., …Vinkemeier, U. (in press). STAT1-cooperative DNA binding distinguishes type 1 from type 2 interferon signaling. Nature Immunology, 15(2),

STAT1 is an indispensable component of a heterotrimer (ISGF3) and a STAT1 homodimer (GAF) that function as transcription regulators in type 1 and type 2 interferon signaling, respectively. To investigate the importance of STAT1-cooperative DNA bindin... Read More about STAT1-cooperative DNA binding distinguishes type 1 from type 2 interferon signaling.