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All Outputs (2096)

Queer Chinese Cinema: From ‘celluloid comrades’ to ‘digital video activism’ (2023)
Book Chapter
Bao, H. (in press). Queer Chinese Cinema: From ‘celluloid comrades’ to ‘digital video activism’. In Routledge Encyclopaedia in Chinese Studies. Routledge

This article examines queer cinema in Mainland China in the post-Mao era. It traces a brief trajectory of its development from the emergence of queer characters on the cinematic screen from the 1990s to the proliferation of Boys’ Love representations... Read More about Queer Chinese Cinema: From ‘celluloid comrades’ to ‘digital video activism’.

L’Atlante della Paletnologia del Reggiano nel suo contesto storico europeo (2023)
Book Chapter
PEARCE, M. (2023). L’Atlante della Paletnologia del Reggiano nel suo contesto storico europeo. In I. Tirabassi, R. Macellari, & G. Adriano Rossi (Eds.), Atlante di Paletnologia del Reggiano di don Gaetano Chierici (21-33). Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Provincie Modenesi - Sezione di Reggio Emilia

Questo capitolo si pone l’obiettivo di collocare nella storia dello sviluppo dell’illustrazione archeologica in Europa nei secoli XVIII e XIX il progetto di Gaetano Chierici di pubblicare un Atlante paletnologico, e di contestualizzarlo tra le pubbli... Read More about L’Atlante della Paletnologia del Reggiano nel suo contesto storico europeo.

“I got confused when they said ‘you’re a girl’”: Trans men’s life histories and the regulation of gender (2023)
Book Chapter
Zottola, A., Jones, L., Mullany, L., & Pilnick, A. (2023). “I got confused when they said ‘you’re a girl’”: Trans men’s life histories and the regulation of gender. In G. Brookes, & M. Chałupnik (Eds.), Masculinities and Discourses of Men's Health (249-271). Palgrave Macmillan.

In this chapter, we analyse autobiographical narratives written by young transgender men who were patients at a British gender identity clinic. The narratives were part of a clinical diagnostic process in which participants were asked by clinicians t... Read More about “I got confused when they said ‘you’re a girl’”: Trans men’s life histories and the regulation of gender.

Opening a New Space for Health Communication: Twitter and the Discourse of Eating Disorders in Men (2023)
Book Chapter
Bartel, H., & Downs, J. (2023). Opening a New Space for Health Communication: Twitter and the Discourse of Eating Disorders in Men. In G. Brookes, & M. Chałupnik (Eds.), Masculinities and Discourses of Men's Health (77-99). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Eating disorders include—but are not confined to—bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, atypical eating disorders, and anorexia nervosa. Increasing prevalence, notably amongst young people in tandem with the COVID-19 pandemic (Solmi et al., 2021), h... Read More about Opening a New Space for Health Communication: Twitter and the Discourse of Eating Disorders in Men.

Depictions of bone ‘spatulate’ strips and a few thoughts about their function (2023)
Book Chapter
Willi, A. (2023). Depictions of bone ‘spatulate’ strips and a few thoughts about their function. In T. Grüll (Ed.), Representations of Writing Materials on Roman Funerary Monuments. Text, Image, Message. Archaeopress

This contribution offers the identification of so-called bone ‘spatulate’ strips in two Roman funerary reliefs. This increases the number of known depictions to four, allowing for a reassessment of the iconographic evidence for this enigmatic Roman t... Read More about Depictions of bone ‘spatulate’ strips and a few thoughts about their function.

Earliest Western References to Islam (2023)
Book Chapter
Woudhuysen, G. (2023). Earliest Western References to Islam. In Christian-Muslim Relations, Primary Sources 600-1500 (264-270). Bloomsbury Publishing

Material Jetting (2023)
Book Chapter
Gilani, N., Foerster, A., & Aboulkhair, N. T. (2023). Material Jetting. In E. Pei, A. Bernard, D. Gu, C. Klahn, M. Monzón, M. Petersen, & T. Sun (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing (371-387). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Material jetting is a process whereby a 3D structure can be manufactured using either a continuous jet or drop-on-demand jet. Material is transformed into a liquid state and actuated for a stream of material or droplets to be generated and ejected th... Read More about Material Jetting.

Understanding and exploring the cost of poor mental health at work for organisations and society (2023)
Book Chapter
Hassard, J., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2024). Understanding and exploring the cost of poor mental health at work for organisations and society. In A. Day, & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Mental Health at Work. Routledge

This chapter explores the cost of mental health at work from an employer and societal perspective. We aim to present and reflect on the available evidence of the economic burden and human cost posed by poor mental health at work. A fuller understandi... Read More about Understanding and exploring the cost of poor mental health at work for organisations and society.

How to Develop Inclusive, Sustainable Leadership in Nursing? Clean the Sticky Floor! (2023)
Book Chapter
Croft, C., & Dawson, A. (2023). How to Develop Inclusive, Sustainable Leadership in Nursing? Clean the Sticky Floor!. In N. Burgess, & G. Currie (Eds.), Shaping High Quality, Affordable and Equitable Healthcare. Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare (115-130). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Females from ethnic minority backgrounds are currently under-represented in nurse leadership positions across Western healthcare systems. Despite being over-represented at entry level nursing roles, they are under-represented in all nursing roles abo... Read More about How to Develop Inclusive, Sustainable Leadership in Nursing? Clean the Sticky Floor!.

The Role of Quality Improvement in Sustaining Healthcare During Crisis (2023)
Book Chapter
Dawson, A., Burgess, N., & Latuszynska, A. (2023). The Role of Quality Improvement in Sustaining Healthcare During Crisis. In N. Burgess, & G. Currie (Eds.), Shaping High Quality, Affordable and Equitable Healthcare. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

In this chapter we illustrate how a quality improvement (QI) programme established in the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, supported the sustainability of healthcare delivery in five English hospitals during the crisis. Using qualitative data ac... Read More about The Role of Quality Improvement in Sustaining Healthcare During Crisis.

Unified Patent Court and International Law (2023)
Book Chapter
Van der Ploeg, K. P. (2023). Unified Patent Court and International Law. In D. Matthews, & P. Torremans (Eds.), European Patent Law: The Unified Patent Court and the European Patent Convention. De Gruyter

Regulation 542/2014 on jurisdiction (2023)
Book Chapter
TORREMANS, P. (2023). Regulation 542/2014 on jurisdiction. In European patent Law: The Unified Patent Court and The European Patent Convention (185-196). De Gruyter

Making Films is Like Friends Getting Together and Having Parties: Hongwei Bao in Conversation with Cui Zi’en (2023)
Book Chapter
Bao, H., & Cui, Z. (2023). Making Films is Like Friends Getting Together and Having Parties: Hongwei Bao in Conversation with Cui Zi’en. In U. Böckler, J. Lazarus, & A. Weltz-Rombach (Eds.), Radical Film, Art and Digital Media for Societies in Turmoil (223-227). K. Verlag

Cui Zi’en (b. 1958 in Harbin, China) is one of the best-known queer filmmakers, writers and activists in the Chinese-speaking world. He was the first ‘out’ gay public persona in post-Mao China, coming out on state television in 2000. He has made abou... Read More about Making Films is Like Friends Getting Together and Having Parties: Hongwei Bao in Conversation with Cui Zi’en.

Shetland and the Runic Diaspora (2023)
Book Chapter
Jesch, J. (2023). Shetland and the Runic Diaspora. In R. Foster, & C. Cooijmans (Eds.), History, Landscape, and Language in the Northern Isles and Caithness: A'm Grippit Dis Laand’. A Gedenkschrift for Doreen Waugh. Brepols Publishers

Does it Really Matter How Different We Are? Ancestry Distances and Income in the United States (2023)
Book Chapter
Rueda, V. (2023). Does it Really Matter How Different We Are? Ancestry Distances and Income in the United States. In R. Sauer (Ed.), World Scientific Handbook of Global Migration : Volume 3: Types of Migrants and Economies: A Global Perspective. World Scientific

Do ancestry differences at the local level have persistent effects on economic success inside the United States? Using data from the American Community Survey, and genetic and cultural measures of ancestry distance from the recent literature, this ar... Read More about Does it Really Matter How Different We Are? Ancestry Distances and Income in the United States.

Building Information Modelling Implementation in the UK Construction Industry: A Commercial Perspective (2023)
Book Chapter
Davies, D., & Tokbolat, S. (2023). Building Information Modelling Implementation in the UK Construction Industry: A Commercial Perspective. In E. Noroozinejad Farsangi, M. Noori, T. T. Yang, P. B. Lourenço, P. Gardoni, I. Takewaki, …S. Li (Eds.), Automation in Construction toward Resilience: Robotics, Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems (111-137). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This piece of research was undertaken to investigate the commercially related aspects of Building Information Modelling (BIM) within the UK construction industry, highlighting the effectiveness and increases in efficiencies that can be gained by the... Read More about Building Information Modelling Implementation in the UK Construction Industry: A Commercial Perspective.

The passive revolution in English school reform : Hegemony from above (2023)
Book Chapter
Stevenson, H. (2023). The passive revolution in English school reform : Hegemony from above. In Educational Leadership and Antonio Gramsci: The Organising of Ideas (101-125). Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.

In this chapter, we analyse education reform in England over a period of more than half a century. Progressive advance in the post-war years posed a serious threat to the status and stability of dominant groups, so there has taken place a sustained e... Read More about The passive revolution in English school reform : Hegemony from above.