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All Outputs (17)

Suppression to visual, auditory, and gustatory stimuli habituates normally in rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex (2009)
Journal Article
Robinson, J., Sanderson, D. J., Aggleton, J. P., & Jenkins, T. A. (2009). Suppression to visual, auditory, and gustatory stimuli habituates normally in rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123(6), 1238-1250. doi:10.1037/a0017444

In 3 habituation experiments, rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex were found to be indistinguishable from control rats. Two of the habituation experiments examined the habituation of suppression of responding on an appetitive, inst... Read More about Suppression to visual, auditory, and gustatory stimuli habituates normally in rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex.

Graduate entry to medicine: widening psychological diversity (2009)
Journal Article
James, D., Ferguson, E., Powis, D., Bore, M., Munro, D., Symonds, I., & Yates, J. (2009). Graduate entry to medicine: widening psychological diversity. BMC Medical Education, 9(Novemb), Article 8.

Background: At Nottingham University more than 95% of entrants to the traditional 5-year medical course are school leavers. Since 2003 we have admitted graduate entrants (GEM) to a shortened (4-year) course to 'widen access to students from... Read More about Graduate entry to medicine: widening psychological diversity.

Using biologically plausible neural models to specify the functional and neural mechanisms of visual search (2009)
Journal Article
Humphreys, G. W., Allen, H. A., & Mavritsaki, E. (2009). Using biologically plausible neural models to specify the functional and neural mechanisms of visual search. Progress in Brain Research, 176,

We review research from our laboratory that attempts to pull apart the functional and neural mechanisms of visual search using converging, inter-disciplinary evidence from experimental studies with normal participants, neuropsychological studies with... Read More about Using biologically plausible neural models to specify the functional and neural mechanisms of visual search.

Shifting development in mid-childhood: the influence of between-task interference (2009)
Journal Article
Cragg, L., & Nation, K. (2009). Shifting development in mid-childhood: the influence of between-task interference. Developmental Psychology, 45(5),

Performance on the task-switching paradigm is greatly affected by the amount of conflict between tasks. Compared to adults, children appear to be particularly influenced by this conflict, suggesting that the ability to resolve interference between ta... Read More about Shifting development in mid-childhood: the influence of between-task interference.

Ventral extra-striate cortical areas are required for human visual texture segmentation (2009)
Journal Article
Allen, H. A., Humphreys, G. W., Colin, J., & Neumann, H. (2009). Ventral extra-striate cortical areas are required for human visual texture segmentation. Journal of Vision, 9(9), Article 2.

A patient (HJA) with bilateral occipital lobe damage to ventral cortical areas V2, V3 and V4 was tested on a texture segmentation task involving texture bar detection in an array of oriented lines. Performance detecting a target shape was assessed as... Read More about Ventral extra-striate cortical areas are required for human visual texture segmentation.

Interactions between new and pre-existing dynamics in bimanual movement control (2009)
Journal Article
Serrien, D. J. (2009). Interactions between new and pre-existing dynamics in bimanual movement control. Experimental Brain Research, 197(3),

Motor skills are commonly acquired through practice. This process not only involves acquisition of the particular task demands but also requires overcoming pre-existing modes. In the present study, interactions between new and intrinsic dynamics were... Read More about Interactions between new and pre-existing dynamics in bimanual movement control.

Risky Business: Disambiguating Ambiguity-Related Responses in the Brain (2009)
Journal Article
Kobayashi, S., & O'Neill, M. (2009). Risky Business: Disambiguating Ambiguity-Related Responses in the Brain. Journal of Neurophysiology, 102(2), 645-647.

Previous functional MRI studies reported neural correlates of risk and ambiguity based on behavioral economic theories. A recent study controlled for uncertainty by adding noise to information of an impending aversive event and demonstrated brain are... Read More about Risky Business: Disambiguating Ambiguity-Related Responses in the Brain.

Systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions relevant for young offenders with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or self-harm (2009)
Journal Article
Townsend, E., Walker, D.-M., Sargeant, S., Vostanis, P., Hawton, K., Stocker, O., & Sithole, J. (2010). Systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions relevant for young offenders with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or self-harm. Journal of Adolescence, 33(1), 9-20.

Background: Mood and anxiety disorders, and problems with self harm are significant and serious issues that are common in young people in the Criminal Justice System.
Aims: To examine whether interventions relevant to young offenders with mood or an... Read More about Systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions relevant for young offenders with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or self-harm.

Direct tactile stimulation of dorsal occipito-temporal cortex in a visual agnosic (2009)
Journal Article
Allen, H. A., & Humphreys, G. W. (2009). Direct tactile stimulation of dorsal occipito-temporal cortex in a visual agnosic. Current Biology, 19(12),

The human occipito-temporal cortex is preferentially activated by images of objects as opposed to scrambled images [1]. Touching objects (versus textures) also activates this region [2–10]. We used neuropsychological fMRI to probe whether dorsal regi... Read More about Direct tactile stimulation of dorsal occipito-temporal cortex in a visual agnosic.

Climate change – psychology’s contribution (2009)
Journal Article
Spence, A., Pidgeon, N., & Uzzell, D. (2009). Climate change – psychology’s contribution. Psychologist, 21,

Climate change is a word on everybody’s lips at the moment. But, what role can we, as psychologists, both individually and within our sub-disciplinary groups play in reducing and adapting to the impacts of society’s ‘carbon footprint’? This article... Read More about Climate change – psychology’s contribution.

The role of hand dominance and sensorimotor congruence in voluntary movement (2009)
Journal Article
Serrien, D. J., & Spapé, M. M. (2009). The role of hand dominance and sensorimotor congruence in voluntary movement. Experimental Brain Research, 199(2),

The present study evaluated the neural changes due to effector use (unimanual left, unimanual right, bimanual) and visuomotor conflict induced by mirror-reversed vision during drawing behaviour. EEG phase synchronization, expressing interregional com... Read More about The role of hand dominance and sensorimotor congruence in voluntary movement.

Effects of task complexity and sensory conflict on goal-directed movement (2009)
Journal Article
Serrien, D. J., & Spapé, M. M. (2009). Effects of task complexity and sensory conflict on goal-directed movement. Neuroscience Letters, 464(1),

Interactions between brain regions are necessary for compound activities to take place. Accordingly, evaluating hemispheric information processing during skilled behaviour provides valuable knowledge about brain regulation. To this end, the present s... Read More about Effects of task complexity and sensory conflict on goal-directed movement.

Bimanual information processing and the impact of conflict during mirror drawing (2009)
Journal Article
Serrien, D. J. (2009). Bimanual information processing and the impact of conflict during mirror drawing. Behavioural Brain Research, 205(2),

Successful motor behavior depends on optimal information processing and planning. In the present study, the neural response of the motor system to conflict of visuomotor discrepancy (mirror-reversed vision) and complexity (task difficulty and hand la... Read More about Bimanual information processing and the impact of conflict during mirror drawing.

Model based analysis of fMRI-data: Applying the sSoTS framework to the neural basic of preview search. (2009)
Book Chapter
Mavritsaki, E., Allen, H. A., & Humphreys, G. W. (2009). Model based analysis of fMRI-data: Applying the sSoTS framework to the neural basic of preview search. In L. Paletta, & J. K. Tsotsos (Eds.), Attention in Cognitive Systems : 5th International Workshop on Attention in Cognitive Systems, WAPCV 2008, Fira, Santorini, Greece, May 12, 2008 : revised selected papers. Springer.

The current work aims to unveil the neural circuits under- lying visual search over time and space by using a model-based analysis of behavioural and fMRI data. It has been suggested by Watson and Humphreys [31] that the prioritization of new stimuli... Read More about Model based analysis of fMRI-data: Applying the sSoTS framework to the neural basic of preview search..

Corticosterone differences rather than social housing predict performance of T-maze alternation in male CD-1 mice (2009)
Journal Article
Fitchett, A. E., Barnard, C. J., & Cassaday, H. J. (2009). Corticosterone differences rather than social housing predict performance of T-maze alternation in male CD-1 mice. Animal Welfare Journal, 18(1),

This study examined the effects of social housing manipulations on body weight, corticosterone levels, and performance of T-maze alternation in male CD-1 mice. Males that adopted a dominant social rank were heavier than those that adopted a subordina... Read More about Corticosterone differences rather than social housing predict performance of T-maze alternation in male CD-1 mice.