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All Outputs (21)

Scalable simulation of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics via classically optimized unitary circuits (2024)
Journal Article
Causer, L., Jung, F., Mitra, A., Pollmann, F., & Gammon-Smith, A. (2024). Scalable simulation of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics via classically optimized unitary circuits. Physical Review Research, 6(3), Article 033062.

The advent of near-term digital quantum computers could offer us an exciting opportunity to investigate quantum many-body phenomena beyond that of classical computing. To make the best use of the hardware available, it is paramount that we have metho... Read More about Scalable simulation of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics via classically optimized unitary circuits.

Quench dynamics in lattices above one dimension: The free fermionic case (2024)
Journal Article
Gibbins, M., Jafarizadeh, A., Gammon-Smith, A., & Bertini, B. (2024). Quench dynamics in lattices above one dimension: The free fermionic case. Physical Review B, 109(22), Article 224310.

We begin a systematic investigation of quench dynamics in higher-dimensional lattice systems considering the case of noninteracting fermions with conserved particle number. We prepare the system in a translational-invariant nonequilibrium initial sta... Read More about Quench dynamics in lattices above one dimension: The free fermionic case.

Time evolution of uniform sequential circuits (2023)
Journal Article
Astrakhantsev, N., Lin, S.-H., Pollmann, F., & Smith, A. (2023). Time evolution of uniform sequential circuits. Physical Review Research, 5(3), Article 033187.

Simulating time evolution of generic quantum many-body systems using classical numerical approaches has an exponentially growing cost either with evolution time or with the system size. In this work we present a polynomially scaling hybrid quantum-cl... Read More about Time evolution of uniform sequential circuits.

Model-Independent Learning of Quantum Phases of Matter with Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks (2023)
Journal Article
Liu, Y.-J., Smith, A., Knap, M., & Pollmann, F. (2023). Model-Independent Learning of Quantum Phases of Matter with Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks. Physical Review Letters, 130(22), Article 220603.

Quantum convolutional neural networks (QCNNs) have been introduced as classifiers for gapped quantum phases of matter. Here, we propose a model-independent protocol for training QCNNs to discover order parameters that are unchanged under phase-preser... Read More about Model-Independent Learning of Quantum Phases of Matter with Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks.

Numerical simulation of non-Abelian anyons (2023)
Journal Article
Kirchner, N., Millar, D., Ayeni, B. M., Smith, A., Slingerland, J. K., & Pollmann, F. (2023). Numerical simulation of non-Abelian anyons. Physical Review B, 107(19), Article 195129.

Two-dimensional systems such as quantum spin liquids or fractional quantum Hall systems exhibit anyonic excitations that possess more general statistics than bosons or fermions. This exotic statistics makes it challenging to solve even a many-body sy... Read More about Numerical simulation of non-Abelian anyons.

Methods for Simulating String-Net States and Anyons on a Digital Quantum Computer (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, Y.-J., Shtengel, K., Smith, A., & Pollmann, F. (2022). Methods for Simulating String-Net States and Anyons on a Digital Quantum Computer. PRX Quantum, 3(4), Article 040315.

The finding of physical realizations of topologically ordered states in experimental settings, from condensed matter to artificial quantum systems, has been the main challenge en route to utilizing their unconventional properties. We show how to real... Read More about Methods for Simulating String-Net States and Anyons on a Digital Quantum Computer.

Data compression for quantum machine learning (2022)
Journal Article
Dilip, R., Liu, Y. J., Smith, A., & Pollmann, F. (2022). Data compression for quantum machine learning. Physical Review Research, 4(4), Article 043007.

The advent of noisy-intermediate scale quantum computers has introduced the exciting possibility of achieving quantum speedups in machine learning tasks. These devices, however, are composed of a small number of qubits and can faithfully run only sho... Read More about Data compression for quantum machine learning.

Finite-depth scaling of infinite quantum circuits for quantum critical points (2022)
Journal Article
Jobst, B., Smith, A., & Pollmann, F. (2022). Finite-depth scaling of infinite quantum circuits for quantum critical points. Physical Review Research, 4(3), Article 033118.

The scaling of the entanglement entropy at a quantum critical point allows us to extract universal properties of the state, e.g., the central charge of a conformal field theory. With the rapid improvement of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) de... Read More about Finite-depth scaling of infinite quantum circuits for quantum critical points.

Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Jobst, B., Green, A. G., & Pollmann, F. (2022). Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer. Physical Review Research, 4(2), Article L022020.

Quantum computers promise to perform computations beyond the reach of modern computers with profound implications for scientific research. Due to remarkable technological advances, small scale devices are now becoming available for use. One of the mo... Read More about Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer.

Identifying correlation clusters in many-body localized systems (2022)
Journal Article
Hémery, K., Pollmann, F., & Smith, A. (2022). Identifying correlation clusters in many-body localized systems. Physical Review B, 105(6), Article 064202.

We introduce techniques for analyzing the structure of quantum states of many-body localized (MBL) spin chains by identifying correlation clusters from pairwise correlations. These techniques proceed by interpreting pairwise correlations in the state... Read More about Identifying correlation clusters in many-body localized systems.

Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor (2021)
Journal Article
Satzinger, K. J., Liu, Y.-J., Smith, A., Knapp, C., Newman, M., Jones, C., …Roushan, P. (2021). Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor. Science, 374(6572), 1237-1241.

The discovery of topological order has revised the understanding of quantum matter and provided the theoretical foundation for many quantum error-correcting codes. Realizing topologically ordered states has proven to be challenging in both condensed... Read More about Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor.

Orthogonal Quantum Many-Body Scars (2021)
Journal Article
Zhao, H., Smith, A., Mintert, F., & Knolle, J. (2021). Orthogonal Quantum Many-Body Scars. Physical Review Letters, 127(15), Article 150601.

Quantum many-body scars have been put forward as counterexamples to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. These atypical states are observed in a range of correlated models as long-lived oscillations of local observables in quench experiments sta... Read More about Orthogonal Quantum Many-Body Scars.

Skeleton of matrix-product-state-solvable models connecting topological phases of matter (2021)
Journal Article
Jones, N. G., Bibo, J., Jobst, B., Pollmann, F., Smith, A., & Verresen, R. (2021). Skeleton of matrix-product-state-solvable models connecting topological phases of matter. Physical Review Research, 3(3), Article 033265.

Models whose ground states can be written as an exact matrix-product state (MPS) provide valuable insights into phases of matter. While MPS-solvable models are typically studied as isolated points in a phase diagram, they can belong to a connected ne... Read More about Skeleton of matrix-product-state-solvable models connecting topological phases of matter.

Topological two-dimensional Floquet lattice on a single superconducting qubit (2021)
Journal Article
Malz, D., & Smith, A. (2021). Topological two-dimensional Floquet lattice on a single superconducting qubit. Physical Review Letters, 126(16), Article 163602.

Current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices constitute powerful platforms for analogue quantum simulation. The exquisite level of control offered by state-of-the-art quantum computers make them especially promising to implement time-depen... Read More about Topological two-dimensional Floquet lattice on a single superconducting qubit.

Real- and Imaginary-Time Evolution with Compressed Quantum Circuits (2021)
Journal Article
Lin, S.-H., Dilip, R., Green, A. G., Smith, A., & Pollmann, F. (2021). Real- and Imaginary-Time Evolution with Compressed Quantum Circuits. PRX Quantum, 2, Article 010342.

The current generation of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers introduces new opportunities to study quantum many-body systems. In this paper, we show that quantum circuits can provide a dramatically more efficient representation than current c... Read More about Real- and Imaginary-Time Evolution with Compressed Quantum Circuits.

Butterfly effect and spatial structure of information spreading in a chaotic cellular automaton (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, S., Willsher, J., Bilitewski, T., Li, J., Smith, A., Christensen, K., …Knolle, J. (2021). Butterfly effect and spatial structure of information spreading in a chaotic cellular automaton. Physical Review B, 103(9), Article 094109.

Inspired by recent developments in the study of chaos in many-body systems, we construct a measure of local information spreading for a stochastic cellular automaton in the form of a spatiotemporally resolved Hamming distance. This decorrelator is a... Read More about Butterfly effect and spatial structure of information spreading in a chaotic cellular automaton.

Disorder-free localization in a simple U(1) lattice gauge theory (2020)
Journal Article
Papaefstathiou, I., Smith, A., & Knolle, J. (2020). Disorder-free localization in a simple U(1) lattice gauge theory. Physical Review B, 102(16), Article 165132.

Localization due to the presence of disorder has proven crucial for our current understanding of relaxation in isolated quantum systems. The many-body localized phase constitutes a robust alternative to the thermalization of complex interacting syste... Read More about Disorder-free localization in a simple U(1) lattice gauge theory.

Intrinsic sign problem in fermionic and bosonic chiral topological matter (2020)
Journal Article
Golan, O., Smith, A., & Ringel, Z. (2020). Intrinsic sign problem in fermionic and bosonic chiral topological matter. Physical Review Research, 2(4), Article 043032.

The infamous sign problem leads to an exponential complexity in Monte Carlo simulations of generic many-body quantum systems. Nevertheless, many phases of matter are known to admit a sign-problem-free representative, allowing efficient simulations on... Read More about Intrinsic sign problem in fermionic and bosonic chiral topological matter.

Intrinsic sign problems in topological quantum field theories (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Golan, O., & Ringel, Z. (2020). Intrinsic sign problems in topological quantum field theories. Physical Review Research, 2(3), Article 033515.

The sign problem is a widespread numerical hurdle preventing us from simulating the equilibrium behavior of various problems at the forefront of physics. Focusing on an important subclass of such problems, bosonic (2+1)-dimensional topological quantu... Read More about Intrinsic sign problems in topological quantum field theories.

Simulating quantum many-body dynamics on a current digital quantum computer (2019)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Kim, M. S., Pollmann, F., & Knolle, J. (2019). Simulating quantum many-body dynamics on a current digital quantum computer. npj Quantum Information, 5(1), Article 106.

Universal quantum computers are potentially an ideal setting for simulating many-body quantum dynamics that is out of reach for classical digital computers. We use state-of-the-art IBM quantum computers to study paradigmatic examples of condensed mat... Read More about Simulating quantum many-body dynamics on a current digital quantum computer.