A same‐day assay predicts apoptotic response to combined BCL‐2 and MCL‐1 BH3‐mimetic targeting in multiple myeloma cells
Journal Article
Grundy, M., Al‐Kaisi, F., Cull, J., Williams, C., Smith, D., & Seedhouse, C. H. (2021). A same‐day assay predicts apoptotic response to combined BCL‐2 and MCL‐1 BH3‐mimetic targeting in multiple myeloma cells. eJHaem, 2(1), 40-47. https://doi.org/10.1002/jha2.133
Recent advances in treatment options for multiple myeloma (MM) have positive impact on patient survival. However, there is a short fall of rapid and reliable assays that can predict patient response to novel agents. The anti-apoptotic proteins B-cell... Read More about A same‐day assay predicts apoptotic response to combined BCL‐2 and MCL‐1 BH3‐mimetic targeting in multiple myeloma cells.