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All Outputs (42)

Effect of tooling surface on friction conditions in cold forging of an aluminum alloy (2018)
Journal Article
Hu, C., Ding, T., Ou, H., & Zhao, Z. (2019). Effect of tooling surface on friction conditions in cold forging of an aluminum alloy. Tribology International, 131, 353-362.

Friction during cold forging of aluminum was analyzed with a ring with boss compression test (RCT-B) and an optimum spike forging test (O-SFT). The tool surface was treated with three methods: flat grinding, bead blasting, and lapping-plus-polishing.... Read More about Effect of tooling surface on friction conditions in cold forging of an aluminum alloy.

Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA6092/SiC metal matrix composite (2018)
Journal Article
Salih, O. S., Ou, H., Wei, X., & Sun, W. (2019). Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA6092/SiC metal matrix composite. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 742, 78-88.

There is a need for improved understanding on the effects of friction stir welding (FSW) on the metallurgical and mechanical properties of aluminium matrix composite (AMC). In this study, AA6092/SiC/17.5p-T6 AMC joints were produced by using FSW with... Read More about Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA6092/SiC metal matrix composite.

Investigation of the effect of forming parameters in incremental sheet forming using a micromechanics based damage model (2018)
Journal Article
Gatea, S., Lu, B., Chen, J., Ou, H., & McCartney, G. (2019). Investigation of the effect of forming parameters in incremental sheet forming using a micromechanics based damage model. International Journal of Material Forming, 12(4), 553–574.

The incremental sheet forming (ISF) process is considered as a feasible solution for forming a variety of small batch and even customised sheet components. The quality of an ISF product is affected by various process parameters, e.g. sheet material,... Read More about Investigation of the effect of forming parameters in incremental sheet forming using a micromechanics based damage model.

Deformation and fracture characteristics of Al6092/SiC/17.5p metal matrix composite sheets due to heat treatments (2018)
Journal Article
Gatea, S., Ou, H., & McCartney, G. (2018). Deformation and fracture characteristics of Al6092/SiC/17.5p metal matrix composite sheets due to heat treatments. Materials Characterization, 142,

In metal matrix composite (MMC) materials, the reaction between the metal matrix and reinforcement particles could change the composition of the matrix and the interface and lead to interfacial compounds. These intermetallic compounds may have either... Read More about Deformation and fracture characteristics of Al6092/SiC/17.5p metal matrix composite sheets due to heat treatments.

Evaluation of formability and fracture of pure titanium in incremental sheet forming (2017)
Journal Article
Gatea, S., Xu, D., Ou, H., & McCartney, G. (in press). Evaluation of formability and fracture of pure titanium in incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,

A forming limit diagram (FLD) is commonly used as a useful means for characterizing the formability of sheet metal forming processes. In this study, the Nakajima test was used to construct the forming limit curve at necking (FLCN) and fracture (FLCF)... Read More about Evaluation of formability and fracture of pure titanium in incremental sheet forming.

Modelling of ductile fracture in single point incremental forming using a modified GTN model (2017)
Journal Article
Gatea, S., Ou, H., Lu, B., & McCartney, G. (2017). Modelling of ductile fracture in single point incremental forming using a modified GTN model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 186,

Understanding the deformation and failure mechanisms in single point incremental forming (SPIF) is of great importance for achieving improved formability. Furthermore, there will be added benefits for more in depth evaluation of the effect of localis... Read More about Modelling of ductile fracture in single point incremental forming using a modified GTN model.

Hot tensile fracture characteristics and constitutive modelling of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) (2017)
Journal Article
Chen, F., Ou, H., Gatea, S., & Long, H. (2017). Hot tensile fracture characteristics and constitutive modelling of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK). Polymer Testing, 63,

The effects of strain rate and deformation temperature on the deformation behaviors of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) were studied by uniaxial tensile tests with the temperature range of 23–150 °C and strain rate of 0.01–1 s−1. The effects of deformat... Read More about Hot tensile fracture characteristics and constitutive modelling of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK).

Evaluation of deformation stability and fracture mechanism in incremental sheet forming (2017)
Journal Article
Ai, S., Lu, B., Chen, J., Long, H., & Ou, H. (2017). Evaluation of deformation stability and fracture mechanism in incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 124-125,

Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a flexible process for rapid manufacturing of complex sheet metal parts. An advantage of ISF is the improved formability than traditional sheet forming processes such as stamping. A number of fundamental studies hav... Read More about Evaluation of deformation stability and fracture mechanism in incremental sheet forming.

A new measuring method for friction factor by using ring with inner boss compression test (2017)
Journal Article
Hu, C., Yin, Q., Zhao, Z., & Ou, H. (2017). A new measuring method for friction factor by using ring with inner boss compression test. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 123,

To overcome the disadvantage of the bulging effect due to non-uniform deformation in dimension measurement of the conventional ring compression test (RCT), a new measuring method for the friction factor called ring compression test with inner boss (R... Read More about A new measuring method for friction factor by using ring with inner boss compression test.

Mesoscale modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution during dynamic recrystallization of a Ni-based superalloy (2016)
Journal Article
Chen, F., Cui, Z., Ou, H., & Long, H. (2016). Mesoscale modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution during dynamic recrystallization of a Ni-based superalloy. Applied Physics A, 122(10),

Microstructural evolution and plastic flow characteristics of a Ni-based superalloy were investigated using a simulative model that couples the basic metallurgical principle of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) with the twodimensional (2D) cellular aut... Read More about Mesoscale modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution during dynamic recrystallization of a Ni-based superalloy.

Investigation on a new hole-flanging approach by incremental sheet forming through a featured tool (2016)
Journal Article
Cao, T., Lu, B., Ou, H., Long, H., & Chen, J. (2016). Investigation on a new hole-flanging approach by incremental sheet forming through a featured tool. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 110,

One of the major challenges in conventional incremental sheet forming (ISF) is the extreme sheet thinning resulted in an uneven thickness distribution of formed part. This is also the case for incrementally formed parts with hole-flanging features. T... Read More about Investigation on a new hole-flanging approach by incremental sheet forming through a featured tool.

Fracture characteristics of PEEK at various stress triaxialities (2016)
Journal Article
Chen, F., Gatea, S., Ou, H., Lu, B., & Long, H. (2016). Fracture characteristics of PEEK at various stress triaxialities. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 64, 173-186.

Polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) is an alternative to metal alloys in orthopaedic applications. It gives significant advantages including excellent mechanical properties and non-toxicity. In this work, a set of specimens with different notched radii wer... Read More about Fracture characteristics of PEEK at various stress triaxialities.

Effect of stress relieving heat treatment on surface topography and dimensional accuracy of incrementally formed grade 1 titanium sheet parts (2016)
Journal Article
Behera, A. K., & Ou, H. (2016). Effect of stress relieving heat treatment on surface topography and dimensional accuracy of incrementally formed grade 1 titanium sheet parts. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87(9),

The forming of parts with an optimized surface roughness and high dimensional accuracy is important in many applications of incremental sheet forming (ISF). To realize this, the effect of stress relieving heat treatment of grade-1 Ti parts performed... Read More about Effect of stress relieving heat treatment on surface topography and dimensional accuracy of incrementally formed grade 1 titanium sheet parts.

Review on the influence of process parameters in incremental sheet forming (2016)
Journal Article
Gatea, S., Ou, H., & McCartney, G. (2016). Review on the influence of process parameters in incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87(1),

Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a relatively new flexible forming process. ISF has excellent adaptability to conventional milling machines and requires minimum use of complex tooling, dies and forming press, which makes the process cost-effective... Read More about Review on the influence of process parameters in incremental sheet forming.

A constitutive model of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) (2015)
Journal Article
Chen, F., Ou, H., Lu, B., & Long, H. (2016). A constitutive model of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK). Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 53,

A modified Johnson–Cook (JC) model was proposed to describe the flow behaviour of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) with the consideration of coupled effects of strain, strain rate and temperature. As compared to traditional JC model, the modified one ha... Read More about A constitutive model of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK).

A review of friction stir welding of aluminium matrix composites (2015)
Journal Article
Salih, O. S., Ou, H., Sun, W., & McCartney, D. (2015). A review of friction stir welding of aluminium matrix composites. Materials and Design, 86,

As a solid state joining process, friction stir welding (FSW) has proven to be a promising approach for joining aluminium matrix composites (AMCs). However, challenges still remain in using FSW to join AMCs even with considerable progress having been... Read More about A review of friction stir welding of aluminium matrix composites.

Flow characteristics and intrinsic workability of IN718 superalloy (2015)
Journal Article
Chen, F., Liu, J., Ou, H., Lu, B., Cui, Z., & Long, H. (2015). Flow characteristics and intrinsic workability of IN718 superalloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 642,

This study focuses on deformation characteristics of superalloy IN718 by formulation of a new flowstress model and detailed evaluation of intrinsic workability through the generation of three-dimensional (3D) processing maps with the support of optic... Read More about Flow characteristics and intrinsic workability of IN718 superalloy.

An alternative evaluation method for friction condition in cold forging by ring with boss compression test (2015)
Journal Article
Hu, C., Ou, H., & Zhao, Z. (2015). An alternative evaluation method for friction condition in cold forging by ring with boss compression test. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 224,

Ring compression test (RCT) is a very popular method used to quantitatively evaluate friction condition sat the tool–workpiece interface by measuring the variations of the inner diameter of the ring in metal forming. There are many possibilities for... Read More about An alternative evaluation method for friction condition in cold forging by ring with boss compression test.

Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming (2015)
Journal Article
Lu, B., Fang, Y., Xu, D., Chen, J., Ai, S., Long, H., …Cao, J. (2015). Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 93,

Double side incremental forming (DSIF) is an emerging technology in incremental sheet forming (ISF) in recent years. By employing two forming tools at each side of the sheet, the DSIF process can provide additional process flexibility, comparing to t... Read More about Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming.

Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system (2014)
Journal Article
Zhang, M. H., Lu, B., Chen, J., Long, H., & Ou, H. (2015). Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 78(5-8), 1147-1160.

Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a highly versatile and flexible process for producing low batches of sheet metal parts. Although finite element (FE) method is a key approach in the study of material deformation in metal forming processes, the appl... Read More about Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system.