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Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice application of remifentanil during labor: An overview of its application in Dutch hospitals] (2018)
Journal Article
Logtenberg, S. L., Leonoor Vink, M., Godfried, M., Beenakkers, I. C., Freeman, L. M., Schellevis, F. G., …Verhoeven, C. J. (2018). Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice application of remifentanil during labor: An overview of its application in Dutch hospitals]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2018(162), Article D2816

Onderzoeken (a) frequentie van het gebruik van patiëntgecontroleerde toediening van remifentanil (remifentanil-PCA) durante partu in Nederland; (b) wat motieven zijn om remifentanil-PCA al dan niet aan te bieden; (c) voor welke vrouwen remifent... Read More about Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice application of remifentanil during labor: An overview of its application in Dutch hospitals].

How good is collaboration between maternity service providers in the Netherlands? (2018)
Journal Article
Cronie, D., Rijnders, M., Jans, S., Verhoeven, C. J., & de Vries, R. (2018). How good is collaboration between maternity service providers in the Netherlands?. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 12, 21-30.

Aims: To examine the experiences of inter-professional collaboration of maternity service providers in the Netherlands and to identify potential enhancing and inhibiting factors for inter-professional collaboration within maternity care in the Nether... Read More about How good is collaboration between maternity service providers in the Netherlands?.

Knowledge of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy of Moroccan women in Morocco and in the Netherlands: a qualitative interview study (2018)
Journal Article
Ouasmani, F., Engeltjes, B., Haddou Rahou, B., Belayachi, O., & Verhoeven, C. (2018). Knowledge of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy of Moroccan women in Morocco and in the Netherlands: a qualitative interview study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18, Article 344.

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) are the most common medical disorders in pregnancy and the greatest single cause of maternal mortality worldwide. Ethnicity appears to be a significant risk factor for pregnancy related mortality... Read More about Knowledge of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy of Moroccan women in Morocco and in the Netherlands: a qualitative interview study.

Regional variations in childbirth interventions in the Netherlands: A nationwide explorative study (2018)
Journal Article
Seijmonsbergen-Schermers, A., Zondag, D., Nieuwenhuijze, M., Van den Akker, T., Verhoeven, C., Geerts, C., …De Jonge, A. (2018). Regional variations in childbirth interventions in the Netherlands: A nationwide explorative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18, Article 192.

Background: Although interventions in childbirth are important in order to prevent neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality, non-indicated use may cause avoidable harm. Regional variations in intervention rates, which cannot be explained by mate... Read More about Regional variations in childbirth interventions in the Netherlands: A nationwide explorative study.

Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice variation in the application of remifentanil during labour: an overview of its application in Dutch hospitals] (2018)
Journal Article
Logtenberg, S. L. M., Vink, M. L., Godfried, M., Beenakkers, I. C. M., Freeman, L. M., Schellevis, F. G., …Verhoeven, C. J. (2018). Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice variation in the application of remifentanil during labour: an overview of its application in Dutch hospitals]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 162(D2816),

Objective: To survey (a) the frequency of the use of patient-controlled analgesic remifentanil-PCA during labour in the Netherlands; (b) considerations by obstetricians whether or not to offer remifentanil-PCA; (c) target population for remifentanil-... Read More about Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice variation in the application of remifentanil during labour: an overview of its application in Dutch hospitals].

Influence of Gestational Age at Initiation of Antihypertensive Therapy: Secondary Analysis of CHIPS Trial Data (Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study) (2018)
Journal Article
Pels, A., Mol, B. W. J., Singer, J., Lee, T., von Dadelszen, P., Ganzevoort, W., …Verhoeven, C. (2018). Influence of Gestational Age at Initiation of Antihypertensive Therapy: Secondary Analysis of CHIPS Trial Data (Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study). Hypertension, 71(6), 1170-1177.

Continuity of care is an important and distinct aspect of childbirth experience: findings of a survey evaluating experienced continuity of care, experienced quality of care and women’s perception of labor (2018)
Journal Article
Perdok, H., Verhoeven, C. J., van Dillen, J., Schuitmaker, T. J., Hoogendoorn, K., Colli, J., …de Jonge, A. (2018). Continuity of care is an important and distinct aspect of childbirth experience: findings of a survey evaluating experienced continuity of care, experienced quality of care and women’s perception of labor. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18(1), Article 13.

Background: To compare experienced continuity of care among women who received midwife-led versus obstetrician-led care. Secondly, to compare experienced continuity of care with a. experienced quality of care during labor and b. perception of labor.... Read More about Continuity of care is an important and distinct aspect of childbirth experience: findings of a survey evaluating experienced continuity of care, experienced quality of care and women’s perception of labor.