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Reactive Power Control Using a Model-Based Predictive Control Strategy Applied to an Indirect Matrix Converter

Rojas, Diego; Rivera, Marco; Toledo, Sergio; Wheeler, Patrick

Reactive Power Control Using a Model-Based Predictive Control Strategy Applied to an Indirect Matrix Converter Thumbnail


Diego Rojas

Marco Rivera

Sergio Toledo


Reactive power is often an issue of concern for the operation of alternating current (AC) electrical power systems. This work aims to apply a model-based predictive control (MPC) to an indirect matrix converter (IMC) to improve the power factor at the input of a converter whilst still having full control of the output current or voltage. Simulation results from a Matlab/Simulink model are presented. The objective is to compare the control performance of the IMC without input reactive power control and with reactive power minimization.


Rojas, D., Rivera, M., Toledo, S., & Wheeler, P. (2021). Reactive Power Control Using a Model-Based Predictive Control Strategy Applied to an Indirect Matrix Converter. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA).

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA 2021)
Start Date Mar 22, 2021
End Date Mar 26, 2021
Acceptance Date Jan 24, 2021
Online Publication Date Jul 1, 2021
Publication Date Mar 22, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 29, 2021
Publicly Available Date Oct 29, 2021
Series Title IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA)
Book Title 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA)
ISBN 9781665429788
Public URL
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