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Sensorless Cascaded-Model Predictive Control applied to a Doubly Fed Induction Machine

Riccio, Jacopo; Odhano, Shafiq; Tang, Mi; Zanchetta, Pericle

Sensorless Cascaded-Model Predictive Control applied to a Doubly Fed Induction Machine Thumbnail


Jacopo Riccio

Shafiq Odhano

Mi Tang

Pericle Zanchetta


This paper proposes a sensorless cascaded model predictive control strategy applied to a doubly-fed induction machine. This technique is based on an improved stator flux estimator, and an extended Kalman filter to control encoder-less and independently the electromagnetic torque and the reactive power of the machine. The purpose of employing a model predictive-based control, is to achieve fast dynamic response and upgrading it with a modulation stage to mitigate the control variables ripple. The introduced control technique might be considered for adjustable speed application such as wind energy conversion systems.


Riccio, J., Odhano, S., Tang, M., & Zanchetta, P. (2020). Sensorless Cascaded-Model Predictive Control applied to a Doubly Fed Induction Machine. .

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Start Date Oct 11, 2020
End Date Oct 15, 2020
Acceptance Date Jul 1, 2020
Online Publication Date Oct 30, 2020
Publication Date Oct 11, 2020
Deposit Date Apr 7, 2021
Publicly Available Date Apr 7, 2021
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISBN 9781728158266
Public URL
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