Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Johnson, J., Foxon, B., Atkocius, V., Gentile, F., Jammi, S., Poulios, K., & Fernholz, T. Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock. Presented at Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement-Enhanced Precision Metrology II, San Francisco, United States
We describe our progress in the development of an atom based rotation sensor, which employs state-dependent trapping potentials to transport ultracold atoms along a closed path and perform Sagnac interferometry. Whilst guided atom interferometers are... Read More about Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock.