ACTFL Spanish for Heritage Learners SIG: SIG spotlight
Journal Article
Zapata, G. (2021). ACTFL Spanish for Heritage Learners SIG: SIG spotlight. The Language Educator, 16(1), 20-21
Dr GABRIELA ZAPATA's Outputs (58)
Introducción a la escritura (2021)
Zapata, G. (2021). Introducción a la escritura
Lotería in the Age of COVID-19: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Two Artistic Visions (2021)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. C. (2021). Lotería in the Age of COVID-19: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Two Artistic Visions. Hispania, 104(2), 271-296. purpose of this project was to compare two different COVID-19 Mexican lotería versions by Mexican-American artists Ernesto Quiñonez Curiel and Pinche Raf. Their work was inspired by the most popular traditional lotería set Don Clemente Gallo, cre... Read More about Lotería in the Age of COVID-19: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Two Artistic Visions.
Charros in Texas and Gauchos in Argentina: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Historical Artifacts (2021)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. C., Domínguez, Y., Gooch, S., & Pacheco, A. (2021). Charros in Texas and Gauchos in Argentina: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Historical Artifacts. International Journal of Design in Society, 15(1), 25-44. objective of this article is to examine media representations of charros in Texas and gauchos in Argentina from the 1930s in order to uncover any sociohistorical parallels between these two groups. Two sets of artifacts were analyzed using a soci... Read More about Charros in Texas and Gauchos in Argentina: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Historical Artifacts.
Open Educational Resources in Heritage and L2 Spanish Classrooms: Design, Development and Implementation (2021)
Book Chapter
Zapata, G. C., & Ribota, A. (2021). Open Educational Resources in Heritage and L2 Spanish Classrooms: Design, Development and Implementation. In C. S. Blyth, & J. J. Thoms (Eds.), Open Education and Second Language Learning and Teaching: The Rise of a New Knowledge Ecology (25-46). Multilingual Matters. this chapter, we examine the application of the multiliteracies pedagogy Learning by Design (Cope & Kalantzis, 2015; Kalantzis et al., 2005, 2016) to the design of open educational resources (OER) for the teaching of Spanish as a herit... Read More about Open Educational Resources in Heritage and L2 Spanish Classrooms: Design, Development and Implementation.
Sprinting to the Finish Line: The Benefits and Challenges of Book Sprints in OER Faculty-Graduate Student Collaborations (2020)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. C. (2020). Sprinting to the Finish Line: The Benefits and Challenges of Book Sprints in OER Faculty-Graduate Student Collaborations. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 21(2), 1-17. article investigates the results of a book sprint experience whose main objective was the development of instructional modules for an open textbook for the teaching of Spanish as a second language. Six graduate students at a public American univ... Read More about Sprinting to the Finish Line: The Benefits and Challenges of Book Sprints in OER Faculty-Graduate Student Collaborations.
The instructional benefits of identity texts and learning by design for learner motivation in required second language classes (2020)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. C., & Ribota, A. (2021). The instructional benefits of identity texts and learning by design for learner motivation in required second language classes. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 16(1), 1-18. article investigates the incorporation of identity texts grounded in the multiliteracies framework Learning by Design to second language (L2) instruction in required Spanish classes at a university in the Southern United States. In particular, i... Read More about The instructional benefits of identity texts and learning by design for learner motivation in required second language classes.
Las alfabetizaciones múltiples: Teoría y práctica (2019)
Kalantzis, M., Cope, B., & Zapata, G. (2019). Las alfabetizaciones múltiples: Teoría y práctica. Editorial Octaedro
Trayectos, Volume 1 (2019)
Zapata, G. (2019). Trayectos, Volume 1
Trayectos, Volume 2 (2019)
Zapata, G. (2019). Trayectos, Volume 2
The beneficial effects of technology-based social reading in L2 classes (2018)
Journal Article
Zapata, G., & Mesa Morales, M. (2018). The beneficial effects of technology-based social reading in L2 classes. Lenguas en Contexto, 9(Suplemento 2018-2019), 40-50This work investigates the instructional benefits of the digital social reading application eComma for the comprehension and interpretation of authentic texts in intermediate second language (L2) Spanish classes in a university in the Southern United... Read More about The beneficial effects of technology-based social reading in L2 classes.
L2 Spanish university students’ perceptions of the pedagogical benefits of culture portfolios (2018)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. C. (2019). L2 Spanish university students’ perceptions of the pedagogical benefits of culture portfolios. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 32(1), 94-110. article investigates the use of culture portfolios in second language Spanish university classes at an American private university as part of an innovation that incorporated an ACTFL standards-based curriculum to a basic language programme. The... Read More about L2 Spanish university students’ perceptions of the pedagogical benefits of culture portfolios.
Digital publications in language classes: Performance, multiliteracies, and learner autonomy (2017)
Journal Article
Zapata, G., & Ribota, A. (2017). Digital publications in language classes: Performance, multiliteracies, and learner autonomy. The Language Educator,
A Match Made in Heaven: An Introduction to Learning by Design and Its Role in Heritage Language Education (2017)
Book Chapter
Zapata, G. (2018). A Match Made in Heaven: An Introduction to Learning by Design and Its Role in Heritage Language Education. In G. C. Zapata, & M. Lacorte (Eds.), Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Language Learning: Teaching Spanish to Heritage Speakers (1-26). Palgrave Macmillan. its development, Learning by Design has successfully guided instructional programs for a variety of subjects, including second language literacy, in elementary, middle, and high schools in Australia. The framework has been significant in offeri... Read More about A Match Made in Heaven: An Introduction to Learning by Design and Its Role in Heritage Language Education.
The Role of Digital, Learning by Design Instructional Materials in the Development of Spanish Heritage Learners’ Literacy Skills (2017)
Book Chapter
Zapata, G. (2018). The Role of Digital, Learning by Design Instructional Materials in the Development of Spanish Heritage Learners’ Literacy Skills. In Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Language Learning: Teaching Spanish to Heritage Speakers (67-106). Springer International Publishing. chapter investigates the role that pedagogical material based on the tenets of the Multiliteracies approach Learning by Design can play on the development of Spanish heritage speakers’ literacy skills and metalinguistic awareness. Twenty-nine st... Read More about The Role of Digital, Learning by Design Instructional Materials in the Development of Spanish Heritage Learners’ Literacy Skills.
Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Language Learning: Teaching Spanish to Heritage Speakers (2017)
(2018). G. C. Zapata, & M. Lacorte (Eds.), Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Language Learning: Teaching Spanish to Heritage Speakers. Palgrave Macmillan. book is the first volume to be devoted to the examination of the application of the multiliteracies pedagogical framework to the teaching of Spanish to heritage language learners in higher education institutions in the United States. The Hispani... Read More about Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Language Learning: Teaching Spanish to Heritage Speakers.
University Students' Perceptions of Integrated Performance Assessment and the Connection Between Classroom Learning and Assessment (2016)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. (2016). University Students' Perceptions of Integrated Performance Assessment and the Connection Between Classroom Learning and Assessment. Foreign Language Annals, 49(1), 93-104. 2013, Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) was adopted at all levels of instruction at a private university in southern California. The study reports the opinions of 1,236 Novice, Intermediate Low, and Intermediate Mid Spanish students concerni... Read More about University Students' Perceptions of Integrated Performance Assessment and the Connection Between Classroom Learning and Assessment.
The role of metaphors in novice and experienced L2 instructors’ classroom practice (2015)
Book Chapter
Zapata, G. (2015). The role of metaphors in novice and experienced L2 instructors’ classroom practice. In Elicited Metaphor Analysis in Educational Discourse (167-186). John Benjamins Publishing. chapter explores the relationship between novice and expert teachers’ metaphorical conceptualizations of second language (L2) teachers, students, and classrooms and their practice. Six instructors in L2 Spanish classes at a public university in... Read More about The role of metaphors in novice and experienced L2 instructors’ classroom practice.
The role of cultural portfolios in the implementation of ACTFL culture-based standards in L2 Spanish classes (2014)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. (2014). The role of cultural portfolios in the implementation of ACTFL culture-based standards in L2 Spanish classes. The Language Educator,
The effects of Community Service Learning projects on L2 learners’ cultural understanding (2011)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. (2011). The effects of Community Service Learning projects on L2 learners’ cultural understanding. Hispania, 94(1), 86-102This small-scale study investigates the effects of community service learning (CSL) projects or a cultural presentation on the development of the cultural understanding of low- and high-intermediate L2 students. Fifty-two learners in four sections of... Read More about The effects of Community Service Learning projects on L2 learners’ cultural understanding.