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Open Educational Resources in Heritage and L2 Spanish Classrooms: Design, Development and Implementation

Zapata, Gabriela C.; Ribota, Alessandra

Open Educational Resources in Heritage and L2 Spanish Classrooms: Design, Development and Implementation Thumbnail


Alessandra Ribota


Carl S. Blyth

Joshua J. Thoms


In this chapter, we examine the application of the multiliteracies pedagogy Learning by Design (Cope & Kalantzis, 2015; Kalantzis et al., 2005, 2016) to the design of open educational resources (OER) for the teaching of Spanish as a heritage (HL) and second language (L2). We first discuss the tenets of the framework, and the reasons why it is appropriate to guide the development of OER materials. We then compare two differing instructional initiatives. The first focuses on HL learners at a Hispanic-serving institution, and the second one, on L2 students at a basic language pro-gram at an R1 institution. Based on these two experiences, we address issues related to the design and development of materials such as the following: (1) the identification of students’ needs (considering personal and institutional expectations and outcomes); (2) the development of materials (the determination of thematic and linguistic content); and (3) the imple-mentation process at both institutions. Finally, we summarize the institutional and pedagogical factors that characterized both experiences.


Zapata, G. C., & Ribota, A. (2021). Open Educational Resources in Heritage and L2 Spanish Classrooms: Design, Development and Implementation. In C. S. Blyth, & J. J. Thoms (Eds.), Open Education and Second Language Learning and Teaching: The Rise of a New Knowledge Ecology (25-46). Multilingual Matters.

Online Publication Date Feb 11, 2021
Publication Date 2021
Deposit Date Aug 3, 2022
Publicly Available Date Aug 4, 2022
Pages 25-46
Series Title New Perspectives on Language and Education
Series Number 87
Book Title Open Education and Second Language Learning and Teaching: The Rise of a New Knowledge Ecology
Chapter Number 1
ISBN 9781800411005
Public URL
Publisher URL


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