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Dr BENJAMIN LUCAS's Outputs (6)

The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation (2022)
Journal Article
Jiménez, E., Brotherton, V., Gardner, A., Wright, N., Browne, H., Esiovwa, N., Dang, M., Wyman, E., Bravo‐Balsa, L., Lucas, B., Gul, M., Such, E., & Trodd, Z. (2023). The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation. Children & Society, 37(1), 216-234.

This article discusses the unequal impact of Covid-19 on the lives of the children of survivors of modern slavery, child victims of exploitation and children at risk of exploitation in the UK. It draws on research that has analysed the risks and impa... Read More about The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation.

Social listening, modern slavery, and COVID-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Lucas, B., & Landman, T. (2021). Social listening, modern slavery, and COVID-19. Journal of Risk Research, 24(3-4), 314-334.

In addition to the public health crisis visited upon the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has created unique uncertainties for organisations engaged with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), spanning a range of matters, such as mainta... Read More about Social listening, modern slavery, and COVID-19.

FIMS: Identifying, Predicting and Visualising Food Insecurity (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lucas, B., Smith, A., Smith, G., Perrat, B., Nica-Avram, G., Harvey, J., & Goulding, J. (2020, April). FIMS: Identifying, Predicting and Visualising Food Insecurity. Presented at The Web Conference 2020 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2020, Taipei Taiwan

Food insecurity is a persistent and pernicious problem in the UK. Due to logistical challenges, national food insecurity statistics are unmeasured by government bodies - and this lack of data leads to any local estimates that do exist being routinely... Read More about FIMS: Identifying, Predicting and Visualising Food Insecurity.

Measuring interaction proxemics with wearable light tags (2018)
Journal Article
Montanari, A., Tian, Z., Francu, E., Lucas, B., Jones, B., Zhou, X., & Mascolo, C. (2018). Measuring interaction proxemics with wearable light tags. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2(1),

The proxemics of social interactions (e.g., body distance, relative orientation) in!uences many aspects of our everyday life: from patients’ reactions to interaction with physicians, successes in job interviews, to effective teamwork. Traditionally,... Read More about Measuring interaction proxemics with wearable light tags.

An examination of not-for-profit stakeholder networks for relationship management: a small-scale analysis on social media (2016)
Journal Article
Wyllie, J., Lucas, B., Carlson, J., Kitchens, B., Kozary, B., & Zaki, M. (2016). An examination of not-for-profit stakeholder networks for relationship management: a small-scale analysis on social media. PLoS ONE, 11(10), Article e0163914.

Using a small-scale descriptive network analysis approach, this study highlights the importance of stakeholder networks for identifying valuable stakeholders and the management of existing stakeholders in the context of mental health not-for-profit s... Read More about An examination of not-for-profit stakeholder networks for relationship management: a small-scale analysis on social media.

Engagement in Motion: Exploring Short Term Dynamics in Page-Level Social Media Metrics (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lucas, B., Arefin, A. S., Vries, N. J. D., Berretta, R., Carlson, J., & Moscato, P. (2014, December). Engagement in Motion: Exploring Short Term Dynamics in Page-Level Social Media Metrics. Presented at 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BdCloud), Sydney, Australia

Using page-level metrics of a randomly selected group of 15,625 among the top 100,000 Facebook check-in locations which rank high in terms of customer engagement, we explore if the short-term dynamical information on these metrics could deliver, via... Read More about Engagement in Motion: Exploring Short Term Dynamics in Page-Level Social Media Metrics.