Four-Degree-of-Freedom Overmodulation Strategy for Five-Phase Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation
Journal Article
Bu, F., Pu, T., Liu, Q., Ma, B., Degano, M., & Gerada, C. (2021). Four-Degree-of-Freedom Overmodulation Strategy for Five-Phase Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9(2), 1578-1590.
This article proposes a four-degree-of-freedom overmodulation strategy for five-phase space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) in order to reduce the low-order harmonics of the output voltage during overmodulation. Based on the nearest-four-vector... Read More about Four-Degree-of-Freedom Overmodulation Strategy for Five-Phase Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation.