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Speed Ripple Reduction of Direct-Drive PMSM Servo System at Low-Speed Operation Using Virtual Cogging Torque Control Method

Bu, Feifei; Yang, Zhida; Gao, Yu; Pan, Zihao; Pu, Tianyu; Degano, Michele; Gerada, Chris

Speed Ripple Reduction of Direct-Drive PMSM Servo System at Low-Speed Operation Using Virtual Cogging Torque Control Method Thumbnail


Feifei Bu

Zhida Yang

Yu Gao

Zihao Pan

Tianyu Pu


This paper presents a virtual cogging torque (VCT) control method to reduce the speed ripple of direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous machine (DD-PMSM) servo system under low-speed conditions. Compared with other factors, at low speeds, the cogging torque is the main factor that deteriorates the drive performance, even induces speed oscillations. Especially in this paper, due to volume limitation, the cogging torque is designed larger than normal one in order to remove the need of brake. Based on the model of PMSM, the cause and effect of the cogging torque are analyzed. Inspired by the characteristic of cogging torque, the VCT control method is proposed and investigated to significantly reduce the speed ripple at low speeds. The main idea of this proposed control method is to produce a proper virtual cogging torque and continuously move the corresponding virtual stable equilibrium point to drive the rotor smoothly. In addition to the principle of this control method, its analysis and implementation are studied as well. Simulation and experimental results from the prototype demonstrate that the proposed control method is correct and valid, and it is simple and effective to smooth the speed at low-speed operations.


Bu, F., Yang, Z., Gao, Y., Pan, Z., Pu, T., Degano, M., & Gerada, C. (2021). Speed Ripple Reduction of Direct-Drive PMSM Servo System at Low-Speed Operation Using Virtual Cogging Torque Control Method. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(1), 160-174.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 6, 2019
Online Publication Date Jan 3, 2020
Publication Date 2021-01
Deposit Date Feb 6, 2020
Publicly Available Date Feb 6, 2020
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Print ISSN 0278-0046
Electronic ISSN 1557-9948
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 68
Issue 1
Pages 160-174
Keywords Direct-drive servo system, Permanent magnet synchronous machine, Virtual cogging torque, Low speed, Speed ripple
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