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Challenges and Opportunities for Wound Field Synchronous Generators in Future More Electric Aircraft

Wang, Yinli; Nuzzo, Stefano; Zhang, He; Zhao, Weiduo; Gerada, Chris; Galea, Michael

Challenges and Opportunities for Wound Field Synchronous Generators in Future More Electric Aircraft Thumbnail


Yinli Wang

Stefano Nuzzo

He Zhang

Weiduo Zhao

Michael Galea


Electrical machines and drives keep moving away from traditional technologies such as brushed machines and wound field machines towards lighter, ‘easier to maintain’ machines. A very interesting aspect is that certain transport applications, especially the aerospace industry, still favour the classical wound field machine for its main generating system such as the Boeing 787. This paper focuses on investigating this particular trend by presenting a detailed overview of historical power generation systems on aircraft. This paper compares the current state of the art of wound field machines with other generator families. The results of this analysis are then projected into the needs of the electrical power generation and distribution system on aircraft. While power density is a major objective for any aerospace application, however the extra benefits associated with wound field systems are still essential in modern aircraft. The paper then focuses on the main challenges for improving power density of wound field machines. Recommendations, opportunities and improvements related to wound field machines are discussed. In conclusion, if robust designs for higher speed wound field generators were consolidated, it would be very probable that these classical machines might still be implemented on future MEA platforms.


Wang, Y., Nuzzo, S., Zhang, H., Zhao, W., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities for Wound Field Synchronous Generators in Future More Electric Aircraft. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 6(4), 1466-1477.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 26, 2020
Online Publication Date Mar 11, 2020
Publication Date 2020-12
Deposit Date Apr 7, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 8, 2020
Journal IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Electronic ISSN 2332-7782
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Issue 4
Pages 1466-1477
Public URL
Publisher URL
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