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Professor AMIR GHAEMMAGHAMI's Outputs (131)

Secreted factors of Aspergillus fumigatus cause lung epithelial barrier disruption: A study using an air–liquid interface cell culture model (2025)
Journal Article
Barros, B. C. S. C., Barros, D. T. L., Brock, M., Toledo, M. S., Serrano, S. M. T., Suzuki, E., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2025). Secreted factors of Aspergillus fumigatus cause lung epithelial barrier disruption: A study using an air–liquid interface cell culture model. Medical Mycology, 63(3), Article myaf018.

The effects of Aspergillus fumigatus-conditioned medium (AFCM) on the integrity of the Calu-3 cell lung epithelial barrier were investigated. AFCM led to a decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance and the disruption of the occludin network i... Read More about Secreted factors of Aspergillus fumigatus cause lung epithelial barrier disruption: A study using an air–liquid interface cell culture model.

Monosaccharide coating modulate the intracellular trafficking of gold nanoparticles in dendritic cells (2024)
Journal Article
Alobaid, M. A., Richards, S.-J., Alexander, M. R., Gibson, M. I., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2024). Monosaccharide coating modulate the intracellular trafficking of gold nanoparticles in dendritic cells. Materials Today Bio, 29, Article 101371.

Dendritic cells (DCs) have emerged as a promising target for drug delivery and immune modulation due to their pivotal role in initiating the adaptive immune response. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have garnered interest as a platform for targeted drug d... Read More about Monosaccharide coating modulate the intracellular trafficking of gold nanoparticles in dendritic cells.

Targeting Macrophage Polarization for Reinstating Homeostasis following Tissue Damage (2024)
Journal Article
Du, Q., Dickinson, A., Nakuleswaran, P., Maghami, S., Alagoda, S., Hook, A. L., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2024). Targeting Macrophage Polarization for Reinstating Homeostasis following Tissue Damage. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(13), Article 7278.

Tissue regeneration and remodeling involve many complex stages. Macrophages are critical in maintaining micro-environmental homeostasis by regulating inflammation and orchestrating wound healing. They display high plasticity in response to various st... Read More about Targeting Macrophage Polarization for Reinstating Homeostasis following Tissue Damage.

Spatially resolved molecular analysis of host response to medical device implantation using the 3D OrbiSIMS highlights a critical role for lipids (2024)
Journal Article
Suvannapruk, W., Fisher, L. E., Luckett, J. C., Edney, M. K., Kotowska, A. M., Kim, D. H., Scurr, D. J., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Alexander, M. R. (2024). Spatially resolved molecular analysis of host response to medical device implantation using the 3D OrbiSIMS highlights a critical role for lipids. Advanced Science, 11(15), Article 2306000.

A key goal for implanted medical devices is that they do not elicit a detrimental immune response. Macrophages play critical roles in the modulation of the host immune response and are the cells responsible for persistent inflammatory reactions to im... Read More about Spatially resolved molecular analysis of host response to medical device implantation using the 3D OrbiSIMS highlights a critical role for lipids.

Optimization of diffuse Raman spectroscopy for in-vivo quantification of foreign body response in a small animal model (2023)
Journal Article
Dooley, M., Luckett, J., Alexander, M. R., Matousek, P., Dehghani, H., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Notingher, I. (2023). Optimization of diffuse Raman spectroscopy for in-vivo quantification of foreign body response in a small animal model. Biomedical Optics Express, 14(12), 6592-6606.

Diffuse Raman spectroscopy (DRS) allows subsurface molecular analysis of optically turbid samples. Numerical modeling of light propagation was used as a method for improving the design of an DRS instrument to maximize the signal to noise ratio (SNR)... Read More about Optimization of diffuse Raman spectroscopy for in-vivo quantification of foreign body response in a small animal model.

Optimisation of diffuse Raman spectroscopy for in-vivo quantification of foreign body response in small animal model (2023)
Journal Article
Dooley, M., Luckett, J., Alexander, M. R., Matousek, P., Dehghani, H., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Notingher, I. (2023). Optimisation of diffuse Raman spectroscopy for in-vivo quantification of foreign body response in small animal model. Biomedical Optics Express, 14(12), 6592-6606.

Diffuse Raman spectroscopy (DRS) allows subsurface molecular analysis of optically turbid samples. Numerical modelling of light propagation was used as a method for improving the design of an DRS instrument to maximize the signal to noise ratio (SNR)... Read More about Optimisation of diffuse Raman spectroscopy for in-vivo quantification of foreign body response in small animal model.

Inflammatory Network of Liver Fibrosis and How It Can Be Targeted Therapeutically (2023)
Journal Article
O. Lowe, K., E. Tanase, C., Maghami, S., E. Fisher, L., & M. Ghaemmaghami, A. (2023). Inflammatory Network of Liver Fibrosis and How It Can Be Targeted Therapeutically. Immuno, 3(4), 375-408.

Liver fibrosis is a complex, dynamic process associated with a broad spectrum of chronic liver diseases and acute liver failure, characterised by the dysregulated intrahepatic production of extracellular matrix proteins replacing functional liver cel... Read More about Inflammatory Network of Liver Fibrosis and How It Can Be Targeted Therapeutically.

Sustained Release of Dexamethasone from 3D-Printed Scaffolds Modulates Macrophage Activation and Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation (2023)
Journal Article
Majrashi, M., Yang, J., Ghaemmaghami, A., Kotowska, A., Hicks, J. M., & Scurr, D. (2023). Sustained Release of Dexamethasone from 3D-Printed Scaffolds Modulates Macrophage Activation and Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15(49), 56623–56638.

Enhancing osteogenesis via modulating immune cells is emerging as a new approach to address current challenges in repairing bone defects and fractures. However, much remains unknown about the crosstalk between immune cells and osteolineage cells duri... Read More about Sustained Release of Dexamethasone from 3D-Printed Scaffolds Modulates Macrophage Activation and Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation.

Co-assembling living material as an in vitro lung epithelial infection model (2023)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Romero, M., Robertson, S. N., Fenn, S., Fisher, L., Willingham, I., Martinez Pomares, L., Ligorio, C., Hill, J., Bu, W., Zhou, Z., Wildman, R. D., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Sun, H., Sun, J., Cámara, M., & Mata, A. (2024). Co-assembling living material as an in vitro lung epithelial infection model. Matter, 7(1), 216-236.

Biofilms are robust living 3D materials that play key roles in nature but also cause major problems, such as tolerance to antibiotic treatment. Recreation of these living structures in vitro is critical to understand their biology and develop solutio... Read More about Co-assembling living material as an in vitro lung epithelial infection model.

Modelled-Microgravity Reduces Virulence Factor Production in Staphylococcus aureus through Downregulation of agr-Dependent Quorum Sensing (2023)
Journal Article
Green, M. J., Murray, E. J., Williams, P., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Aylott, J. W., & Williams, P. M. (2023). Modelled-Microgravity Reduces Virulence Factor Production in Staphylococcus aureus through Downregulation of agr-Dependent Quorum Sensing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(21), Article 15997.

Bacterial contamination during space missions is problematic for human health and damages filters and other vital support systems. Staphylococcus aureus is both a human commensal and an opportunistic pathogen that colonizes human tissues and causes a... Read More about Modelled-Microgravity Reduces Virulence Factor Production in Staphylococcus aureus through Downregulation of agr-Dependent Quorum Sensing.

Antiviral activity of salt-coated materials against SARS-CoV-2 (2023)
Journal Article
Coleman, C. M., Wang, B., Wang, Y., Tapia-Brito, E., Chen, Z., Riffat, J., Riffat, S., Tarlinton, R., & Ghaemmaghami, A. (2023). Antiviral activity of salt-coated materials against SARS-CoV-2. Access Microbiology, 5(9), Article 000492.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic demonstrated the importance of human coronaviruses and the need to develop materials to prevent the spread of emergent respiratory viruses. Coating of surfaces with antiviral materials is a major interest in controlling spread... Read More about Antiviral activity of salt-coated materials against SARS-CoV-2.

Version 4: Antiviral activity of salt-coated materials against SARS-CoV-2. (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Coleman, C. M., Wang, B., Wang, Y., Tapia-Brito, E., Chen, Z., Riffat, J., Riffat, S., Tarlinton, R., & Ghaemmaghami, A. Version 4: Antiviral activity of salt-coated materials against SARS-CoV-2

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic demonstrated the importance of human coronaviruses and the need to develop materials to prevent the spread of emergent viruses. Here we describe that simple salt coating on a range of surfaces can degrade SARS-CoV-2.

Label-free Chemical Characterization of Polarized Immune Cells in vitro and Host Response to Implanted Bio-instructive Polymers in vivo Using 3D OrbiSIMS (2023)
Journal Article
Suvannapruk, W., Edney, M. K., Fisher, L. E., Luckett, J. C., Kim, D.-H., Scurr, D. J., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Alexander, M. R. (2023). Label-free Chemical Characterization of Polarized Immune Cells in vitro and Host Response to Implanted Bio-instructive Polymers in vivo Using 3D OrbiSIMS. Bio-protocol, 13(15), Article e4727.

The Three-dimensional OrbiTrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (3D OrbiSIMS) is a secondary ion mass spectrometry instrument, a combination of a Time of Flight (ToF) instrument with an Orbitrap analyzer. The 3D OrbiSIMS technique is a powerful tool f... Read More about Label-free Chemical Characterization of Polarized Immune Cells in vitro and Host Response to Implanted Bio-instructive Polymers in vivo Using 3D OrbiSIMS.

Innate immune cell instruction using micron-scale 3D objects of varied architecture and polymer chemistry: The ChemoArchiChip (2023)
Journal Article
Vassey, M., Ma, L., Kämmerling, L., Mbadugha, C., Trindade, G. F., Figueredo, G. P., Pappalardo, F., Hutchinson, J., Markus, R., Rajani, S., Hu, Q., Winkler, D. A., Irvine, D. J., Hague, R., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Wildman, R., & Alexander, M. R. (2023). Innate immune cell instruction using micron-scale 3D objects of varied architecture and polymer chemistry: The ChemoArchiChip. Matter, 6(3), 887-906.

To design effective immunomodulatory implants, innate immune cell interactions at the surface of biomaterials need to be controlled and understood. The architectural design freedom of two-photon polymerization is used to produce arrays of surface-mou... Read More about Innate immune cell instruction using micron-scale 3D objects of varied architecture and polymer chemistry: The ChemoArchiChip.

Microparticles Decorated with Cell‐Instructive Surface Chemistries Actively Promote Wound Healing (2022)
Journal Article
Latif, A., Fisher, L. E., Dundas, A. A., Crucitti, V. C., Imir, Z., Lawler, K., Pappalard, F., Muir, B. W., Wildman, R., Irvine, D. J., Alexander, M. R., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2024). Microparticles Decorated with Cell‐Instructive Surface Chemistries Actively Promote Wound Healing. Advanced Materials, 36(43), Article 2208364.

Wound healing is a complex biological process involving close crosstalk between various cell types. Dysregulation in any of these processes, such as in diabetic wounds, results in chronic nonhealing wounds. Fibroblasts are a critical cell type involv... Read More about Microparticles Decorated with Cell‐Instructive Surface Chemistries Actively Promote Wound Healing.

Differential patterns of cross-reactive antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein detected for chronically ill and healthy COVID-19 naïve individuals (2022)
Journal Article
Jaago, M., Rähni, A., Pupina, N., Pihlak, A., Sadam, H., Tuvikene, J., Avarlaid, A., Planken, A., Planken, M., Haring, L., Vasar, E., Baćević, M., Lambert, F., Kalso, E., Pussinen, P., Tienari, P. J., Vaheri, A., Lindholm, D., Timmusk, T., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Palm, K. (2022). Differential patterns of cross-reactive antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein detected for chronically ill and healthy COVID-19 naïve individuals. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 16817.

Immunity to previously encountered viruses can alter response to unrelated pathogens. We reasoned that similar mechanism may also involve SARS-CoV-2 and thereby affect the specificity and the quality of the immune response against the virus. Here, we... Read More about Differential patterns of cross-reactive antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein detected for chronically ill and healthy COVID-19 naïve individuals.

Correction to “Facile Dye-Initiated Polymerization of Lactide−Glycolide Generates Highly Fluorescent Poly(lactic-coglycolic Acid) for Enhanced Characterization of Cellular Delivery” (2022)
Journal Article
Yousif, M. D., Al-Natour, M. A., Cavanagh, R., Abouselo, A., Apebende, E. A., Ghaemmaghami, A., Kim, D. H., Aylott, J. W., Taresco, V., Chauhan, V. M., & Alexander, C. (2022). Correction to “Facile Dye-Initiated Polymerization of Lactide−Glycolide Generates Highly Fluorescent Poly(lactic-coglycolic Acid) for Enhanced Characterization of Cellular Delivery”. ACS Macro Letters, 11, 1224.

There is a change to the order of authorship for this published Letter. The author list should appear as it does in this Addition and Correction. All authors have agreed to this change.

Metabolic Signatures of Surface-Modified Poly(lactic- co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticles in Differentiated THP-1 Cells Derived with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics (2022)
Journal Article
Al-Natour, M. A., Abdelrazig, S., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Alexander, C., & Kim, D. H. (2022). Metabolic Signatures of Surface-Modified Poly(lactic- co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticles in Differentiated THP-1 Cells Derived with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics. ACS Omega,

Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) are widely used in preclinical drug delivery investigations, and some formulations are now in the clinic. However, the detailed effects of many NPs at the subcellular level have not been fully investigated. In this study... Read More about Metabolic Signatures of Surface-Modified Poly(lactic- co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticles in Differentiated THP-1 Cells Derived with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics.

Mineralizing Coating on 3D Printed Scaffolds for the Promotion of Osseointegration (2022)
Journal Article
Hasan, A., Bagnol, R., Owen, R., Latif, A., Rostam, H. M., Elsharkawy, S., Rose, F. R., Rodríguez-Cabello, J. C., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Eglin, D., & Mata, A. (2022). Mineralizing Coating on 3D Printed Scaffolds for the Promotion of Osseointegration. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, Article 836386.

Design and fabrication of implants that can perform better than autologous bone grafts remain an unmet challenge for the hard tissue regeneration in craniomaxillofacial applications. Here, we report an integrated approach combining additive manufactu... Read More about Mineralizing Coating on 3D Printed Scaffolds for the Promotion of Osseointegration.

New Microfluidic System for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Assessment of Cell Culture Performance: Design and Development of New Electrode Material (2022)
Journal Article
Chmayssem, A., Tanase, C. E., Verplanck, N., Gougis, M., Mourier, V., Zebda, A., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Mailley, P. (2022). New Microfluidic System for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Assessment of Cell Culture Performance: Design and Development of New Electrode Material. Biosensors, 12(7), Article 452.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is widely accepted as an effective and non-destructive method to assess cell health during cell-culture. However, there is a lack of compact devices compatible with microfluidic integration and microscopy... Read More about New Microfluidic System for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Assessment of Cell Culture Performance: Design and Development of New Electrode Material.