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Professor MADDIE GROOM's Outputs (6)

Systematic review—understanding the barriers and facilitators experienced by healthcare professionals in providing care for tics: a mixed methods systematic review of clinical knowledge, attitudes, and practices (2024)
Journal Article
Parker, A., French, B., Groom, M. J., & Hall, C. L. (2024). Systematic review—understanding the barriers and facilitators experienced by healthcare professionals in providing care for tics: a mixed methods systematic review of clinical knowledge, attitudes, and practices. BMC Medical Education, 24, Article 1403.

Tic disorders (TDs) have a prevalence of approximately 1%, and while various therapies have demonstrated effectiveness, people with tics and their families report a lack of understanding by healthcare professionals (HCPs). This systematic review incl... Read More about Systematic review—understanding the barriers and facilitators experienced by healthcare professionals in providing care for tics: a mixed methods systematic review of clinical knowledge, attitudes, and practices.

Commentary: Using QbTest for monitoring pharmacological treatment response in ADHD – are we there yet? (2024)
Journal Article
Bellato, A., Parlatini, V., Groom, M. J., Hall, C. L., Hollis, C., Simonoff, E., Thapar, A., & Cortese, S. (2025). Commentary: Using QbTest for monitoring pharmacological treatment response in ADHD – are we there yet?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 66(2), 266-270.

Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit varied responses to pharmacological treatments (e.g. stimulants and non-stimulants). Accurately and promptly detecting treatment-related improvements, response failure, or deter... Read More about Commentary: Using QbTest for monitoring pharmacological treatment response in ADHD – are we there yet?.

A national evaluation of QbTest to support ADHD assessment: a real-world, mixed methods approach (2024)
Journal Article
Hall, S. S., McKenzie, C., Thomson, L., Ingall, B.-R., Groom, M. J., McGlennon, N., Dines-Allen, M., & Hall, C. L. (2024). A national evaluation of QbTest to support ADHD assessment: a real-world, mixed methods approach. BMC Health Services Research, 24(1), Article 1201.

Background: QbTest is a commercially available, computerised test of attention, impulsivity, and activity designed to assist with the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Health Innovation East Midlands (formerly East Midland... Read More about A national evaluation of QbTest to support ADHD assessment: a real-world, mixed methods approach.

Policy Brief: Access to care for neurodiversity - ADHD and Tourette Syndrome (2024)
French, B., & Groom, M. (2024). Policy Brief: Access to care for neurodiversity - ADHD and Tourette Syndrome. University of Nottingham

Around 15-20% of the population is neurodivergent. Despite this, access to diagnoses and care for neurodivergent people is problematic and there is inconsistent support across the UK.

Research at the University of Nottingham focuses on the impor... Read More about Policy Brief: Access to care for neurodiversity - ADHD and Tourette Syndrome.

The impacts associated with having ADHD: an umbrella review (2024)
Journal Article
French, B., Nalbant, G., Wright, H., Sayal, K., Daley, D., Groom, M. J., Cassidy, S., & Hall, C. L. (2024). The impacts associated with having ADHD: an umbrella review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, Article 1343314.

Introduction: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects up to 5% of the population and is characterised by symptoms of impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention. These symptoms are significantly impairing and carry additional risks for... Read More about The impacts associated with having ADHD: an umbrella review.

Associations of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with cognitive function, self-control, and resilience in young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2024)
Journal Article
Sibbick, E., Boat, R., Sarkar, M., Johnston, J. P., Groom, M., Williams, R. A., Dring, K. J., Sun, F.-H., & Cooper, S. B. (2024). Associations of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with cognitive function, self-control, and resilience in young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Advanced Exercise and Health Science, 1(1), 51-58.

The aim of the present study was to investigate if physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness influence cognition, self-control, and resilience in young people with ADHD. Fifty-four children with ADHD (12.8 ± 1.4 y) completed questionnaires to a... Read More about Associations of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with cognitive function, self-control, and resilience in young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.