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Professor MADDIE GROOM's Outputs (1)

Altered temporal stability in dynamic neural networks underlies connectivity changes in neurodevelopment (2018)
Journal Article
Brookes, M. J., Groom, M. J., Liuzzi, L., Hill, R. M., Smith, H. J., Briley, P. M., Hall, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Gascoyne, L. E., Taylor, M. J., Liddle, P. F., Morris, P. G., Woolrich, M. W., & Liddle, E. B. (2018). Altered temporal stability in dynamic neural networks underlies connectivity changes in neurodevelopment. NeuroImage, 174,

Network connectivity is an integral feature of human brain function, and characterising its maturational trajectory is a critical step towards understanding healthy and atypical neurodevelopment. Here, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investig... Read More about Altered temporal stability in dynamic neural networks underlies connectivity changes in neurodevelopment.