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Professor ANDREW NOYES's Outputs (41)

Pursuing systemic improvement through heterarchical school systems: A case of educational resources (2024)
Journal Article
Gripton, C., & Noyes, A. (2024). Pursuing systemic improvement through heterarchical school systems: A case of educational resources. British Educational Research Journal,

England's schooling landscape is being remodelled and the move from hierarchical to heterarchical modes of governance has implications for systemic change strategies. Balancing local and networked autonomy with centralising policies complexifies choi... Read More about Pursuing systemic improvement through heterarchical school systems: A case of educational resources.

Local learning landscapes: conceptualising place-based professional learning by teachers and schools in decentralised education systems (2024)
Journal Article
Greany, T., Cowhitt, T., Noyes, A., Gripton, C., & Hudson, G. (2025). Local learning landscapes: conceptualising place-based professional learning by teachers and schools in decentralised education systems. Journal of Educational Change, 26, 1-28.

This article sets out an original conceptual framework for place-based professional learning by teachers and schools in decentralised education systems. High quality Continuing Professional Development and Learning (CDPL) by teachers is associated wi... Read More about Local learning landscapes: conceptualising place-based professional learning by teachers and schools in decentralised education systems.

The mathematics pipeline in England: inclusion and the excellence stream (2024)
Journal Article
Brignell, C., Noyes, A., & Jacques, L. (2025). The mathematics pipeline in England: inclusion and the excellence stream. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 44(1), 28-46.

In England, there is currently heightened political interest in increasing mathematics attainment and maximizing post-16 participation. The latter is not merely an issue for upper secondary but requires a long-view of students’ mathematical progress.... Read More about The mathematics pipeline in England: inclusion and the excellence stream.

Predicting outcomes in sport and exercise science degrees: the effect of qualification pathways (2023)
Journal Article
Hastings, J., & Noyes, A. (2023). Predicting outcomes in sport and exercise science degrees: the effect of qualification pathways. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 47(10), 1337-1350.

In the UK, most prospective university students study ‘traditional’ academic qualifications such as A-Levels. However, increasing numbers of students are entering UK higher education with 'non-traditional' or vocational qualifications. This has provo... Read More about Predicting outcomes in sport and exercise science degrees: the effect of qualification pathways.

Technicians as teachers: the emerging role of technical staff within higher education teaching and learning environments (2023)
Journal Article
Wragg, F. P., Harris, C., Noyes, A., & Vere, K. (2023). Technicians as teachers: the emerging role of technical staff within higher education teaching and learning environments. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 47(9), 1196-1210.

Technicians and technical staff are making increasingly significant contributions to the teaching and learning of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the UK. This paper reports on a survey of 1766 technical staff regarding their roles within t... Read More about Technicians as teachers: the emerging role of technical staff within higher education teaching and learning environments.

Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report (2023)
Wake, G., Adkins, M., Dalby, D., Hall, J., Joubert, M., Lee, G. C.-Y., & Noyes, A. (2023). Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report. Department for Education

The intervention was designed to improve post-16 students’ learning of level 2 mathematics. In general, the approach used was one of teaching for mastery in FE, aligned to principles developed by teachers and educators working with the Centres for Ex... Read More about Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report.

Local learning landscapes: exploring coherence, equity and quality in teacher professional development in England (2023)
Greany, T., Noyes, A., Gripton, C., Cowhitt, T., & Hudson, G. (2023). Local learning landscapes: exploring coherence, equity and quality in teacher professional development in England. Wellcome

Ensuring that all teachers engage in high-quality Continuing Professional Development and Learning (CPDL) has long been a policy priority in school systems worldwide, given evidence that this can lead to improvements in teaching quality and, thereby,... Read More about Local learning landscapes: exploring coherence, equity and quality in teacher professional development in England.

Mapping mathematical competences across subjects for advanced level qualifications in England (2023)
Journal Article
Norris, J., & Noyes, A. (2023). Mapping mathematical competences across subjects for advanced level qualifications in England. Curriculum Journal, 34(4), 613-632.

Efforts to increase the number of young people in England studying mathematics post‐16 have historically focused on participation in standalone mathematics qualifications. However, following the recent A‐level reforms, many advanced level students ar... Read More about Mapping mathematical competences across subjects for advanced level qualifications in England.

Teacher learning in a shifting school landscape: The implications of academisation for professional development in primary mathematics (2022)
Journal Article
Gripton, C., Hudson, G., Greany, T., Noyes, A., & Cowhitt, T. (2022). Teacher learning in a shifting school landscape: The implications of academisation for professional development in primary mathematics. Forum: for Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 64(3), 32-41.

Alongside new models for government-funded professional development, England's academisation policy has significantly changed access, provision and responsibilities for teacher learning. This article reviews this impact on professional learning in pr... Read More about Teacher learning in a shifting school landscape: The implications of academisation for professional development in primary mathematics.

Developing the mathematics teacher workforce in England’s FE colleges: towards a ‘communities of practice’ strategy (2022)
Journal Article
Dalby, D., & Noyes, A. (2022). Developing the mathematics teacher workforce in England’s FE colleges: towards a ‘communities of practice’ strategy. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 27(3), 413-435.

Since policy changes in 2014 about who studies mathematics post-16 in England, the mathematics teaching workforce in further education (FE) colleges has grown and diversified. The question of how best to develop the professional practice of this chan... Read More about Developing the mathematics teacher workforce in England’s FE colleges: towards a ‘communities of practice’ strategy.

Mathematics in England’s further education colleges: who is teaching what, and why it matters (2022)
Journal Article
Noyes, A., Dalby, D., & Lavis, Y. (2022). Mathematics in England’s further education colleges: who is teaching what, and why it matters. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(10), 1347-1361.

Improving mathematical skills is a priority in England, and a series of policy levers and government change projects have focused on improving mathematical outcomes in further education (FE) in recent years. Yet little is known about the mathematics... Read More about Mathematics in England’s further education colleges: who is teaching what, and why it matters.

Mathematics curriculum waves within vocational education (2021)
Journal Article
Dalby, D., & Noyes, A. (2022). Mathematics curriculum waves within vocational education. Oxford Review of Education, 48(2), 166-183.

Links between mathematical attainment and economic performance, coupled with England’s poor showing in international comparisons of skills, have focused attention on post-16 mathematics education, for example in the UK Government’s 2017 Industrial St... Read More about Mathematics curriculum waves within vocational education.

The waxing and waning of functional skills mathematics (2020)
Journal Article
Dalby, D., & Noyes, A. (2022). The waxing and waning of functional skills mathematics. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 74(3), 434-453.

There have been repeated attempts to establish mathematics qualifications for lower attaining students aged 16 years and over on vocational pathways in England. In 2004, the Tomlinson Report proposed Functional Mathematics and this paper examines the... Read More about The waxing and waning of functional skills mathematics.

Mathematics education policy enactment in England’s Further Education Colleges (2018)
Journal Article
Dalby, D., & Noyes, A. (2018). Mathematics education policy enactment in England’s Further Education Colleges. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 70(4), 564-580.

England’s Further Education (FE) sector is in permanent flux with policy interpretations and translations taking place at multiple levels within increasingly large and complex multi-site organizations. Devolved responsibility gives managers considera... Read More about Mathematics education policy enactment in England’s Further Education Colleges.

Mathematics in the disciplines at the transition to university (2018)
Journal Article
McAlinden, M., & Noyes, A. (in press). Mathematics in the disciplines at the transition to university. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications,

Mathematics education is highly valued in advanced economies due to its role in developing skilled workforces, economic resilience and social wellbeing. However, university academics across disciplines regularly bemoan undergraduate students’ under-... Read More about Mathematics in the disciplines at the transition to university.

Assessing mathematics within advanced school science qualifications (2017)
Journal Article
McAlinden, M., & Noyes, A. (2019). Assessing mathematics within advanced school science qualifications. Assessment in Education, 26(3), 340-355.

Following sustained discussion regarding the relationship between advanced mathematics and science learning in England, the Government has pursued a reform agenda in which mathematics is embedded in national, high stakes A-level science qualification... Read More about Assessing mathematics within advanced school science qualifications.