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Professor CLAIRE ANDERSON's Outputs (142)

A qualitative study of cardiac rehabilitation patients' perspectives on making dietary changes (2011)
Journal Article
White, S., Bissell, P., & Anderson, C. (2011). A qualitative study of cardiac rehabilitation patients' perspectives on making dietary changes. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 24(2), 122 - 127.

Background: Making healthier food choices is recognised as being important in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the provision of information about making dietary changes should be included in cardiac rehabilitation (CR), a... Read More about A qualitative study of cardiac rehabilitation patients' perspectives on making dietary changes.

Convergence of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus: Time to individualise pharmaceutical care (2011)
Journal Article
Gnanasan, S., Nee Ting, K., Thong Wong, K., Mohd Ali, S., Razak Muttalif, A., & Anderson, C. (2011). Convergence of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus: Time to individualise pharmaceutical care. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 33, 44–52.

Objective To assess the feasibility of providing a pharmacist-led pharmaceutical care service to patients with tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus. Setting The study was conducted at a tertiary hospital in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. M... Read More about Convergence of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus: Time to individualise pharmaceutical care.

A pharmacy-based private chlamydia screening programme: Results from the first 2 years of screening and treatment (2011)
Journal Article
Anderson, C., & Thornley, T. (2011). A pharmacy-based private chlamydia screening programme: Results from the first 2 years of screening and treatment. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 33(1), 88-91.

Objective A major UK Pharmacy chain private Chlamydia screening and treatment service began in October 2006. People pay for a screening kit, send off a urine sample, and are informed of their result directly. Treatment is accessed via the pharmacy ch... Read More about A pharmacy-based private chlamydia screening programme: Results from the first 2 years of screening and treatment.

Further challenges to medical dominance? the case of nurse and pharmacist supplementary prescribing (2011)
Journal Article
Cooper, R. J., Bissell, P., Ward, P., Murphy, E., Anderson, C., Avery, T., James, V., Lymn, J., Guillaume, L., Hutchinson, A., & Ratcliffe, J. (2012). Further challenges to medical dominance? the case of nurse and pharmacist supplementary prescribing. Health, 16(2), 115 - 133.

Doctors have traditionally been viewed as the dominant healthcare profession, with the authority to prescribe medicines, but recent non-medical prescribing initiatives have been viewed as possible challenges to such dominance. Using the example of th... Read More about Further challenges to medical dominance? the case of nurse and pharmacist supplementary prescribing.

Presenting and evaluating qualitative research (2010)
Journal Article
Anderson, C. (2010). Presenting and evaluating qualitative research. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 74(8), Article 141.

The purpose of this paper is to help authors to think about ways to present qualitative research papers in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. It also discusses methods for reviewers to assess the rigour, quality, and usefulness of qual... Read More about Presenting and evaluating qualitative research.

Community pharmacists' views on adverse drug reactions reporting in Malaysia: A pilot study (2010)
Journal Article
Ting, K.-N., Stratton-Powell, D. M., & Anderson, C. (2010). Community pharmacists' views on adverse drug reactions reporting in Malaysia: A pilot study. Pharmacy World and Science, 32, 339–342.

Objectives To investigate community pharmacists’ knowledge, attitudes and views on adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting. Setting Seven community pharmacies in Malaysia. Method Structured interviews with community pharmacists. Informed consent was ob... Read More about Community pharmacists' views on adverse drug reactions reporting in Malaysia: A pilot study.

A qualitative study of pharmacists' perspectives on the supply of emergency hormonal contraception via patient group direction in the UK (2005)
Journal Article
Bissell, P., Savage, I., & Anderson, C. (2006). A qualitative study of pharmacists' perspectives on the supply of emergency hormonal contraception via patient group direction in the UK. Contraception, 73(3), 265-270.

To investigate pharmacists' views and experiences of supplying emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) via a group prescribing protocol in community pharmacies in the UK.

Qualitative study using depth interviews.

Community... Read More about A qualitative study of pharmacists' perspectives on the supply of emergency hormonal contraception via patient group direction in the UK.

Community pharmacy supply of emergency hormonal contraception: A structured literature review of international evidence (2005)
Journal Article
Anderson, C., & Blenkinsopp, A. (2006). Community pharmacy supply of emergency hormonal contraception: A structured literature review of international evidence. Human Reproduction, 21(1), 272–284.

BACKGROUND: We could find no previous published review of the evidence relating to pharmacy supply of emergency hormonal contraception (EHC). Our objectives were to review, summarize and evaluate the peer-reviewed evidence relating to community pharm... Read More about Community pharmacy supply of emergency hormonal contraception: A structured literature review of international evidence.

A study to investigate the extent of delivery of an intervention in asthma, in a UK national community pharmacy chain, using mystery customers (2005)
Journal Article
Thornley, T., Gray, N., Anderson, C., & Eastham, S. (2006). A study to investigate the extent of delivery of an intervention in asthma, in a UK national community pharmacy chain, using mystery customers. Patient Education and Counseling, 60(2), 246-252.

Objective: The objective of this study was to implement a brief intervention in asthma within a UK national pharmacy chain, and through the use of mystery customers, measure the extent of delivery of the intervention over a 4-month period. Methods: M... Read More about A study to investigate the extent of delivery of an intervention in asthma, in a UK national community pharmacy chain, using mystery customers.

The contribution of community pharmacy to improving the public’s health. Report 3, An overview of evidence-base from 1990-2002 and recommendations for action (2005)
Armstrong, M., Lewis, R., Anderson, C., & Blenkinsopp, A. (2005). The contribution of community pharmacy to improving the public’s health. Report 3, An overview of evidence-base from 1990-2002 and recommendations for action. PharmacyHealthLink and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Community pharmacists have always played a significant role in promoting, maintaining and improving the public’s health. Based at the heart of communities, they gain a unique understanding of the health needs of the communities they serve through dai... Read More about The contribution of community pharmacy to improving the public’s health. Report 3, An overview of evidence-base from 1990-2002 and recommendations for action.

The Scope of pharmacy ethics - An evaluation of the international research literature, 1990-2002 (2004)
Journal Article
Wingfield, J., Bissell, P., & Anderson, C. (2004). The Scope of pharmacy ethics - An evaluation of the international research literature, 1990-2002. Social Science and Medicine, 58(12), 2383-2396.

This paper attempts to provide a critical overview of international published discourse relating to ethical issues in pharmacy practice from 1990 to 2002. We found that there is little research literature specifically addressing ethics in pharmacy pr... Read More about The Scope of pharmacy ethics - An evaluation of the international research literature, 1990-2002.