“It’s easier in pharmacy”: why some patients prefer to pay for flu jabs rather than use the National Health Service
Journal Article
Anderson, C., & Thornley, T. (2014). “It’s easier in pharmacy”: why some patients prefer to pay for flu jabs rather than use the National Health Service. BMC Health Services Research, 14, Article 35. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-14-35
Professor CLAIRE ANDERSON's Outputs (142)
Palliative care is everyone's business, including pharmacists (2013)
Journal Article
Cortis, L. J., McKinnon, R. A., & Anderson, C. (2013). Palliative care is everyone's business, including pharmacists. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77(2), Article 21. https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe77221
Understanding community pharmacy intervention practice: Lessons from intervention researchers (2013)
Journal Article
Maher, J. H., Lowe, J. B., Hughes, R., & Anderson, C. (2014). Understanding community pharmacy intervention practice: Lessons from intervention researchers. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 10(4), 633-646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2013.09.002Background
Community pharmacy (CP) is a setting with health promotion and public health potential which could include strategies with a nutrition promotion focus. Research embedded in this setting has explored and produced evidence to inform practic... Read More about Understanding community pharmacy intervention practice: Lessons from intervention researchers.
Can we use quantitative methods to characterize pharmacy consultations with people with depression? (2013)
Journal Article
Anderson, C. (2014). Can we use quantitative methods to characterize pharmacy consultations with people with depression?. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 10(4), 595-597. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2013.08.008
Oversupply and Under-resourced: The global context of pharmacy education (2013)
Journal Article
Rennie, T., & Anderson, C. (2013). Oversupply and Under-resourced: The global context of pharmacy education. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77(6), Article 111. https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe776111
A qualitative study of cardiac rehabilitation patients' perspectives on taking medicines: Implications for the 'medicines-resistance' model of medicine-taking (2013)
Journal Article
White, S., Bissell, P., & Anderson, C. (2013). A qualitative study of cardiac rehabilitation patients' perspectives on taking medicines: Implications for the 'medicines-resistance' model of medicine-taking. BMC Health Services Research, 13, Article 302. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-13-302Background
The appropriate use of medicines continues to be an important area of inter-disciplinary research activity both in the UK and beyond. Key qualitative work in this area in the last decade has included the ‘medicines resistance’ model of me... Read More about A qualitative study of cardiac rehabilitation patients' perspectives on taking medicines: Implications for the 'medicines-resistance' model of medicine-taking.
An exploratory investigation amongst Australian mothers regarding pharmacies and opportunities for nutrition promotion (2013)
Journal Article
Maher, J., Hughes, R., Anderson, C., & Lowe, J. (2013). An exploratory investigation amongst Australian mothers regarding pharmacies and opportunities for nutrition promotion. Health Education Research, 28(6), 1040–1050. https://doi.org/10.1093/her/cyt070The early years life-stage (1 year either side of childbirth) is an important period for preventive action focusing on optimizing nutritional health for mothers and babies. Community pharmacy is a much utilized, easily accessed setting for health pro... Read More about An exploratory investigation amongst Australian mothers regarding pharmacies and opportunities for nutrition promotion.
Chlamydia screening interventions from community pharmacies: A systematic review (2013)
Journal Article
Gudka, S., Afuwape, F. E., Wong, B., Li Yow, X., Anderson, C., & Clifford, R. M. (2013). Chlamydia screening interventions from community pharmacies: A systematic review. Sexual Health, 10(3), 229–239. https://doi.org/10.1071/SH12069Background: Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) is the most commonly notified sexually transmissible infection in Australia. Increasing the number of people aged 16–25 years being tested for chlamydia has become a key objective. The strategy recommends... Read More about Chlamydia screening interventions from community pharmacies: A systematic review.
Cross-cultural adaptation of the short-form condom attitude scale: Validity assessment in a sub-sample of rural-to-urban migrant workers in Bangladesh (2013)
Journal Article
Roy, T., Anderson, C., Evans, C., Rahman, M. S., & Rahman, M. (2013). Cross-cultural adaptation of the short-form condom attitude scale: Validity assessment in a sub-sample of rural-to-urban migrant workers in Bangladesh. BMC Public Health, 13(1), Article 240. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-13-240Background: The reliable and valid measurement of attitudes towards condom use are essential to assist efforts to design population specific interventions aimed at promoting positive attitude towards, and increased use of condoms. Although several st... Read More about Cross-cultural adaptation of the short-form condom attitude scale: Validity assessment in a sub-sample of rural-to-urban migrant workers in Bangladesh.
Reforming pharmaceutical education to enhance the global uptake of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine (2012)
Journal Article
Dias, M. M., Depala, K., Ward, H. M., Ward, M. B., Sorich, M. J., Anderson, C., & McKinnon, R. A. (2012). Reforming pharmaceutical education to enhance the global uptake of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 10(3), 231 - 238. https://doi.org/10.2174/187569212802510058Personalized medicine has been defined as the tailoring of medical treatment based on individual patient characteristics. In practice, personalized medicine generally involves the stratifying of patient populations based on biomarkers, most frequentl... Read More about Reforming pharmaceutical education to enhance the global uptake of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine.
Patient experiences of taking antidepressants for depression: A secondary qualitative analysis (2012)
Journal Article
Anderson, C., & Roy, T. (2013). Patient experiences of taking antidepressants for depression: A secondary qualitative analysis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 9(6), 884-902. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2012.11.002Background
Depression is one of the most commonly encountered mental health problems leading to significant morbidity and mortality and high medical and societal costs. Antidepressant prescribing in the UK has more than doubled in the last decade. T... Read More about Patient experiences of taking antidepressants for depression: A secondary qualitative analysis.
Educating our students about pharmaceutical care for those living with cancer (2012)
Journal Article
Anderson, C., Plevin, D. M., & McKinnon, R. A. (2012). Educating our students about pharmaceutical care for those living with cancer. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(7), Article 119. https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe767119
Pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine: Consumer perspectives, lessons learned in Australia and beyond (2012)
Journal Article
Anderson, C., Ward, H., Corkindale, D., Ward, M. B., Sorich, M. J., & McKinnon, R. A. (2012). Pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine: Consumer perspectives, lessons learned in Australia and beyond. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 10(2), 170 - 177. https://doi.org/10.2174/187569212800626395A decade after Francis Collins, then Director of the Human Genome Project, stated that: “Genetic prediction of individual risks of disease and responsiveness to drugs will reach the medical mainstream in the next decade or so” the uptake of therapeut... Read More about Pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine: Consumer perspectives, lessons learned in Australia and beyond.
Needs-based education in the context of globalization (2012)
Journal Article
Anderson, C., Bates, I., Brock, T., Nelson Brown, A., Bruno, A., Futter, B., Rennie, T., & Rouse, M. J. (2012). Needs-based education in the context of globalization. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(4), Article 56. https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe76456
An investigation of body image concern and the effects of sociocultural factors among UK first year university students (2012)
Journal Article
Luevorasirikul, K., Boardman, H., & Anderson, C. (2012). An investigation of body image concern and the effects of sociocultural factors among UK first year university students. Public Health, 126(4), 365-367. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2012.01.011
Professional skills development in a resource-poor setting: the case of pharmacy in Malawi (2012)
Journal Article
Lim, Z., Anderson, C., & McGrath, S. (2012). Professional skills development in a resource-poor setting: the case of pharmacy in Malawi. International Journal of Educational Development, 32(5), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2012.01.004The dominance of the human capital approach in vocational skills development has been increasingly questioned for being de-humanised and de-contextualised. Contrary to this trend, the discourse in health professional skills development has shown incr... Read More about Professional skills development in a resource-poor setting: the case of pharmacy in Malawi.
A qualitative exploration of the views of community pharmacists on providing alcohol health promotion interventions (2011)
Journal Article
Horsfield, E., Sheridan, J., & Anderson, C. (2011). A qualitative exploration of the views of community pharmacists on providing alcohol health promotion interventions. Journal of Primary Health Care, 3(4), 335
A comprehensive situation assessment of injection practices in primary health care hospitals in Bangladesh (2011)
Journal Article
Azad Chowdhury, A., Roy, T., Faroque, A., Bachar, S. C., Asaduzzaman, M., Nasrin, N., Akter, N., Rahman Gazi, H., Kalam Lutful Kabir, A., Parvin, M., & Anderson, C. (2011). A comprehensive situation assessment of injection practices in primary health care hospitals in Bangladesh. BMC Public Health, 11, Article 779. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-11-779Background
Understanding injection practices is crucial for evidence-based development of intervention initiatives. This study explored the extent of injection use and injection safety practices in primary care hospitals in Bangladesh.
T... Read More about A comprehensive situation assessment of injection practices in primary health care hospitals in Bangladesh.
What do community pharmacists think about undertaking screening and brief interventions with problem drinkers? Results of a qualitative study in New Zealand and England (2011)
Journal Article
Horsfield, E., Sheridan, J., & Anderson, C. (2011). What do community pharmacists think about undertaking screening and brief interventions with problem drinkers? Results of a qualitative study in New Zealand and England. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 19(3), 192–200. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2042-7174.2011.00112.xObjective
Problem drinking is an increasing concern to many governments worldwide including those of England and New Zealand. Screening and brief intervention (SBI) is effective at reducing alcohol consumption and preventing escalation of hazardou... Read More about What do community pharmacists think about undertaking screening and brief interventions with problem drinkers? Results of a qualitative study in New Zealand and England.
Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK ‘Yellow Card Scheme’: literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys (2011)
Avery, A., Anderson, C., Bond, C., Fortnum, H., Gifford, A., Hannaford, P., Hazell, L., Krska, J., Lee, A., McLernon, D., Murphy, E., Shakir, S., & Watson, M. (2011). Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK ‘Yellow Card Scheme’: literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys. NIHR HTA. https://doi.org/10.3310/hta15200Background: The monitoring of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) through pharmacovigilance
is vital to patient safety. Spontaneous reporting of ADRs is one method of
pharmacovigilance, and in the UK this is undertaken through the Yellow Card Scheme
(YC... Read More about Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK ‘Yellow Card Scheme’: literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys.