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Professor Amalia Patane's Outputs (82)

Large Tunneling Magnetoresistance in van der Waals Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Heterojunctions (2021)
Journal Article
Zhu, W., Lin, H., Yan, F., Hu, C., Wang, Z., Zhao, L., Deng, Y., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Zhou, T., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Zheng, Y., Patanè, A., Žutić, I., Li, S., Zheng, H., & Wang, K. (2021). Large Tunneling Magnetoresistance in van der Waals Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Heterojunctions. Advanced Materials, 33(51), Article 2104658.

2D layered chalcogenide semiconductors have been proposed as a promising class of materials for low-dimensional electronic, optoelectronic, and spintronic devices. Here, all-2D van der Waals vertical spin-valve devices, that combine the 2D layered se... Read More about Large Tunneling Magnetoresistance in van der Waals Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Heterojunctions.

Tunable spin-orbit coupling in two-dimensional InSe (2021)
Journal Article
Ceferino, A., Magorrian, S. J., Zólyomi, V., Bandurin, D. A., Geim, A. K., Patanè, A., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Grigorieva, I. V., & Fal'Ko, V. I. (2021). Tunable spin-orbit coupling in two-dimensional InSe. Physical Review B, 104(12), Article 125432.

We demonstrate that spin-orbit coupling (SOC) strength for electrons near the conduction band edge in few-layer γ-InSe films can be tuned over a wide range. This tunability is the result of a competition between film-thickness-dependent intrinsic and... Read More about Tunable spin-orbit coupling in two-dimensional InSe.

Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3 (2021)
Journal Article
Yan, W., Akimov, A. V., Page, J. A., Greenaway, M. T., Balanov, A. G., Patanè, A., & Kent, A. J. (2021). Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(50), Article 2106206.

The interplay between the strong intralayer covalent-ionic bonds and the weak interlayer van der Waals (vdW) forces between the neighboring layers of vdW crystals gives rise to unique physical and chemical properties. Here, the intralayer and interla... Read More about Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3.

Ferroelectric semiconductor junctions based on graphene/In2Se3/graphene van der Waals heterostructures (2021)
Journal Article
Xie, S., Dey, A., Yan, W., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Balakrishnan, N., Makarovskiy, O., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Castanon, E. G., Kolosov, O., Wang, K., & Patanè, A. (2021). Ferroelectric semiconductor junctions based on graphene/In2Se3/graphene van der Waals heterostructures. 2D Materials, 8(4), Article 045020.

The miniaturization of ferroelectric devices offers prospects for non-volatile memories, low-power electrical switches and emerging technologies beyond existing Si-based integrated circuits. An emerging class of ferroelectrics is based on van der Waa... Read More about Ferroelectric semiconductor junctions based on graphene/In2Se3/graphene van der Waals heterostructures.

Heavy carrier effective masses in van der Waals semiconductor Sn(SeS) revealed by high magnetic fields up to 150 T (2021)
Journal Article
Yang, Z., Wang, X., Felton, J., Kudrynskyi, Z., Gen, M., Nomura, T., Wang, X., Eaves, L., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Kohama, Y., Zhang, L., & Patanè, A. (2021). Heavy carrier effective masses in van der Waals semiconductor Sn(SeS) revealed by high magnetic fields up to 150 T. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 104(8), Article 085206.

The SnSe2(1-x)S2x alloy is a van der Waals semiconductor with versatile, tunable electronic properties and prospects for future applications ranging from electronics to thermoelectrics and superconductivity. Its band structure and carrier effective m... Read More about Heavy carrier effective masses in van der Waals semiconductor Sn(SeS) revealed by high magnetic fields up to 150 T.

CsPb(Br/I)3Perovskite Nanocrystals for Hybrid GaN-Based High-Bandwidth White Light-Emitting Diodes (2021)
Journal Article
Ma, Z., Li, X., Zhang, C., Turyanska, L., Lin, S., Xi, X., Li, J., Hu, T., Wang, J., Patanè, A., & Zhao, L. (2021). CsPb(Br/I)3Perovskite Nanocrystals for Hybrid GaN-Based High-Bandwidth White Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(8), 8383-8389.

The modulation bandwidth of white light emitting diodes (LEDs) is an important factor in visible light communication (VLC) system, which is mainly limited by the down-conversion materials. The broad spectrum and long lifetime of conventional light co... Read More about CsPb(Br/I)3Perovskite Nanocrystals for Hybrid GaN-Based High-Bandwidth White Light-Emitting Diodes.

Light-Induced Stark Effect and Reversible Photoluminescence Quenching in Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals (2021)
Journal Article
Cottam, N. D., Zhang, C., Wildman, J. L., Patanè, A., Turyanska, L., & Makarovsky, O. (2021). Light-Induced Stark Effect and Reversible Photoluminescence Quenching in Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals. Advanced Optical Materials, 9(13), Article 2100104.

Inorganic perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) have demonstrated a number of unique optical and electronic properties for optoelectronic applications. However, the physical properties of these nanostructures, such as the dynamics of charge carriers on diffe... Read More about Light-Induced Stark Effect and Reversible Photoluminescence Quenching in Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals.

Universal mobility characteristics of graphene originating from charge scattering by ionised impurities (2021)
Journal Article
Gosling, J. H., Makarovsky, O., Wang, F., Cottam, N. D., Greenaway, M. T., Patanè, A., Wildman, R. D., Tuck, C. J., Turyanska, L., & Fromhold, T. M. (2021). Universal mobility characteristics of graphene originating from charge scattering by ionised impurities. Communications Physics, 4(1), Article 30.

Pristine graphene and graphene-based heterostructures can exhibit exceptionally high electron mobility if their surface contains few electron-scattering impurities. Mobility directly influences electrical conductivity and its dependence on the carrie... Read More about Universal mobility characteristics of graphene originating from charge scattering by ionised impurities.

Resonance and antiresonance in Raman scattering in GaSe and InSe crystals (2021)
Journal Article
Osiekowicz, M., Staszczuk, D., Olkowska-Pucko, K., Kipczak, Ł., Grzeszczyk, M., Zinkiewicz, M., Nogajewski, K., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Patané, A., Babiński, A., & Molas, M. R. (2021). Resonance and antiresonance in Raman scattering in GaSe and InSe crystals. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 924.

The temperature effect on the Raman scattering efficiency is investigated in ε-GaSe and γ-InSe crystals. We found that varying the temperature over a broad range from 5 to 350 K permits to achieve both the resonant conditions and the antiresonance be... Read More about Resonance and antiresonance in Raman scattering in GaSe and InSe crystals.

Anomalous Low Thermal Conductivity of Atomically Thin InSe Probed by Scanning Thermal Microscopy (2021)
Journal Article
Buckley, D., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Balakrishnan, N., Vincent, T., Mazumder, D., Castanon, E., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Kolosov, O., Kazakova, O., Tzalenchuk, A., & Patanè, A. (2021). Anomalous Low Thermal Conductivity of Atomically Thin InSe Probed by Scanning Thermal Microscopy. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(11), Article 2008967.

The ability of a material to conduct heat influences many physical phenomena, ranging from thermal management in nanoscale devices to thermoelectrics. Van der Waals two dimensional (2D) materials offer a versatile platform to tailor heat transfer due... Read More about Anomalous Low Thermal Conductivity of Atomically Thin InSe Probed by Scanning Thermal Microscopy.

Enhanced Optical Emission from 2D InSe Bent onto Si‐Pillars (2020)
Journal Article
Mazumder, D., Xie, J., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Wang, X., Makarovsky, O., Bhuiyan, M. A., Kim, H., Chang, T., Huffaker, D. L., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Zhang, L., & Patanè, A. (2020). Enhanced Optical Emission from 2D InSe Bent onto Si‐Pillars. Advanced Optical Materials, 8(18), Article 2000828.

Controlling the propagation and intensity of an optical signal is central to several technologies ranging from quantum communication to signal processing. These require a versatile class of functional materials with tailored electronic and optical pr... Read More about Enhanced Optical Emission from 2D InSe Bent onto Si‐Pillars.

New Polymorphs of 2D Indium Selenide with Enhanced Electronic Properties (2020)
Journal Article
Sun, Y., Li, Y., Li, T., Biswas, K., Patanè, A., & Zhang, L. (2020). New Polymorphs of 2D Indium Selenide with Enhanced Electronic Properties. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(31), Article 2001920.

The two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor indium selenide (InSe) has attracted significant interest due its unique electronic band structure, high electron mobility and wide tunability of its band gap energy achieved by varying the layer thickness. All... Read More about New Polymorphs of 2D Indium Selenide with Enhanced Electronic Properties.

The Interaction of Hydrogen with the van der Waals Crystal γ-InSe (2020)
Journal Article
Felton, J., Blundo, E., Ling, S., Glover, J., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Makarovsky, O., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Besley, E., Walker, G., Polimeni, A., & Patané, A. (2020). The Interaction of Hydrogen with the van der Waals Crystal γ-InSe. Molecules, 25(11), Article 2526.

The emergence of the hydrogen economy requires development in the storage, generation and sensing of hydrogen. The indium selenide (γ-InSe) van der Waals (vdW) crystal shows promise for technologies in all three of these areas. For these applications... Read More about The Interaction of Hydrogen with the van der Waals Crystal γ-InSe.

Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction (2020)
Journal Article
Berenguer, F., Pettinari, G., Felici, M., Balakrishnan, N., Clark, J. N., Ravy, S., Patané, A., Polimeni, A., & Ciatto, G. (2020). Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction. Communications Materials, 1, Article 19.

Coherent x-ray diffractive imaging is a nondestructive technique that extracts three-dimensional electron density and strain maps from materials with nanometer resolution. It has been utilized for materials in a range of applications, and has signifi... Read More about Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction.

Room temperature upconversion electroluminescence from a mid-infrared In(AsN) tunnelling diode (2020)
Journal Article
Di Paola, D. M., Lu, Q., Repiso, E., Kesaria, M., Makarovsky, O., Krier, A., & Patanè, A. (2020). Room temperature upconversion electroluminescence from a mid-infrared In(AsN) tunnelling diode. Applied Physics Letters, 116(14), Article 142108.

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the mid-infrared (MIR) spectral range require material systems with tailored optical absorption and emission at wavelengths λ > 2 μm. Here, we report on MIR LEDs based on In(AsN)/(InAl)As resonant tunneling diodes (RTD... Read More about Room temperature upconversion electroluminescence from a mid-infrared In(AsN) tunnelling diode.

Room temperature upconversion electroluminescence from a mid-infrared In(AsN) tunneling diode (2020)
Journal Article
Di Paola, D. M., Lu, Q., Repiso, E., Kesaria, M., Makarovsky, O., Krier, A., & Patanè, A. (2020). Room temperature upconversion electroluminescence from a mid-infrared In(AsN) tunneling diode. Applied Physics Letters, 116(14), Article 142108.

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the mid-infrared (MIR) spectral range require material systems with tailored optical absorption and emission at wavelengths λ > 2 μm. Here, we report on MIR LEDs based on In(AsN)/(InAl)As resonant tunneling diodes (RTD... Read More about Room temperature upconversion electroluminescence from a mid-infrared In(AsN) tunneling diode.

Photoluminescence dynamics in few-layer InSe (2020)
Journal Article
Venanzi, T., Arora, H., Winnerl, S., Pashkin, A., Chava, P., Patane, A., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Erbe, A., Helm, M., & Schneider, H. (2020). Photoluminescence dynamics in few-layer InSe. Physical Review Materials, 4(4), Article 044001.

We study the optical properties of thin flakes of InSe encapsulated in hBN. More specifically, we investigate the photoluminescence (PL) emission and its dependence on sample thickness and temperature. Through the analysis of the PL lineshape, we dis... Read More about Photoluminescence dynamics in few-layer InSe.

High Responsivity and Wavelength Selectivity of GaN‐Based Resonant Cavity Photodiodes (2020)
Journal Article
Li, J., Yang, C., Liu, L., Cao, H., Lin, S., Xi, X., Li, X., Ma, Z., Wang, K., Patanè, A., & Zhao, L. (2020). High Responsivity and Wavelength Selectivity of GaN‐Based Resonant Cavity Photodiodes. Advanced Optical Materials, 8(7), Article 1901276.

The implementation of blue-light photodiodes based on InGaN in emerging technologies, such as free-space visible light communication (VLC), requires transformative approaches towards enhanced performance, miniaturization, and integration beyond curre... Read More about High Responsivity and Wavelength Selectivity of GaN‐Based Resonant Cavity Photodiodes.

Interlayer Band-to-Band Tunneling and Negative Differential Resistance in van der Waals BP/InSe Field-Effect Transistors (2020)
Journal Article
Lv, Q., Yan, F., Mori, N., Zhu, W., Hu, C., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Patanè, A., & Wang, K. (2020). Interlayer Band-to-Band Tunneling and Negative Differential Resistance in van der Waals BP/InSe Field-Effect Transistors. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(15), Article 1910713.

© 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Atomically thin layers of van der Waals (vdW) crystals offer an ideal material platform to realize tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs) that exploit the tunneling of charge carriers across the fo... Read More about Interlayer Band-to-Band Tunneling and Negative Differential Resistance in van der Waals BP/InSe Field-Effect Transistors.

Design of van der Waals interfaces for broad-spectrum optoelectronics (2020)
Journal Article
Ubrig, N., Ponomarev, E., Zultak, J., Domaretskiy, D., Zólyomi, V., Terry, D., Howarth, J., Gutiérrez-Lezama, I., Zhukov, A., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Patanè, A., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Gorbachev, R. V., Fal'ko, V. I., & Morpurgo, A. F. (2020). Design of van der Waals interfaces for broad-spectrum optoelectronics. Nature Materials, 19, 299-304.

Van der Waals (vdW) interfaces based on 2D materials are promising for optoelectronics, as interlayer transitions between different compounds allow tailoring of the spectral response over a broad range. However, issues such as lattice mismatch or a s... Read More about Design of van der Waals interfaces for broad-spectrum optoelectronics.