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Professor HOLLY BLAKE's Outputs (319)

The effectiveness of digital interventions for self-management of chronic pain in employment settings: a systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Chaplin, W. J., & Gupta, A. (2024). The effectiveness of digital interventions for self-management of chronic pain in employment settings: a systematic review. British Medical Bulletin, 151(1), 36-48.


Chronic pain affects over a quarter of the workforce with high economic burden for individuals, employers, and healthcare services. Access to work-related advice for people with chronic pain is variable. This systematic review aims to... Read More about The effectiveness of digital interventions for self-management of chronic pain in employment settings: a systematic review.

Experiences and perceptions of acute testicular pain, with a focus on delayed reasons for presentation to hospital: a qualitative evidence synthesis (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anderson, E., Chaplin, W. J., Turner, C., Johnson, G., Blake, H., & Tabner, A. (2024, October). Experiences and perceptions of acute testicular pain, with a focus on delayed reasons for presentation to hospital: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Presented at European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) Congress, Copenhagen

Introduction The annual incidence of testicular torsion is approximately 1 in 4000 males under the age of 25. Despite the 97% testicular salvage rate when surgical intervention is within 6 hours of onset, orchidectomy is required in 40% of cases. The... Read More about Experiences and perceptions of acute testicular pain, with a focus on delayed reasons for presentation to hospital: a qualitative evidence synthesis.

Pozytywna rola centr dobrostanu dla pracowników medycznych (NHS) w czasie pandemii Covid-19 = The positive role of wellbeing centres for the healthcare staff (NHS) during Covid-19 pandemic (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stanulewicz-Buckley, N., & Blake, H. (2024, May). Pozytywna rola centr dobrostanu dla pracowników medycznych (NHS) w czasie pandemii Covid-19 = The positive role of wellbeing centres for the healthcare staff (NHS) during Covid-19 pandemic. Presented at V Konferencja Psychologii Pozytywnej, Lublin, Poland

More absence, but less impact on business performance. What can we learn from Swedish approaches to managing workplace mental health? (2024)
Wishart, M., Roper, S., Belt, V., Bourke, J., Hassard, J., Blake, H., Thomson, L., Bartle, C., & Leka, S. (2024). More absence, but less impact on business performance. What can we learn from Swedish approaches to managing workplace mental health?. Enterprise Research Centre

Using employer-level survey data, this report compares how firms in England, Ireland and Sweden are responding to the challenges of workplace mental health. The three countries adopt very different approaches to the funding and provision of healthcar... Read More about More absence, but less impact on business performance. What can we learn from Swedish approaches to managing workplace mental health?.

Typology of employers offering line manager training for mental health (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Hassard, J., Dulal-Arthur, T., Wishart, M., Roper, S., Bourke, J., Belt, V., Bartle, C., Pahl, N., Leka, S., & Thomson, L. (2024). Typology of employers offering line manager training for mental health. Occupational Medicine, 74(3), 242-250.

Background Mental ill health has a high economic impact on society and employers. National and international policy advocates line manager (LM) training in mental health as a key intervention, but little is known about employer training provisions. A... Read More about Typology of employers offering line manager training for mental health.

Evolution of Primary Research Studies in Digital Interventions for Mental Well-Being Promotion from 2004 to 2023: A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on the Web of Science (2024)
Journal Article
Armaou, M., Pears, M., Konstantinidis, S. T., & Blake, H. (2024). Evolution of Primary Research Studies in Digital Interventions for Mental Well-Being Promotion from 2004 to 2023: A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on the Web of Science. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(3), Article 375.

Research into digital interventions for mental well-being promotion has grown in recent years, fuelled by the need to improve mental health prevention strategies and respond to challenges arising from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This bibliom... Read More about Evolution of Primary Research Studies in Digital Interventions for Mental Well-Being Promotion from 2004 to 2023: A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on the Web of Science.

Workforce wellbeing centres and their positive role for wellbeing and presenteeism in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: secondary analysis of COVID-Well data (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Mancini, H., Coyne, E., Cooper, J., & Stanulewicz-Buckley, N. (2024). Workforce wellbeing centres and their positive role for wellbeing and presenteeism in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: secondary analysis of COVID-Well data. BMC Health Services Research, 24(1), Article 302.

Supported wellbeing centres established during the COVID-19 pandemic provided high quality rest spaces and access to peer-to-peer psychological first aid for healthcare workers (HCWs). The centres were well accessed and valued by HCWs, bu... Read More about Workforce wellbeing centres and their positive role for wellbeing and presenteeism in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: secondary analysis of COVID-Well data.

Disclosing non-visible disabilities in educational workplaces: a scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Hassard, J., Yildrim, M., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2024). Disclosing non-visible disabilities in educational workplaces: a scoping review. British Medical Bulletin, 150(1), 23-41.

a sizable proportion of the working population has a disability that is not visible. Many choose not to disclose this at work, particularly in educational workplaces where disability is underrepresented. A better understanding of the barriers and fac... Read More about Disclosing non-visible disabilities in educational workplaces: a scoping review.

Delivering web-based workforce training interventions: the WWHIDE framework and key considerations for health research (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Chaplin, W., Hassard, J., & Thomson, L. (2024, March). Delivering web-based workforce training interventions: the WWHIDE framework and key considerations for health research. Presented at 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain

The workplace is an important setting for raising awareness of public health issues and delivering interventions to promote health and wellbeing of working-age adults. The role of employers in supporting the physical and mental health of their employ... Read More about Delivering web-based workforce training interventions: the WWHIDE framework and key considerations for health research.

Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Greaves, S., Abbott-Fleming, V., & Somerset, S. (2024, March). Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit. Presented at 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain

Concept mapping is increasingly being used as an approach to enhance the development of evidence-based public health interventions. In a prior collaborative-participatory study, Agile methodology was used to co-create the web-based Pain-at-Work (PAW)... Read More about Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit.

Supporting employers and their employees with mental hEalth conditions to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Prudenzi, A., Gill, K., MacArthur, M., Hastings, O., Moukhtarian, T., Jadhakhan, F., Patel, K., Kershaw, C., Norton-Brown, E., Johnston, N., Daly, G., Russell, S., Thomson, L., Munir, F., Blake, H., Meyer, C., & Marwaha, S. (2024). Supporting employers and their employees with mental hEalth conditions to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 31, Article 100720.

Employees with mental health conditions often struggle to remain in employment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these employees faced additional stressors, including worsening mental health and work productivity. In 2020, as part of a larger programme... Read More about Supporting employers and their employees with mental hEalth conditions to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Exploring Effects of a Nostalgic Storytelling Virtual Reality Experience Beyond Hedonism (2023)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Benford, S., Spence, J., & Blake, H. (2024). Exploring Effects of a Nostalgic Storytelling Virtual Reality Experience Beyond Hedonism. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 27(3), 221-226.

In this study, we tested the effect of a nostalgic storytelling virtual reality (VR) experience (vs. a text-reading neutral VR experience as the comparison condition) on state-level eudaimonic well-being and explored the underlying mediating mechanis... Read More about Exploring Effects of a Nostalgic Storytelling Virtual Reality Experience Beyond Hedonism.

Understanding the experience of stigma in care homes: A qualitative case study in northeast Thailand. (2023)
Journal Article
Tosangwarn, S., Clissett, P., & Blake, H. (2024). Understanding the experience of stigma in care homes: A qualitative case study in northeast Thailand. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 31(4), 475-491.

What is known on the subject?: Stigma associated with care homes has been found to influence residents' lives, and it is a known risk factor for depression among older adults worldwide. Older residents in Asia and particularly, in Thai care homes com... Read More about Understanding the experience of stigma in care homes: A qualitative case study in northeast Thailand..

Evaluating the Interaction between Pain Intensity and Resilience on the Impact of Pain in the Lives of People with Fibromyalgia (2023)
Journal Article
Teixeira, L. A., de Oliveira Vidal, E. I., Blake, H., de Barros, G. A. M., & Fukushima, F. B. (2024). Evaluating the Interaction between Pain Intensity and Resilience on the Impact of Pain in the Lives of People with Fibromyalgia. Clinical Journal of Pain, 40(3), 150-156.

Objective: Recent theoretical models posit that resilience acts as a resource/mechanism opposing pain catastrophizing and other vulnerability sources against pain adaptation. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between resilienc... Read More about Evaluating the Interaction between Pain Intensity and Resilience on the Impact of Pain in the Lives of People with Fibromyalgia.

Engaging with stakeholders to explore proof-of-concept for a mobile application aimed at improving mental wellbeing in nurses: a trainer-led education and qualitative interview study (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yildirim, M., Carter, T., & Blake, H. (2023, November). Engaging with stakeholders to explore proof-of-concept for a mobile application aimed at improving mental wellbeing in nurses: a trainer-led education and qualitative interview study. Presented at ICERI 2023: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain

Background and Aim:

Nurses’ well-being is an increasing concern given global workforce shortages, stressful job roles and the sustained impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mobile application-delivered interventions (apps) may be an efficient and cost... Read More about Engaging with stakeholders to explore proof-of-concept for a mobile application aimed at improving mental wellbeing in nurses: a trainer-led education and qualitative interview study.

The WHIRL project: innovative interprofessional learning in public health practice (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Whittingham, K., Somerset, S., Middleton, M., Yildirim, M., Evans, C., & Blake, H. (2023, November). The WHIRL project: innovative interprofessional learning in public health practice. Presented at ICERI 2023: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain