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Professor HOLLY BLAKE's Outputs (319)

Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression (2010)
Book Chapter
Malik, S., Kit Han Mo, P., & Blake, H. (2010). Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression. In H. Blake (Ed.), Physical activity in rehabilitation and recovery (279-312). Nova Science Publishers

Depression is a common psychiatric problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Whilst conventional treatments for depression have involved the use of antidepressant medications or ‘talking’ therapies, in recent years the concept of exercise thera... Read More about Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression.

Determinants of physical activity participation following traumatic brain injury (2010)
Journal Article
Reavenall, S., & Blake, H. (2010). Determinants of physical activity participation following traumatic brain injury. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17(7),


The objective of the study described in this article was to establish the environmental, social, or personal determinants associated with physical activity participation in people with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

A multi-centre... Read More about Determinants of physical activity participation following traumatic brain injury.

Computer-based learning objects in healthcare: the student experience (2010)
Journal Article
Blake, H. (in press). Computer-based learning objects in healthcare: the student experience. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 7(1),

Web-based computer learning objects, such as Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs), are becoming more commonplace in nursing and medical education. However, evaluation of RLOs specifically has been limited. The aim of the study was to determine how RLOs i... Read More about Computer-based learning objects in healthcare: the student experience.

The PAVE study (Physical Activity Virtual Education): development of reusable learning objects (RLOs) to enhance nursing students' knowledge and understanding of physical activity (2010)
Book Chapter
Blake, H., & Wharrad, H. (2010). The PAVE study (Physical Activity Virtual Education): development of reusable learning objects (RLOs) to enhance nursing students' knowledge and understanding of physical activity. In G. Baker, J. Falk-Whynes, & A. Sidorovitch (Eds.), Teaching for integrative learning. University of Nottingham. Centre for Integrative Learning

The aim of this project was to design, build and test two sustainable reusable learning objects (RLOs) for physical activity (PA) and provide opportunities to assess changes in knowledge and self-reported behaviour following exposure. The RLOs develo... Read More about The PAVE study (Physical Activity Virtual Education): development of reusable learning objects (RLOs) to enhance nursing students' knowledge and understanding of physical activity.

The price is right: making workplace wellness financially sustainable (2010)
Journal Article
Lee, S., Blake, H., & Lloyd, S. (2010). The price is right: making workplace wellness financially sustainable. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 3(1),

– The public health argument for developing and maintaining workplace wellness programmes in organisations is well‐documented, particularly within the healthcare sector which aims to “set the example” for workplace health. However, workplace... Read More about The price is right: making workplace wellness financially sustainable.

Tackling NHS staff stress levels in an ‘eggstraordinary’ way (2009)
Journal Article
Lee, S., & Blake, H. (2009). Tackling NHS staff stress levels in an ‘eggstraordinary’ way. Health Psychology Update, 18(2), 8-13

Occupational stress levels amongst employees are a key area of concern for the National Health Service with Government calls for healthcare employers to provide a positive ‘health culture’ and facilities which encourage staff to consider their own he... Read More about Tackling NHS staff stress levels in an ‘eggstraordinary’ way.

Workplace complementary and alternative therapies for hospital‐site staff (2009)
Journal Article
Meade, O., MacLennan, S. J., Blake, H., & Coulson, N. (2009). Workplace complementary and alternative therapies for hospital‐site staff. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2(3), 258-271.

Purpose – Workplace wellness schemes are emerging in NHS settings, including complementary and alternative therapy services aimed at improving employee wellbeing. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of one such therapy service on service u... Read More about Workplace complementary and alternative therapies for hospital‐site staff.

Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery in healthcare (2009)
Journal Article
Blake, H. (2009). Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery in healthcare. Learning in Health and Social Care, 8(3), 223-234.

Background: Web‐based e‐learning methods are increasingly used in higher education to support learning in pre‐ and post‐registration healthcare subjects. Although new technologies are central to teaching and learning strategies, e‐learning is not cur... Read More about Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery in healthcare.

How effective are physical activity interventions for alleviating depressive symptoms in older people?: a systematic review (2009)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Mo, P. K. H., Malik, S., & Thomas, S. (2009). How effective are physical activity interventions for alleviating depressive symptoms in older people?: a systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(10), 873-887.

Background: The benefits of physical exercise in reducing clinically defined depression in the general population have been established, although a review of the evidence for older adults is needed.
Objectives: To assess the efficacy of physical exe... Read More about How effective are physical activity interventions for alleviating depressive symptoms in older people?: a systematic review.

Exercise intervention in brain injury: a pilot randomized study of Tai Chi Qigong (2009)
Journal Article
Blake, H., & Batson, M. (in press). Exercise intervention in brain injury: a pilot randomized study of Tai Chi Qigong. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(7),

Objective: To examine the effects of a brief Tai Chi Chuan Qigong (‘Qigong’) exercise intervention on individuals with traumatic brain injury.
Design: A single-centre randomized controlled trial pilot study.
Setting: A registered charity day centre... Read More about Exercise intervention in brain injury: a pilot randomized study of Tai Chi Qigong.

Using technology in health promotion interventions (2008)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2008). Using technology in health promotion interventions. In Life style and health research (17-76). Nova Science Publishers

Improving health in the general population is key to government policy and essential to address the increasing prevalence of non-communicable disease in our society. Whether aiming to improve health at the individual, community, regional or national... Read More about Using technology in health promotion interventions.

Influencing organisational change in the NHS: lessons learned from workplace wellness initiatives in practice (2008)
Journal Article
Blake, H., & Lloyd, S. (2008). Influencing organisational change in the NHS: lessons learned from workplace wellness initiatives in practice. Quality in Primary Care, 16(6), 449-455

This article presents a discussion of the key issues in influencing organisational change in NHS settings, in the development of workplace wellness interventions to improve employee health and wellbeing. To tackle poor public health and associated ri... Read More about Influencing organisational change in the NHS: lessons learned from workplace wellness initiatives in practice.

Mobile phone technology in chronic disease management (2008)
Journal Article
Blake, H. (2008). Mobile phone technology in chronic disease management. Nursing Standard, 23(12),

Mobile phones are being used to improve nurse-patient communication and monitor health outcomes in chronic disease. Innovative applications of mobile technology are expected to increase over time in community management of cancer, heart disease, asth... Read More about Mobile phone technology in chronic disease management.

Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff (2008)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2008). Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff. In A. B. Turley, & G. C. Hofmann (Eds.), Life style and health research progress (1-4). Nova Science Publishers

With the rising prevalence of preventable disease, caused by our modern lifestyles, population approaches to health promotion are becoming an essential part of healthcare. Nursing is the largest occupational group within the National Health Service a... Read More about Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff.

Workplace intervention to promote stair‐use in an NHS setting (2008)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Lee, S., Stanton, T., & Gorely, T. (2008). Workplace intervention to promote stair‐use in an NHS setting. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 1(3), 162-175.

Purpose – Increasing physical activity (PA) is an international public health priority.
This study aims to assess the impact of an environmental stair-use intervention using “point of decision” prompts with varying messages in an NHS workplace in th... Read More about Workplace intervention to promote stair‐use in an NHS setting.