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Professor PHILIP SHIPWAY's Outputs (9)

An experimental study on the key fretting variables for flexible marine risers (2017)
Journal Article
O’Halloran, S., Harte, A., Shipway, P., & Leen, S. (2018). An experimental study on the key fretting variables for flexible marine risers. Tribology International, 117,

This paper presents an experimental investigation into the effects of contact conformity, contact pressure and displacement amplitude on the gross-slip fretting behaviour grease-lubricated cylinder-on-flat contacts in the context of flexible marine r... Read More about An experimental study on the key fretting variables for flexible marine risers.

The effect of coating architecture and defects on the corrosion behaviour of a PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coating (2017)
Journal Article
Daure, J., Voisey, K., Shipway, P., & Stewart, D. (2017). The effect of coating architecture and defects on the corrosion behaviour of a PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coating. Surface and Coatings Technology, 324,

This paper investigates the effect of substrate surface finish and deposition conditions of PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coatings on their ability to act as a corrosion-barrier. The corrosion-barrier performance of the coatings was characterized by... Read More about The effect of coating architecture and defects on the corrosion behaviour of a PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coating.

The role of temperature and frequency on fretting wear of a like-on-like stainless steel contact (2017)
Journal Article
Jin, X., Shipway, P., & Sun, W. (2017). The role of temperature and frequency on fretting wear of a like-on-like stainless steel contact. Tribology Letters, 65, Article 77.

The influences of environmental temperature and fretting frequency on the mechanisms and rates of wear in a like-on-like 304 stainless steel contact were examined, and mainly attributed to changes in the mechanical response of the bulk material and t... Read More about The role of temperature and frequency on fretting wear of a like-on-like stainless steel contact.

Tribology: Friction and wear of engineering materials (2017)
Hutchings, I., & Shipway, P. (2017). Tribology: Friction and wear of engineering materials. (2nd). Butterworth-Heinemann

© 2017 Ian Hutchings and Philip Shipway. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials, Second Edition covers the fundamentals of tribology and the tribological response of all classes of materi... Read More about Tribology: Friction and wear of engineering materials.

Effect of test conditions on the temperature at which a protective debris bed is formed in fretting of a high strength steel (2017)
Journal Article
Hayes, E., & Shipway, P. (2017). Effect of test conditions on the temperature at which a protective debris bed is formed in fretting of a high strength steel. Wear, 376-377(B),

It is well known that mechanisms and rates of fretting wear of many metals are dependent upon the temperature of the environment; specifically, it is known that a transition temperature exists, above which the debris forms a protective bed in the con... Read More about Effect of test conditions on the temperature at which a protective debris bed is formed in fretting of a high strength steel.

Sliding wear analysis of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor conditions (2017)
Journal Article
McCarron, R., Stewart, D., Shipway, P., & Dini, D. (2017). Sliding wear analysis of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor conditions. Wear, 376-377(B),

The study of the wear behaviour of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor environmental conditions is the focus of this work. The alloys are used in components within reactors due to their excellent wear and corrosion resistance and their high hardne... Read More about Sliding wear analysis of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor conditions.

HVOF and laser cladded Fe-Cr-B coating in simulated biomass combustion: microstructure and fireside corrosion (2017)
Journal Article
Reddy, L., Shipway, P., Davis, C., & Hussain, T. (in press). HVOF and laser cladded Fe-Cr-B coating in simulated biomass combustion: microstructure and fireside corrosion. Oxidation of Metals,

Biomass is often considered as a low carbon alternative to fossil fuels in the power industry. However the heat exchangers in biomass plants can suffer from chloride based aggressive fireside corrosion. A commercially available amorphous Fe-Cr-B allo... Read More about HVOF and laser cladded Fe-Cr-B coating in simulated biomass combustion: microstructure and fireside corrosion.

Evolution of damage in MoS2-based dry film lubricants (DFLs) in fretting wear – the effect of DFL thickness and contact geometry (2017)
Journal Article
Barman, K., Shipway, P., Voisey, K., & Pattinson, G. (2017). Evolution of damage in MoS2-based dry film lubricants (DFLs) in fretting wear – the effect of DFL thickness and contact geometry. Progress in Organic Coatings, 105,

Dry film lubricant (DFL) coatings are widely used to reduce coefficients of friction and damage in highly loaded contacts. This work investigates the behaviour of a commercially available MoS2-based DFL in a cylinder-on-flat contact geometry with a f... Read More about Evolution of damage in MoS2-based dry film lubricants (DFLs) in fretting wear – the effect of DFL thickness and contact geometry.

Evolution of plasticity-based wear damage in gross sliding fretting of a Ti-6Al-4V non-conforming contact (2017)
Journal Article
Mohd Tobi, A., Sun, W., & Shipway, P. (in press). Evolution of plasticity-based wear damage in gross sliding fretting of a Ti-6Al-4V non-conforming contact. Tribology International, 113,

This paper examines the evidence for a plasticity based wear mechanism in the fretting wear of Ti-6Al-4V. Driven by near-surface plastic strain accumulation, the generation of wear debris evolves from coarse metallic debris towards loose fine oxide d... Read More about Evolution of plasticity-based wear damage in gross sliding fretting of a Ti-6Al-4V non-conforming contact.