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Professor PHILIP SHIPWAY's Outputs (60)

The contact size dependence of wear rate in fretting: Understanding and rationalising data from tests with flat-on-flat, cylinder-on-flat and sphere-on-flat contact configurations (2025)
Journal Article
Shipway, P. H. (2025). The contact size dependence of wear rate in fretting: Understanding and rationalising data from tests with flat-on-flat, cylinder-on-flat and sphere-on-flat contact configurations. Wear, Article 205783.

In fretting contacts between metals such as steels, wear normally takes place by the formation of an oxide debris in the contact and its subsequent expulsion. There are three stages to this process: (i) the transport of oxygen into the closed contact... Read More about The contact size dependence of wear rate in fretting: Understanding and rationalising data from tests with flat-on-flat, cylinder-on-flat and sphere-on-flat contact configurations.

Characterization of damage in galling testing of austenitic stainless steel as a function of pressure and sliding distance (2025)
Journal Article
Kóti, D., Daure, J. L., Neate, N. C., Stewart, D. A., & Shipway, P. H. (2025). Characterization of damage in galling testing of austenitic stainless steel as a function of pressure and sliding distance. Wear, Article 205776.

It is well known that stainless steel is prone to galling, and in previous work, we have demonstrated that the degree of damage following galling tests in such materials is a function of both contact pressure and sliding distance. However, it is not... Read More about Characterization of damage in galling testing of austenitic stainless steel as a function of pressure and sliding distance.

Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms of service-exposed P91 steel via interrupted uniaxial creep tests at 660 °C (2024)
Journal Article
Bonetti, R., Neate, N., Morris, A., Shipway, P., & Sun, W. (2024). Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms of service-exposed P91 steel via interrupted uniaxial creep tests at 660 °C. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 33, 3529-3549.

Creep degradation behaviour of service-exposed P91 steel is evaluated during interrupted creep tests at 660 °C and 80 MPa using a number of material characterization techniques including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron micro... Read More about Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms of service-exposed P91 steel via interrupted uniaxial creep tests at 660 °C.

Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting (2024)
Journal Article
Laolu-Balogun, E., Owen, S., Read, S., Shipway, P., & Voisey, K. (2024). Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting. Wear, 552-553, Article 205426.

Investigations into effects of humidity and oxygen on a polymer-bonded MoS2-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating, on grit-blasted Ti-6Al-4V using a cylinder-on-flat configuration, are reported. Sustained low friction and low wear occurred in both l... Read More about Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting.

The evolution of subsurface deformation and tribological degradation of a multiphase Fe-based hardfacing induced by sliding contact (2023)
Journal Article
Carrington, M., Daure, J., Utada, S., Ratia-Hanby, V., Shipway, P., Stewart, D., & McCartney, D. (2024). The evolution of subsurface deformation and tribological degradation of a multiphase Fe-based hardfacing induced by sliding contact. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 892, Article 146023.

Multiphase Fe-based hardfacing alloys, for example Tristelle 5183 Fe-21%Cr-10%Ni-7.5%Nb-5%Si-2%C in wt.%, are extensively used for tribological applications, including valves, bearings and drive mechanisms, where two surfaces are unavoidably subjecte... Read More about The evolution of subsurface deformation and tribological degradation of a multiphase Fe-based hardfacing induced by sliding contact.

Experimental and numerical investigations of sliding wear behaviour of an Fe-based alloy for PWR wear resistance applications (2023)
Journal Article
Bastola, A., McCarron, R., Shipway, P., Stewart, D., & Dini, D. (2024). Experimental and numerical investigations of sliding wear behaviour of an Fe-based alloy for PWR wear resistance applications. Wear, 540–541, Article 205186.

The excellent wear and corrosion resistance of Co-based alloys make them desirable for tribological applications in the nuclear industry. However, neutron activation of the Co-based alloys leads to significant occupational radiation doses. An alterna... Read More about Experimental and numerical investigations of sliding wear behaviour of an Fe-based alloy for PWR wear resistance applications.

Lifetime of MoS2 based DFL systems in fretting with and without a Cu-Ni-In under-layer: the dependence on the topography of the surface onto which the DFL is deposited (2023)
Journal Article
Laolu-Balogun, E., Owen, S., Booth, T., Pattinson, G., Shipway, P., & Voisey, K. (2023). Lifetime of MoS2 based DFL systems in fretting with and without a Cu-Ni-In under-layer: the dependence on the topography of the surface onto which the DFL is deposited. Tribology International, 188, Article 108863.

The superior fretting performance of polymer-bonded MoS2-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating on a plasma-sprayed Cu-Ni-In under-layer is well known. The Cu-Ni-In under-layer changes both the material and the topography of the sur... Read More about Lifetime of MoS2 based DFL systems in fretting with and without a Cu-Ni-In under-layer: the dependence on the topography of the surface onto which the DFL is deposited.

Galling of stainless steels as a function of test conditions in an ASTM G196-type test setup – The role of temperature, rotational velocity, interrupted rotation and rotational distance (2023)
Journal Article
Daure, J. L., Kóti, D., Carrington, M. J., McCartney, D. G., Stewart, D. A., & Shipway, P. H. (2023). Galling of stainless steels as a function of test conditions in an ASTM G196-type test setup – The role of temperature, rotational velocity, interrupted rotation and rotational distance. Wear, 524-525, Article 204804.

Austenitic stainless steels have attractive properties for use in corrosive environments, but their use in components where motion under load is experienced (such as valves) is limited by their poor galling behaviour. Whilst stainless steels with imp... Read More about Galling of stainless steels as a function of test conditions in an ASTM G196-type test setup – The role of temperature, rotational velocity, interrupted rotation and rotational distance.

Debris expulsion as a rate determining process in fretting – The effect of slip amplitude on debris expulsion behaviour and rates (2023)
Journal Article
Zhu, T., Bennett, C. J., & Shipway, P. H. (2023). Debris expulsion as a rate determining process in fretting – The effect of slip amplitude on debris expulsion behaviour and rates. Wear, 523, Article 204818.

In contrast to the well-established understanding of sliding wear, recent work has clearly demonstrated that the instantaneous wear rate in fretting of metals is dependent upon the contact size due to the fact that transport of species in and out of... Read More about Debris expulsion as a rate determining process in fretting – The effect of slip amplitude on debris expulsion behaviour and rates.

The role of tribologically transformed structures and debris in fretting of metals (2023)
Book Chapter
Shipway, P. H. (2023). The role of tribologically transformed structures and debris in fretting of metals. In T. Liskiewicz, & D. Dini (Eds.), Fretting Wear and Fretting Fatigue: Fundamental Principles and Applications (67-85). Elsevier.

In fretting wear of metals, debris is commonly in the form of oxide. Wear occurs when such debris is expelled from the contact, the observed wear rate depending upon: (i) oxygen transport into the closed contact; (ii) oxide debris formation as a resu... Read More about The role of tribologically transformed structures and debris in fretting of metals.

Adhesive transfer operates during galling (2022)
Journal Article
Rogers, S. R., Daure, J., Shipway, P., Stewart, D., & Dye, D. (2022). Adhesive transfer operates during galling. Scripta Materialia, 221, Article 114960.

In order to reduce cobalt within the primary circuit of pressurised water reactors (PWR's), wear-resistant steels are being researched and developed. In particular interest is the understanding of galling mechanisms, an adhesive wear mechanism which... Read More about Adhesive transfer operates during galling.

Empirical relationships between hardness, replica and strain and their roles in health monitoring based life assessment for aged power plant materials (2022)
Journal Article
Bonetti, R., Morris, A., Shipway, P. H., & Sun, W. (2022). Empirical relationships between hardness, replica and strain and their roles in health monitoring based life assessment for aged power plant materials. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 199, Article 104735.

In this paper, for the first time, a holistic empirical lifing approach, which accommodates the on-site information of replica, hardness and strain, is established based on a large amount of outage inspection data on ageing high temperature parent ½C... Read More about Empirical relationships between hardness, replica and strain and their roles in health monitoring based life assessment for aged power plant materials.

Microstructure formation in the powder HIPed hardfacing alloy Tristelle 5183 (Fe-21%Cr-10%Ni-7.5%Nb-5%Si-2%C in wt%) (2021)
Journal Article
Carrington, M. J., McCartney, D. G., Shipway, P. H., & Stewart, D. A. (2022). Microstructure formation in the powder HIPed hardfacing alloy Tristelle 5183 (Fe-21%Cr-10%Ni-7.5%Nb-5%Si-2%C in wt%). Materials Characterization, 184, Article 111688.

Tristelle 5183 (Fe-21%Cr-10%Ni-7%Nb-5%Si-2%C in wt%) is an alternative material to cobalt-based alloys for wear resistant hardfacing applications. In this work, gas atomised powder was consolidated by hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) at 1120 ± 10 oC w... Read More about Microstructure formation in the powder HIPed hardfacing alloy Tristelle 5183 (Fe-21%Cr-10%Ni-7.5%Nb-5%Si-2%C in wt%).

Corrigendum to ‘Understanding and modelling wear rates and mechanisms in fretting via the concept of rate-determining processes - Contact oxygenation, debris formation and debris ejection’ (Wear (2021) 486–487, (S004316482100452X), (10.1016/j.wear.2021.204066)) (2021)
Journal Article
Shipway, P. H., Kirk, A. M., Bennett, C. J., & Zhu, T. (2022). Corrigendum to ‘Understanding and modelling wear rates and mechanisms in fretting via the concept of rate-determining processes - Contact oxygenation, debris formation and debris ejection’ (Wear (2021) 486–487, (S004316482100452X), (10.1016/j.wear.2021.204066)). Wear, 488-489, Article 204161.

Understanding and modelling wear rates and mechanisms in fretting via the concept of rate-determining processes - Contact oxygenation, debris formation and debris ejection (2021)
Journal Article
Shipway, P. H., Kirk, A. M., Bennett, C. J., & Zhu, T. (2021). Understanding and modelling wear rates and mechanisms in fretting via the concept of rate-determining processes - Contact oxygenation, debris formation and debris ejection. Wear, 486-487, Article 204066.

A new framework which describes the role of three key processes in fretting wear of metals is proposed, with these three processes being: (i) oxygen transport into the contact; (ii) formation of oxide-based wear debris in the contact and (iii) ejecti... Read More about Understanding and modelling wear rates and mechanisms in fretting via the concept of rate-determining processes - Contact oxygenation, debris formation and debris ejection.

Interaction of displacement amplitude and frequency effects in fretting wear of a high strength steel: Impact on debris bed formation and subsurface damage (2021)
Journal Article
Kirk, A. M., Sun, W., Bennett, C. J., & Shipway, P. H. (2021). Interaction of displacement amplitude and frequency effects in fretting wear of a high strength steel: Impact on debris bed formation and subsurface damage. Wear, 482-483, Article 203981.

In previous work, fretting frequency has been observed to have a significant impact not only on wear rates, but also on the nature of fretting debris and the development of subsurface damage; however, while the “frequency effect” has been shown in so... Read More about Interaction of displacement amplitude and frequency effects in fretting wear of a high strength steel: Impact on debris bed formation and subsurface damage.

Time-dependence and exposure-dependence of material removal rates in fretting (2021)
Journal Article
Shipway, P. H. (2021). Time-dependence and exposure-dependence of material removal rates in fretting. Wear, 477, Article 203826.

Fretting generally results in either material removal or fatigue, or a combination of both. Although the term is rarely used now, in the early literature addressing this subject, fretting that resulted in material removal was sometimes termed “fretti... Read More about Time-dependence and exposure-dependence of material removal rates in fretting.

Contact size and debris ejection in fretting: The inappropriate use of Archard-type analysis of wear data and the development of alternative wear equations for commonly employed non-conforming specimen pair geometries (2021)
Journal Article
Zhu, T., & Shipway, P. H. (2021). Contact size and debris ejection in fretting: The inappropriate use of Archard-type analysis of wear data and the development of alternative wear equations for commonly employed non-conforming specimen pair geometries. Wear, 474-475, Article 203710.

It has been long understood that fretting differs from sliding wear in that the relative displacement between the bodies is generally smaller than the size of the contact between them, with debris ejection from the contact thus playing an important r... Read More about Contact size and debris ejection in fretting: The inappropriate use of Archard-type analysis of wear data and the development of alternative wear equations for commonly employed non-conforming specimen pair geometries.

Measurement of friction in galling testing – An example of its use in characterising the galling behaviour of hardfacings at ambient and elevated temperature (2021)
Journal Article
Daure, J. L., Carrington, M. J., McCartney, D. G., Stewart, D. A., & Shipway, P. H. (2021). Measurement of friction in galling testing – An example of its use in characterising the galling behaviour of hardfacings at ambient and elevated temperature. Wear, 476, Article 203736.

© 2021 Elsevier B.V. Galling is a category of severe adhesive wear that is defined by surface damage arising between sliding solids, distinguished by macroscopic, usually localized, roughening and creation of protrusions above the original surface. T... Read More about Measurement of friction in galling testing – An example of its use in characterising the galling behaviour of hardfacings at ambient and elevated temperature.

Microstructural characterisation of subsurface deformation and the degradation of Stellite 6 induced by self-mated sliding contact in a simulated PWR environment (2021)
Journal Article
Carrington, M. J., Daure, J., Ratia-Hanby, V. L., Zhang, D., Shipway, P. H., Stewart, D. A., & McCartney, D. G. (2021). Microstructural characterisation of subsurface deformation and the degradation of Stellite 6 induced by self-mated sliding contact in a simulated PWR environment. Tribology International, 158, Article 106899.

© 2021 Elsevier Ltd Stellite 6 (Co-29.5%Cr-5%W-1.2%C in wt%) is traditionally used as a hardfacing material in the primary circuit of pressurised water reactors (PWRs) due to its good corrosion and wear resistance in water at up to 300 °C. In this st... Read More about Microstructural characterisation of subsurface deformation and the degradation of Stellite 6 induced by self-mated sliding contact in a simulated PWR environment.