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Dr PEPITA BARNARD's Outputs (18)

Acceptability, Acceptance and Adoption of Telepresence Robots in Museums: The Museum Professionals' Perspectives (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cameron, H. R., Reyes-Cruz, G., Piskopani, A.-M., Barnard, P., Boudouraki, A., Caleb-Solly, P., Castle-Green, S., Fischer, J., Hyde, R., Kucukyilmaz, A., & Maior, H. A. (2025, April). Acceptability, Acceptance and Adoption of Telepresence Robots in Museums: The Museum Professionals' Perspectives. Presented at CHI '25: Proceedings of the 2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan

Telepresence robots have the potential to change our experiences in galleries and museums, allowing for a range of hybrid interactions for visitors and museum professionals, improving accessibility, offering activities or information, and providing a... Read More about Acceptability, Acceptance and Adoption of Telepresence Robots in Museums: The Museum Professionals' Perspectives.

A Multimethod Analysis of US Perspectives towards Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barnard, P., Boudouraki, A., & Clos, J. (2024, September). A Multimethod Analysis of US Perspectives towards Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. Presented at Second International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS '24), Austin, Texas

The Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub is a collabora-tive platform that aims to guide the development of autonomous systems that are safe, reliable, and ultimately trusted by society. Its mission is to address the challenges surrounding the gr... Read More about A Multimethod Analysis of US Perspectives towards Trustworthy Autonomous Systems.

LOOM: a Privacy-Preserving Linguistic Observatory of Online Misinformation (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clos, J., McClaughlin, E., Barnard, P., Tom, T., & Yajaman, S. (2024, September). LOOM: a Privacy-Preserving Linguistic Observatory of Online Misinformation. Presented at Second International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS ’24), Austin, Texas, USA

Online misinformation is an ever-growing challenge that can have a negative impact on individuals, societies, and democracies. We report on LOOM, a project that aims to build and validate a browser-based tool to detect and respond to misinformation i... Read More about LOOM: a Privacy-Preserving Linguistic Observatory of Online Misinformation.

Charting Ethical Tensions in Multispecies Technology Research through Beneficiary-Epistemology Space (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S. D., Mancini, C., Chamberlain, A., Schneiders, E., Castle-Green, S. D., Fischer, J. E., Kucukyilmaz, A., Salimbeni, G., Ngo, V. Z. H., Barnard, P., Adams, M., Tandavanitj, N., & Row Farr, J. (2024, May). Charting Ethical Tensions in Multispecies Technology Research through Beneficiary-Epistemology Space. Presented at CHI '24 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hawaii, USA

While ethical challenges are widely discussed in HCI, far less is reported about the ethical processes that researchers routinely navigate. We reflect on a multispecies project that negotiated an especially complex ethical approval process. Cat Royal... Read More about Charting Ethical Tensions in Multispecies Technology Research through Beneficiary-Epistemology Space.

Working with t roubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report (2023)
Journal Article
Förster, F., Romeo, M., Holthaus, P., Wood, L. J., Dondrup, C., Fischer, J. E., Liza, F. F., Kaszuba, S., Hough, J., Nesset, B., Hernández García, D., Kontogiorgos, D., Williams, J., Özkan, E. E., Barnard, P., Berumen, G., Price, D., Cobb, S., Wiltschko, M., Tisserand, L., …Kapetanios, E. (in press). Working with t roubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10, Article 1202306.

This paper summarizes the structure and findings from the first Workshop on Troubles and Failures in Conversations between Humans and Robots. The workshop was organized to bring together a small, interdisciplinary group of researchers working on misc... Read More about Working with t roubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report.

Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support Using a Smart Mirror (2023)
Journal Article
Dowthwaite, L., Reyes Cruz, G., Pena, A. R., Pepper, C., Jäger, N., Barnard, P., Hughes, A.-M., das Nair, R., Crepaz-Keay, D., Cobb, S., Lang, A., & Benford, S. (2023). Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support Using a Smart Mirror. Healthcare, 11(19), Article 2608.

The home is becoming a key location for healthcare delivery, including the use of technology driven by autonomous systems (AS) to monitor and support healthcare plans. Using the example of a smart mirror, this paper describes the outcomes of focus gr... Read More about Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support Using a Smart Mirror.

A Privacy-Preserving Observatory of Misinformation using Linguistic Markers - A Work in Progress (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clos, J., McClaughlin, E., Barnard, P., Tom, T., & Yajaman, S. (2023, July). A Privacy-Preserving Observatory of Misinformation using Linguistic Markers - A Work in Progress. Presented at TAS '23: First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK

Online misinformation is a serious problem that can have a negative impact on individuals, societies, and democracies. It can lead to the spread of false information, the erosion of trust in institutions, and the polarisation of political discourse.... Read More about A Privacy-Preserving Observatory of Misinformation using Linguistic Markers - A Work in Progress.

TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schneiders, E., Chamberlain, A., Fischer, J. E., Benford, S., Castle-Green, S., Ngo, V., Kucukyilmaz, A., Barnard, P., Row Farr, J., Adams, M., Tandavanitj, N., Devlin, K., Mancini, C., & Mills, D. (2023, July). TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS 23), Edinburgh, UK

Cat Royale is an artist-led exploration of trustworthy autonomous systems (TAS) created by the TAS Hub's creative ambassadors Blast Theory. A small community of cats inhabits a purpose built 'cat utopia' at the centre of which a robot arm tries to en... Read More about TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals.

Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support using a Smart Mirror (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Dowthwaite, L., Reyez Cruz, G., Pena, A. R., Pepper, C., Jäger, N., Barnard, P., Hughes, A.-M., Nair, R. D., Crepaz-Keay, D., Cobb, S., & Benford, S. Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support using a Smart Mirror

The home is becoming a key location for healthcare delivery, including the use of technology driven by autonomous systems (AS) to monitor and support healthcare plans. Using the example of a smart mirror, this paper describes the outcomes of focus gr... Read More about Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support using a Smart Mirror.

Reflections on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS): A message from Journal of Responsible Technology Special Issue's editors (2023)
Journal Article
Vallejos, E. P., Dowthwaite, L., Barnard, P., & Coomber, B. (2023). Reflections on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS): A message from Journal of Responsible Technology Special Issue's editors. Journal of Responsible Technology, 14, Article 100059.

Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals (2023)
Journal Article
Benford, S., Manninen, K., Martindale, S., Hazzard, A., Avila, J. P. M., Tennent, P., Spence, J., Castle-Green, T., Brundell, P., Barnard, P., & Darzentas, D. P. (2023). Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 1-26.

Volunteering benefits recipients, volunteers, communities, and society, while digital technologies establish new opportunities for virtual volunteering. We describe how volunteers transitioned the UK's long-established Oxjam grassroots music festival... Read More about Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals.

Designing for Trust: Autonomous Animal-Centric Robotic & AI Systems (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chamberlain, A., Benford, S., Fischer, J., Barnard, P., Greenhalgh, C., Row Farr, J., Tandavanitj, N., & Adams, M. (2022, December). Designing for Trust: Autonomous Animal-Centric Robotic & AI Systems. Poster presented at Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, Newcastle, UK

From cat feeders and cat flaps to robot toys, humans are deploying increasingly autonomous systems to look after their pets. In parallel, industry is developing the next generation of autonomous systems to look after humans in the home – most notably... Read More about Designing for Trust: Autonomous Animal-Centric Robotic & AI Systems.

The relationship between trust and attitudes towards the COVID-19 digital contact-tracing app in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Dowthwaite, L., Wagner, H. G., Babbage, C. M., Fischer, J. E., Barnard, P., Nichele, E., Perez Vallejos, E., Clos, J., Portillo, V., & McAuley, D. (2022). The relationship between trust and attitudes towards the COVID-19 digital contact-tracing app in the UK. PLoS ONE, 17(10), Article e0276661.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, digital contact-tracing has been employed in many countries to monitor and manage the spread of the disease. However, to be effective such a system must be adopted by a substantial proportion of the population; therefore... Read More about The relationship between trust and attitudes towards the COVID-19 digital contact-tracing app in the UK.

Reflections on RRI in “TAS for Health at Home” (2022)
Journal Article
Jäger, N., Dowthwaite, L., Barnard, P., Hughes, A.-M., das Nair, R., Crepaz-Keay, D., Cobb, S., Lang, A., Vayani, F., & Benford, S. (2022). Reflections on RRI in “TAS for Health at Home”. Journal of Responsible Technology, 12, Article 100049.

We reflect on our experiences using Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the project “TAS for Health at Home”. Driven by a multi-disciplinary research team that consisted of experts in mental health, stroke rehabilitation, management of multi... Read More about Reflections on RRI in “TAS for Health at Home”.

Public health messaging by political leaders: a corpus linguistic analysis of COVID-19 speeches delivered by Boris Johnson (2021)
McClaughlin, E., Nichele, E., Adolphs, S., Barnard, P., Clos, J., Knight, D., McAuley, D., & Lang, A. (2021). Public health messaging by political leaders: a corpus linguistic analysis of COVID-19 speeches delivered by Boris Johnson. Nottingham: UKRI/AHRC

This study analyses the language of speeches about COVID-19 delivered by Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 3rd March 2020 and 5th April 2021.

We use transcribed speeches to construct a digitised body of texts called a... Read More about Public health messaging by political leaders: a corpus linguistic analysis of COVID-19 speeches delivered by Boris Johnson.

Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey (2019)
Journal Article
Stringer, P., Sharples, S., Thomson, B. J., & Garibaldi, J. M. (2019). Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey. BMC Medical Genomics, 12, Article 55.

Genomic services are increasingly accessible to young adults starting their independent lives with responsibility for their self-care, yet their attitudes to sharing genomic information remain under-researched. This study explored attitud... Read More about Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey.

Privacy Preserving Corpus Linguistics: Investigating the Trajectories of Public Health Messaging Online
McClaughlin, E., Nichele, E., Adolphs, S., Barnard, P., Clos, J., Knight, D., McAuley, D., Aydt, M., Tom, T., & Lang, A. (2022). Privacy Preserving Corpus Linguistics: Investigating the Trajectories of Public Health Messaging Online. University of Nottingham: AHRC/UKRI

The Coronavirus Discourses project supports public health partners Public Health Wales, Public Health England, and NHS Education for Scotland in addressing key challenges that the coronavirus pandemic presents in terms of understanding the flow and i... Read More about Privacy Preserving Corpus Linguistics: Investigating the Trajectories of Public Health Messaging Online.