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Dr LIN WU's Outputs (24)

Achieving food supply chain sustainability through digital sharing platforms: prospects in China (2025)
Journal Article
Tian, S., Wu, L., & Pawar, K. S. (2025). Achieving food supply chain sustainability through digital sharing platforms: prospects in China. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 125(3), 1023-1051.

Characterised by simultaneous food waste and shortages, our current food system is far from sustainable. Industry 4.0 has responded with technology-enabled innovations, including digital food-sharing platforms aimed at facilitating the effic... Read More about Achieving food supply chain sustainability through digital sharing platforms: prospects in China.

A systematic literature review on the Digital Platform and its role in the circular economy: state-of-the-art and future research directions (2024)
Journal Article
Tian, S., Sharma, A., Wu, L., & Pawar, K. S. (2024). A systematic literature review on the Digital Platform and its role in the circular economy: state-of-the-art and future research directions. Journal of Digital Economy,

A digital platform is an expansible codebase based on programmable systems, which provides
a shared module that interoperates with software systems and an interactive interface (Tiwana
et al. 2010). Although digital platforms enabled and supported... Read More about A systematic literature review on the Digital Platform and its role in the circular economy: state-of-the-art and future research directions.

Digital servitization in digital enterprise: Leveraging digital platform capabilities to unlock data value (2024)
Journal Article
Jia, Y., Cui, L., Su, J., Wu, L., Akter, S., & Kumar, A. (2024). Digital servitization in digital enterprise: Leveraging digital platform capabilities to unlock data value. International Journal of Production Economics, 278, Article 109434.

Existing research has not clearly defined digital platform capabilities or explained how they unlock data value, limiting the understanding of digital servitization in digital enterprises. Therefore, our study draws upon the Dynamic Capability Theory... Read More about Digital servitization in digital enterprise: Leveraging digital platform capabilities to unlock data value.

Sustainability diffusion in the Chinese semiconductor industry: A stakeholder salience perspective (2024)
Journal Article
Tian, S., Wang, M., Wu, L., Kumar, A., & Tan, K. H. (2025). Sustainability diffusion in the Chinese semiconductor industry: A stakeholder salience perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 279, Article 109470.

The semiconductor sector plays a crucial role in shaping national strategies and driving economic growth; however, it faces significant challenges prompting a shift towards sustainable development. This study aims to investigate whether sustainabilit... Read More about Sustainability diffusion in the Chinese semiconductor industry: A stakeholder salience perspective.

A paradoxical perspective on the time dimension of corporate sustainability: having both finite and infinite mindsets to play the game (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, L., Subramanian, N., Pawar, K. S., Wang, M., Kumar, A., & Tan, K. H. (2024). A paradoxical perspective on the time dimension of corporate sustainability: having both finite and infinite mindsets to play the game. Journal of Cleaner Production, 480, Article 144082.

Adopting a paradoxical perspective, we propose that companies need to have both finite and infinite mindsets to play the infinite game of corporate sustainability (CS). The current development of the paradoxical approach to CS focuses primarily on te... Read More about A paradoxical perspective on the time dimension of corporate sustainability: having both finite and infinite mindsets to play the game.

Unleashing supply chain agility: Leveraging data network effects for digital transformation (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, L., Huang, J., Wang, M., & Kumar, A. (2024). Unleashing supply chain agility: Leveraging data network effects for digital transformation. International Journal of Production Economics, 277, Article 109402.

The global manufacturing supply chain is undergoing a digital transformation (DT) powered by various digital technologies. In both stable and turbulent environments, DT helps safeguard supply chain performance by enhancing supply chain agility. While... Read More about Unleashing supply chain agility: Leveraging data network effects for digital transformation.

Value-added Services and E-commerce Platform Competitiveness: A Game Theoretic Approach (2024)
Journal Article
Du, X., Li, W., Cui, L., Jia, Y., & Wu, L. (2024). Value-added Services and E-commerce Platform Competitiveness: A Game Theoretic Approach. Kybernetes,

Purpose-In response to the intense competition in the platform economy, e-commerce platforms are actively introducing value-added services to maintain their competitiveness. However, how effective these value-added services are in fulfilling this pur... Read More about Value-added Services and E-commerce Platform Competitiveness: A Game Theoretic Approach.

Mitigating the bullwhip effect through supply chain ESG transparency: roles of digitalization and signal strength (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, L., Wang, M., Kumar, A., & Choi, T.-M. (2024). Mitigating the bullwhip effect through supply chain ESG transparency: roles of digitalization and signal strength. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 44(9), 1707-1731.

Purpose-The call for supply chain transparency (SCT), especially the Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspect, is getting increasingly louder. Based on the signaling theory, our study investigates the operational benefit of supply chain tra... Read More about Mitigating the bullwhip effect through supply chain ESG transparency: roles of digitalization and signal strength.

The future of the food supply chain: a systematic literature review and research directions towards sustainability, resilience, and technology adoption (2023)
Journal Article
Su, I.-H., Wu, L., & Hua Tan, K. (2023). The future of the food supply chain: a systematic literature review and research directions towards sustainability, resilience, and technology adoption. Journal of Digital Economy, 2, 303-316.

In recent years, our food supply chain facing various disruptions shows a need for higher resilience and sustainability. To better prepare for future uncertainties the food supply chain may encounter, it is imperative to understand the status quo of... Read More about The future of the food supply chain: a systematic literature review and research directions towards sustainability, resilience, and technology adoption.

Enhancing innovativeness and performance of the manufacturing supply chain through datafication: the role of resilience (2023)
Journal Article
Tian, S., Wu, L., Pia Ciano, M., Ardolino, M., & Pawar, K. S. (2024). Enhancing innovativeness and performance of the manufacturing supply chain through datafication: the role of resilience. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 188, Article 109841.

The Covid-19 pandemic has extremely affected the manufacturing supply chain (SC) highlighting the need to deploy dynamic capabilities (DCs) such as supply chain resilience (SCRes) that enable companies to react rapidly and exploit intangible assets t... Read More about Enhancing innovativeness and performance of the manufacturing supply chain through datafication: the role of resilience.

Digitalization and network capability as enablers of business model innovation and sustainability performance: the moderating effect of environmental dynamism (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Cui, L., Wu, L., Lowry, P. B., Kumar, A., & Tan, K. H. (2023). Digitalization and network capability as enablers of business model innovation and sustainability performance: the moderating effect of environmental dynamism. Journal of Information Technology, 39(4), 687 - 715.

In the face of relentless global competition and regulatory pressures, the imperative for firms to digitally transform has become critical. This is particularly salient for Chinese manufacturing firms as they strive for sustainability, a multidimensi... Read More about Digitalization and network capability as enablers of business model innovation and sustainability performance: the moderating effect of environmental dynamism.

Platform business model innovation in the digitalization era: A “driver-process-result” perspective (2023)
Journal Article
Jia, Y., Su, J., Cui, L., Wu, L., & Hua Tan, K. (2023). Platform business model innovation in the digitalization era: A “driver-process-result” perspective. Journal of Business Research, 160, Article 113818.

In the digitalization era, business model innovation (BMI) has become the critical keystone for platforms to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in turbulent environments. However, platform BMI is currently not clearly understood. Through a long... Read More about Platform business model innovation in the digitalization era: A “driver-process-result” perspective.

How do different Industry 4.0 technologies support certain Circular Economy practices? (2022)
Journal Article
Lei, Z., Cai, S., Cui, L., Wu, L., & Liu, Y. (2023). How do different Industry 4.0 technologies support certain Circular Economy practices?. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 123(4), 1220-1251.

Purpose: Uncovering the relationship between Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies and circular economy (CE) practices is critical not only for implementing CE but also for leveraging I4.0 to achieve sustainable development goals. However, the potential c... Read More about How do different Industry 4.0 technologies support certain Circular Economy practices?.

Investigating the relationship between digital technologies, supply chain integration and firm resilience in the context of COVID-19 (2022)
Journal Article
Cui, L., Wu, H., Wu, L., Kumar, A., & Tan, K. H. (2023). Investigating the relationship between digital technologies, supply chain integration and firm resilience in the context of COVID-19. Annals of Operations Research, 327, 825–853.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly augmented the complexity of information, adding to the challenges that firms face in effectively processing and grasping accurate information. As a result, the production uncertainty of firms ha... Read More about Investigating the relationship between digital technologies, supply chain integration and firm resilience in the context of COVID-19.

How do keystones govern their business ecosystems through resource orchestration? (2022)
Journal Article
Wu, L., Cui, M., Li, W., Jia, Y., & Cui, L. (2022). How do keystones govern their business ecosystems through resource orchestration?. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 122(9), 1987-2011.

Purpose: Sharing resources with stakeholders is the key for keystones to govern business ecosystems successfully. However, existing research has not paid further attention to how keystones share resources under the condition of resource sufficiency a... Read More about How do keystones govern their business ecosystems through resource orchestration?.

Wield the Power of Omni-channel Retailing Strategy: a Capability and Supply Chain Resilience Perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, L., Wu, L., Huang, L., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Wield the Power of Omni-channel Retailing Strategy: a Capability and Supply Chain Resilience Perspective. Journal of Strategic Marketing,

Omni-channel strategy can be a powerful mechanism through which successful implementing organisations achieve higher levels of resilience to better survive disruptions. However, such potential benefits have been overlooked in existing literature with... Read More about Wield the Power of Omni-channel Retailing Strategy: a Capability and Supply Chain Resilience Perspective.

Stakeholder Engagement in a Sustainable Sales and Operations Planning Process (2020)
Journal Article
Roscoe, S., Subramanian, N., Prifti, R., & Wu, L. (2020). Stakeholder Engagement in a Sustainable Sales and Operations Planning Process. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(8), 3526-3541.

The purpose of this paper is to understand how companies can transition to a sustainable sales and operations planning process to improve economic, environmental and social performance. Data are collected from a survey of 120 managers in China's manu... Read More about Stakeholder Engagement in a Sustainable Sales and Operations Planning Process.

Exploring Green Innovation Practices: Content Analysis of the Fortune Global 500 Companies (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, L., Zhao, S., Cui, L., & Wu, L. (2020). Exploring Green Innovation Practices: Content Analysis of the Fortune Global 500 Companies. SAGE Open, 10(1), 1-13.

Green innovation has been attracting increasing attention due to its contributions to the conservation of resources and environmental protection. However, in the process of exploring green innovation, the allocation of resources and the direction of... Read More about Exploring Green Innovation Practices: Content Analysis of the Fortune Global 500 Companies.

Role of traditional Chinese philosophies and new product development under circular economy in private manufacturing enterprise performance (2018)
Journal Article
Subramanian, N., Gunasekaran, A., Wu, L., Shen, T., Subramanian, N., Gunasekaran, A., Wu, L., & Shen, T. (2019). Role of traditional Chinese philosophies and new product development under circular economy in private manufacturing enterprise performance. International Journal of Production Research, 57(23), 7219-7234.

The new product development (NPD) process–performance link has been sufficiently studied in academic research. However , recent NPD process is significantly different from the conventional NPD specifically with the inclusion of sustainability conside... Read More about Role of traditional Chinese philosophies and new product development under circular economy in private manufacturing enterprise performance.

A two-dimensional, two-level framework for achieving corporate sustainable development : assessing the return on sustainability initiatives (2018)
Journal Article
Wu, L., Subramanian, N., Gunasekaran, A., Pawar, K., Doran, D., & Dan‐Asabe Abdulrahman, M. (2018). A two-dimensional, two-level framework for achieving corporate sustainable development : assessing the return on sustainability initiatives. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(8), 1117-1130.

Sustainability studies in operations management have reported the positive effects of lean, green, and social management systems on various dimensions of a firm’s sustainability performance. However, despite its high importance and relevance, the tim... Read More about A two-dimensional, two-level framework for achieving corporate sustainable development : assessing the return on sustainability initiatives.