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All Outputs (515)

Combining classical and molecular approaches elaborates on the complexity of mechanisms underpinning anterior regeneration (2011)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Owlarn, S., Romero, B. T., Chen, C., & Aboobaker, A. A. (2011). Combining classical and molecular approaches elaborates on the complexity of mechanisms underpinning anterior regeneration. PLoS ONE, 6(11), Article e27927.

The current model of planarian anterior regeneration evokes the establishment of low levels of Wnt signalling at anterior wounds, promoting anterior polarity and subsequent elaboration of anterior fate through the action of the TALE class homeodomain... Read More about Combining classical and molecular approaches elaborates on the complexity of mechanisms underpinning anterior regeneration.

Predicting Phenolic Acid Absorption in Caco-2 Cells: A Theoretical Permeability Model and Mechanistic Study (2011)
Journal Article
Farrell, T. L., Poquet, L., Dew, T. P., Barber, S., & Williamson, G. (2012). Predicting Phenolic Acid Absorption in Caco-2 Cells: A Theoretical Permeability Model and Mechanistic Study. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 40(2), 397-406.

There is a considerable need to rationalize the membrane permeability and mechanism of transport for potential nutraceuticals. The aim of this investigation was to develop a theoretical permeability equation, based on a reported descriptive absorptio... Read More about Predicting Phenolic Acid Absorption in Caco-2 Cells: A Theoretical Permeability Model and Mechanistic Study.

Modelling Reactive and Proactive Behaviour in Simulation: A Case Study in a University Organisation (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abdul Majid, M., Siebers, P.-O., & Aickelin, U. (2011, September). Modelling Reactive and Proactive Behaviour in Simulation: A Case Study in a University Organisation. Presented at GAMEON Arabia 2011, Arab Open University, Amman, Jordan

Simulation is a well established what-if scenario analysis tool in Operational Research (OR). While traditionally Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and System Dynamics Simulation (SDS) are the predominant simulation techniques in OR, a new simulation t... Read More about Modelling Reactive and Proactive Behaviour in Simulation: A Case Study in a University Organisation.

Fluctuations in the open time of synaptic channels: an application to noise analysis based on charge (2011)
Journal Article
Feldwisch-Drentrup, H., Barrett, A. B., Smith, M. T., & van Rossum, M. C. (2012). Fluctuations in the open time of synaptic channels: an application to noise analysis based on charge. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 210(1),

Synaptic channels are stochastic devices. Even recording from large ensembles of channels, the fluctuations, described by Markov transition matrices, can be used to extract single channel properties. Here we study fluctuations in the open time of cha... Read More about Fluctuations in the open time of synaptic channels: an application to noise analysis based on charge.

Widefield heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera (2011)
Journal Article
Patel, R., Achamfuo-Yeboah, S., Light, R., & Clark, M. (2011). Widefield heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera. Optics Express, 19(24),

In this paper a method of taking widefield heterodyne inter- ferograms using a prototype modulated light camera is described. This custom CMOS modulated light camera (MLC) uses analogue quadrature demodulation at each pixel to output the phase and am... Read More about Widefield heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera.

Publicity, punishment and protection: the role(s) of adverse publicity in consumer policy (2011)
Journal Article
Cartwright, P. (2012). Publicity, punishment and protection: the role(s) of adverse publicity in consumer policy. Legal Studies, 32(2),

This paper argues that adverse publicity can fulfil two crucial roles in consumer protection law and policy. First, it can operate as an effective regulatory sanction in its own right; secondly it can play a vital role in helping consumers to exert m... Read More about Publicity, punishment and protection: the role(s) of adverse publicity in consumer policy.

Objective assessment of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion and association with macrophage infiltration in cutaneous melanoma (2011)
Journal Article
Storr, S. J., Safuan, S., Mitra, A., Elliott, F., Walker, C., Vasko, M. J., Ho, B., Cook, M., Mohammed, R. A., Patel, P. M., Ellis, I. O., Newton-Bishop, J. A., & Martin, S. G. (2011). Objective assessment of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion and association with macrophage infiltration in cutaneous melanoma. Modern Pathology, 25(4),

The aims of this study were to investigate the role of vascular invasion (blood and lymphatic), vessel density and the presence of tumour-associated macrophages as prognostic markers in 202 cutaneous melanoma patients. Sections of primary melanoma we... Read More about Objective assessment of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion and association with macrophage infiltration in cutaneous melanoma.

A thermal improvement technique for phase windings of electrical machines (2011)
Journal Article
Galea, M., Gerada, C., Raminosa, T., & Wheeler, P. (2012). A thermal improvement technique for phase windings of electrical machines. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 48(1),

In electrical machines, a higher torque/force density can usually be achieved by increasing the current density in the windings. However, the resulting increase in copper losses leads to higher temperatures in the coils, especially in the centre of t... Read More about A thermal improvement technique for phase windings of electrical machines.

Dendritic spine dynamics regulate the long-term stability of synaptic plasticity (2011)
Journal Article
O'Donnell, C., Nolan, M. F., & van Rossum, M. C. (2011). Dendritic spine dynamics regulate the long-term stability of synaptic plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(45),

Long-term synaptic plasticity requires postsynaptic influx of Ca²⁺ and is accompanied by changes in dendritic spine size. Unless Ca²⁺ influx mechanisms and spine volume scale proportionally, changes in spine size will modify spine Ca²⁺ concentrations... Read More about Dendritic spine dynamics regulate the long-term stability of synaptic plasticity.

‘Ça tient qu'à toi’: cartographies of post-fordist labour in Laurent Cantet's L'Emploi du temps (2011)
Journal Article
Marks, J. (in press). ‘Ça tient qu'à toi’: cartographies of post-fordist labour in Laurent Cantet's L'Emploi du temps. Modern and Contemporary France, 19(4),

Drawing on Gilles Deleuze's work on Michel Foucault, control societies and cinema, Laurent Cantet's L'Emploi du temps is analysed as a cartographic rendering of post-Fordist labour. The film creates a pervasive ambiance of liminality and dreamlike di... Read More about ‘Ça tient qu'à toi’: cartographies of post-fordist labour in Laurent Cantet's L'Emploi du temps.

Soybean (Glycine max) Oil Bodies and Their Associated Phytochemicals (2011)
Journal Article
Fisk, I. D., & Gray, D. A. (2011). Soybean (Glycine max) Oil Bodies and Their Associated Phytochemicals. Journal of Food Science, 76(9), C1349-C1354.

Abstract:  Soybean oil bodies were isolated from 3 cultivars (Ustie, K98, and Elena) and the occurrence of 2 classes of phytochemicals (tocopherol isoforms and isoflavones) and strength of their association with isolated oil bodies was evaluated. Toc... Read More about Soybean (Glycine max) Oil Bodies and Their Associated Phytochemicals.

Non-occupational sitting and mental well-being in employed adults (2011)
Journal Article
Atkin, A. J., Adams, E., Bull, F. C., & Biddle, S. J. (2012). Non-occupational sitting and mental well-being in employed adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 43(2), 181-188.

Emerging evidence suggests that sedentary behaviour may be adversely associated with physical health, but few studies have examined the association with mental well-being.

This study examined the association of four non-occupa... Read More about Non-occupational sitting and mental well-being in employed adults.

Marking-out normalcy and disability in higher education (2011)
Journal Article
Madriaga, M., Hanson, K., Kay, H., & Walker, A. (2011). Marking-out normalcy and disability in higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(6), 901-920.

This article advocates for socially just pedagogies in higher education to challenge senses of normalcy that perpetuate elitist academic attitudes towards the inclusion of disabled students. Normalcy is equated here with an everyday eugenics, which h... Read More about Marking-out normalcy and disability in higher education.

Biomimetic tissues on a chip for drug discovery (2011)
Journal Article
Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Hancock, M. J., Harrington, H., Kaji, H., & Khademhosseini, A. (2012). Biomimetic tissues on a chip for drug discovery. Drug Discovery Today, 17(3-4), 173-181.

Developing biologically relevant models of human tissues and organs is an important enabling step for disease modeling and drug discovery. Recent advances in tissue engineering, biomaterials and microfluidics have led to the development of microscale... Read More about Biomimetic tissues on a chip for drug discovery.

A glycopeptide dendrimer inhibitor of the galactose specific lectin LecA & of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms (2011)
Journal Article
Kadam, R. U., Bergmann, M., Hurley, M., Garg, D., Cacciarini, M., Swiderska, M. A., Nativi, C., Sattler, M., Smyth, A. R., Williams, P., Cámara, M., Stocker, A., Darbre, T., & Reymond, J.-L. (2011). A glycopeptide dendrimer inhibitor of the galactose specific lectin LecA & of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50(45),

Biofilm inhibition is achieved with a phenylgalactosyl peptide dendrimer (see picture) that binds to the galactose-specific lectin LecA of P. aeruginosa. The multivalency of the ligands is critical for biofilm inhibition, although the nature of the l... Read More about A glycopeptide dendrimer inhibitor of the galactose specific lectin LecA & of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms.

The therapeutic potential of the internet: Exploring self-help processes in an internet forum for young people with inflammatory bowel disease (2011)
Journal Article
Malik, S., & Coulson, N. S. (2011). The therapeutic potential of the internet: Exploring self-help processes in an internet forum for young people with inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology Nursing, 34(6), 439-448.

The Internet has provided new opportunities for young people with inflammatory bowel disease to access diverse information and support, and communicate with fellow sufferers through the means of online patient support groups. The study presented in t... Read More about The therapeutic potential of the internet: Exploring self-help processes in an internet forum for young people with inflammatory bowel disease.

Molecular dynamics simulations and in silico peptide ligand screening of the Elk-1 ETS domain (2011)
Journal Article
Hussain, A., Shaw, P., & Hirst, J. (2011). Molecular dynamics simulations and in silico peptide ligand screening of the Elk-1 ETS domain. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(49),

Background: The Elk-1 transcription factor is a member of a group of proteins called ternary complex factors, which serve as a paradigm for gene regulation in response to extracellular signals. Its deregulation has been linked
to multiple human dise... Read More about Molecular dynamics simulations and in silico peptide ligand screening of the Elk-1 ETS domain.