The geometry of certain cocycles associated to derivatives of L-functions
Journal Article
Diamantis, N. (2005). The geometry of certain cocycles associated to derivatives of L-functions. Forum Mathematicum, 17(5), 735–752.
All Outputs (5)
Mode locking in a periodically forced "ghostbursting" neuron model (2005)
Journal Article
Laing, C. R., & Coombes, S. (2005). Mode locking in a periodically forced "ghostbursting" neuron model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 15(4), 1433-1444. study a minimal integrate-and-fire based model of a " ghostbursting" neuron under periodic stimulation. These neurons are involved in sensory processing in weakly electric fish. There exist regions in parameter space in which the model neuron is m... Read More about Mode locking in a periodically forced "ghostbursting" neuron model.
Bumps, breathers, and waves in a neural network with spike frequency adaptation (2005)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., & Owen, M. R. (2005). Bumps, breathers, and waves in a neural network with spike frequency adaptation. Physical Review Letters, 94(14), this Letter we introduce a continuum model of neural tissue that include the effects of so-called spike frequency adaptation (SFA). The basic model is an integral equation for synaptic activity that depends upon the non-local network connectivity... Read More about Bumps, breathers, and waves in a neural network with spike frequency adaptation.
Reactive clusters on a membrane (2005)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2005). Reactive clusters on a membrane. Physical Biology, 2, investigate the reaction dynamics of diffusive molecules with immobile binding partners. The fixed reactants build clusters that comprise just a few tens of molecules, which leads to small cluster sizes. These molecules participate in the reaction... Read More about Reactive clusters on a membrane.
Chiral polymerisation and the RNA world (2005)
Journal Article
Wattis, J. A., & Coveney, P. V. (2005). Chiral polymerisation and the RNA world. International Journal of Astrobiology, 4(1), purpose of this paper is to review two mathematical models: one
for the formation of homochiral polymers from an originally chirally
symmetric system; and the other, to show how, in an RNA-world scenario,
RNA can simultaneously act both as inf... Read More about Chiral polymerisation and the RNA world.