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Assessing Water Content of the Human Colonic Chyme Using the MRI Parameter T1: A Key Biomarker of Colonic Function (2025)
Journal Article
Dellschaft, N., Murray, K., Ren, Y., Marciani, L., Gowland, P., Spiller, R., & Hoad, C. (2025). Assessing Water Content of the Human Colonic Chyme Using the MRI Parameter T1: A Key Biomarker of Colonic Function. Neurogastroenterology and Motility,

The human colon receives 2 L of fluid daily. Small changes in the efficacy of absorption can lead to altered stool consistency with diarrhea or constipation. Drugs and formulations can also alter colonic water, which can be assessed using... Read More about Assessing Water Content of the Human Colonic Chyme Using the MRI Parameter T1: A Key Biomarker of Colonic Function.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation (2024)
Journal Article
Aliyu, A., Dellschaft, N., Hoad, C., Williams, H., Gaudoin, E., Sulaiman, S., Crooks, C., Gowland, P., Alexia, A., Lange, R., Bois de Fer, B., Corsetti, M., Marciani, L., & Spiller, R. (2024). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

Bisacodyl is a widely used laxative that stimulates both motility and secretion. Our aim was to exploit the unique capabilities of MRI to define bisacodyl's mode of action. Two placebo-controlled cross-over trials were performed, one using a single d... Read More about Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation (2024)
Journal Article
Aliyu, A., Dellschaft, N., Hoad, C., Williams, H., Gaudoin, E., Sulaiman, S., Crooks, C., Gowland, P., Aran, A., Lange, R., Bois De Fer, B., Corsetti, M., Marciani, L., & Spiller, R. (2024). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

Bisacodyl is a widely used laxative that stimulates both motility and secretion. Our aim was to exploit the unique capabilities of MRI to define bisacodyl's mode of action. Two placebo-controlled cross-over trials were performed, one using a single d... Read More about Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation.

One Year of Gluten-Free Diet Impacts Gut Function and Microbiome in Celiac Disease (2024)
Journal Article
Costigan, C. M., Warren, F. J., Duncan, A. P., Hoad, C. L., Lewis, N., Hill, T., Crooks, C. J., Morgan, P. S., Ciacci, C., Iovino, P., Sanders, D. S., Hildebrand, F., Gowland, P. A., Spiller, R. C., & Marciani, L. (2024). One Year of Gluten-Free Diet Impacts Gut Function and Microbiome in Celiac Disease. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,

Background & Aims: Currently, the main treatment for celiac disease (CD) is the gluten-free diet (GFD). This observational cohort study investigated the impact of CD and 1 year of GFD on gut function and microbiome. Methods: A total of 36 newly diagn... Read More about One Year of Gluten-Free Diet Impacts Gut Function and Microbiome in Celiac Disease.

Novel Use of Manganese Gluconate as a Marker for Visualization of Tablet Dissolution in the Fed Human Stomach Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2024)
Journal Article
Akbar, T., Gershkovich, P., Stamatopoulos, K., Gowland, P., Stolnik, S., Butler, J., & Marciani, L. (2025). Novel Use of Manganese Gluconate as a Marker for Visualization of Tablet Dissolution in the Fed Human Stomach Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 22(1), 594-598.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of dry or solid materials in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract requires the use of contrast agents to enhance visualisation of the dosage forms. In this study, we explore the novel use of manganese gluconate added to ta... Read More about Novel Use of Manganese Gluconate as a Marker for Visualization of Tablet Dissolution in the Fed Human Stomach Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Association between glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists use and change in alcohol consumption: a systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Subhani, M., Dhanda, A., King, J. A., Warren, F. C., Creanor, S., Davies, M. J., Eldeghaidy, S., Bawden, S., Gowland, P. A., Bataller, R., Greenwood, J., Kaar, S., Bhala, N., & Aithal, G. P. (2024). Association between glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists use and change in alcohol consumption: a systematic review. eClinicalMedicine, 78, Article 102920.

Despite the availability of various pharmacological and behavioural interventions, alcohol-related mortality is rising. This systematic review aimed to critically evaluate the existing literature on the association between glucagon-like p... Read More about Association between glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists use and change in alcohol consumption: a systematic review.

Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study (2024)
Journal Article
Wilkinson-Smith, V., Scott, M., Menys, A., Wiklendt, L., MARCIANI, L., Atkinson, D., Sansone, S., Zdanavciene, A., Coupland, C., Knowles, C., Dinning, P., Taylor, S., Gowland, P., Hoad, C., Corsetti, M., & Spiller, R. (2025). Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study. Gut, 74(1), 35-44.

Colonic motility in constipation can be assessed non-invasively using MRI.

To compare MRI with high resolution colonic manometry (HRCM) for predicting treatment response.

Part 1: 44 healthy volunteers (HV), 43... Read More about Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study.

Combined MRI, high-resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine show the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study (2024)
Journal Article
Wilkinson-Smith, V., Scott, M., Menys, A., Wiklendt, L., Marciani, L., Atkinson, D., Sansone, S., Zdanaviciene, A., Coupland, C., Knowles, C. H., Dinning, P., Taylor, S. A., Gowland, P., Hoad, C. L., Corsetti, M., & Spiller, R. C. (2024). Combined MRI, high-resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine show the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study. Gut, 74(1), 35-44.

Background: Colonic motility in constipation can be assessed non-invasively using MRI.

Objective: To compare MRI with high-resolution colonic manometry (HRCM) for predicting treatment response.

Design: Part 1: 44 healthy volunteers (HVs), 43 pa... Read More about Combined MRI, high-resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine show the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study.

Structuring white rice with gellan gum reduces the glycemic response in healthy humans (2024)
Journal Article
Alshammari, N. A., Riches, K., Muttakin, S., Hoad, C. L., Strkalj, L., Gouseti, O., Bakalis, S., Lovegrove, A., Spiller, R. C., Gowland, P. A., Aithal, G. P., Yakubov, G. E., Taylor, M. A., & Marciani, L. (2024). Structuring white rice with gellan gum reduces the glycemic response in healthy humans. Food Research International, 196, Article 115090.

White rice has a high glycemic index and its consumption has been linked to an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes mellitus, increased diabetes associated complications and obesity. In recent in vitro studies we have shown that addition of f... Read More about Structuring white rice with gellan gum reduces the glycemic response in healthy humans.

Greater hepatic lipid saturation is associated with impaired glycaemic regulation in men with metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease but is not altered by 6 weeks of exercise training (2024)
Journal Article
Willis, S. A., Malaikah, S., Bawden, S. J., Sherry, A. P., Sargeant, J. A., Coull, N. A., Bradley, C. R., Rowlands, A., Naim, I., Ennequin, G., Yates, T., Waheed, G., Gowland, P., Stensel, D. J., Webb, D. R., Davies, M. J., Aithal, G. P., & King, J. A. (2024). Greater hepatic lipid saturation is associated with impaired glycaemic regulation in men with metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease but is not altered by 6 weeks of exercise training. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 26(9), 4030-4042.

Aims: To examine the impact of impaired glycaemic regulation (IGR) and exercise training on hepatic lipid composition in men with metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). Materials and Methods: In Part A (cross‐sectional desi... Read More about Greater hepatic lipid saturation is associated with impaired glycaemic regulation in men with metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease but is not altered by 6 weeks of exercise training.

Free-breathing Functional Pulmonary Proton MRI: A Novel Approach Using Voxel-wise Lung Ventilation (VOLVE) Assessment in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (2024)
Journal Article
Peggs, Z. J., Brooke, J. P., Bolton, C. E., Hall, I. P., Francis, S. T., & Gowland, P. A. (2024). Free-breathing Functional Pulmonary Proton MRI: A Novel Approach Using Voxel-wise Lung Ventilation (VOLVE) Assessment in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

Background: In respiratory medicine, there is a need for sensitive measures of regional lung function that can be performed using standard imaging technology, without the need for inhaled or intravenous contrast agents. Purpose: To describe VOxel‐wis... Read More about Free-breathing Functional Pulmonary Proton MRI: A Novel Approach Using Voxel-wise Lung Ventilation (VOLVE) Assessment in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Genetics impact risk of Alzheimer’s disease through mechanisms modulating structural brain morphology in late life (2024)
Journal Article
Korologou-Linden, R., Xu, B., Coulthard, E., Walton, E., Wearn, A., Hemani, G., White, T., Cecil, C., Sharp, T., Tiemeier, H., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Grigis, A., Garavan, H., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Brühl, R., Martinot, J.-L., …Anderson, E. L. (2024). Genetics impact risk of Alzheimer’s disease through mechanisms modulating structural brain morphology in late life. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry,

Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-related neuropathological changes can occur decades before clinical symptoms. We aimed to investigate whether neurodevelopment and/or neurodegeneration affects the risk of AD, through reducing structural brain res... Read More about Genetics impact risk of Alzheimer’s disease through mechanisms modulating structural brain morphology in late life.

Light Cannabis Use and the Adolescent Brain: An 8-years Longitudinal Assessment of Mental Health, Cognition, and Reward Processing. (2024)
Journal Article
Macedo, I., Paiva, T. O., Pasion, R., Daedelow, L., Heinz, A., Magalhães, A., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Grigis, A., Garavan, H., Gowland, P., Brühl, R., Martinot, J.-L., Martinot, M.-L. P., Artiges, E., Nees, F., Orfanos, D. P., Paus, T., …Barbosa, F. (2024). Light Cannabis Use and the Adolescent Brain: An 8-years Longitudinal Assessment of Mental Health, Cognition, and Reward Processing. Psychopharmacology, 241, 1447-1461.

Rationale: For decades, cannabis has been the most widely used illicit substance in the world, particularly among youth. Research suggests that mental health problems associated with cannabis use may result from its effect on reward brain circuit, em... Read More about Light Cannabis Use and the Adolescent Brain: An 8-years Longitudinal Assessment of Mental Health, Cognition, and Reward Processing..

A randomised crossover trial of tezacaftor-ivacaftor for gut dysfunction in cystic fibrosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes: a pilot study (2024)
Journal Article
Ng, C., Dellschaft, N. S., Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Spiller, R., Crooks, C., Hill, T., Menys, A., Mainz, J. G., Barr, H., Gowland, P. A., Major, G., & Smyth, A. R. (2024). A randomised crossover trial of tezacaftor-ivacaftor for gut dysfunction in cystic fibrosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes: a pilot study. NIHR Open Research, 3, Article 65.

People with cystic fibrosis (CF) can experience recurrent chest infections, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and gastrointestinal symptoms. New cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) modulator drugs improve lung funct... Read More about A randomised crossover trial of tezacaftor-ivacaftor for gut dysfunction in cystic fibrosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes: a pilot study.

Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Visualization of Oral Dosage Forms in the Human Stomach: A Scoping Review (2024)
Journal Article
Akbar, T., Gershkovich, P., Stamatopoulos, K., Gowland, P. A., Stolnik, S., Butler, J., & Marciani, L. (2024). Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Visualization of Oral Dosage Forms in the Human Stomach: A Scoping Review. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 21(4), 1553-1562.

Oral dosage forms are the most widely and frequently used formulations to deliver active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), due to their ease of administration and noninvasiveness. Knowledge of intragastric release rates and gastric mixing is crucial... Read More about Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Visualization of Oral Dosage Forms in the Human Stomach: A Scoping Review.

Adolescent to young adult longitudinal development of subcortical volumes in two European sites with four waves (2024)
Journal Article
Backhausen, L. L., Fröhner, J. H., Lemaître, H., Artiges, E., Martinot, M. P., Herting, M. M., Sticca, F., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G. J., Bokde, A. L. W., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Grigis, A., Garavan, H., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Brühl, R., Nees, F., Papadopoulos‐Orfanos, D., Poustka, L., …Vetter, N. C. (2024). Adolescent to young adult longitudinal development of subcortical volumes in two European sites with four waves. Human Brain Mapping, 45(3), Article e26574.

Adolescent subcortical structural brain development might underlie psychopathological symptoms, which often emerge in adolescence. At the same time, sex differences exist in psychopathology, which might be mirrored in underlying sex differences in st... Read More about Adolescent to young adult longitudinal development of subcortical volumes in two European sites with four waves.

Mechanisms underlying the laxative effect of lactulose: A randomized placebo‐controlled trial showing increased small bowel water and motility unaltered by the 5‐HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron (2024)
Journal Article
Gunn, D., Yeldho, C., Hoad, C., Menys, A., Gowland, P., Marciani, L., & Spiller, R. (in press). Mechanisms underlying the laxative effect of lactulose: A randomized placebo‐controlled trial showing increased small bowel water and motility unaltered by the 5‐HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron. Neurogastroenterology and Motility,

Background: Lactulose is a laxative which accelerates transit and softens stool. Our aim was to investigate its mechanism of action and use this model of diarrhea to investigate the anti-diarrheal actions of ondansetron.
Methods: A double-blind, ra... Read More about Mechanisms underlying the laxative effect of lactulose: A randomized placebo‐controlled trial showing increased small bowel water and motility unaltered by the 5‐HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron.

Colon length in pediatric health and constipation measured using magnetic resonance imaging and three dimensional skeletonization (2024)
Journal Article
Sharif, H., Hoad, C. L., Abrehart, N., Gowland, P. A., Spiller, R. C., Kirkham, S., Loganathan, S., Papadopoulos, M., Benninga, M. A., Devadason, D., & Marciani, L. (2024). Colon length in pediatric health and constipation measured using magnetic resonance imaging and three dimensional skeletonization. PLoS ONE, 19(1), Article e0296311.

Recent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies showed that colonic volumes in children are different between health and functional constipation. The length of the colon has however been rarely measured and principally using unphysiological colon pre... Read More about Colon length in pediatric health and constipation measured using magnetic resonance imaging and three dimensional skeletonization.

A randomised crossover trial of tezacaftor-ivacaftor for gut dysfunction in cystic fibrosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes. (2023)
Journal Article
Ng, C., Dellschaft, N. S., Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Spiller, R., Crooks, C., Hill, T., Menys, A., Mainz, J. G., Barr, H., Gowland, P. A., Major, G., & Smyth, A. R. (2023). A randomised crossover trial of tezacaftor-ivacaftor for gut dysfunction in cystic fibrosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes. NIHR Open Research, 3(65), 1-16.


People with cystic fibrosis (CF) can experience recurrent chest infections, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and gastrointestinal symptoms. New cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) modulator drugs improve lung fun... Read More about A randomised crossover trial of tezacaftor-ivacaftor for gut dysfunction in cystic fibrosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes..