Age-related changes in muscle architecture and metabolism in humans: The likely contribution of physical inactivity to age-related functional decline
Journal Article
Shur, N. F., Creedon, L., Skirrow, S., Atherton, P. J., MacDonald, I. A., Lund, J., & Greenhaff, P. L. (2021). Age-related changes in muscle architecture and metabolism in humans: The likely contribution of physical inactivity to age-related functional decline. Ageing Research Reviews, 68, Article 101344.
In the United Kingdom (UK), it is projected that by 2035 people aged >65 years will make up 23 % of the population, with those aged >85 years accounting for 5% of the total population. Ageing is associated with progressive changes in muscle metabolis... Read More about Age-related changes in muscle architecture and metabolism in humans: The likely contribution of physical inactivity to age-related functional decline.